“At that time, the oracles have fallen, and many have orchestrated their own means of recovery. This is true of the god of slaughter, and so is the blood god.”

On the road, talking slowly with Adier, Mar continued to say, “But compared to the god of slaughter, the church of the blood moon god has long disappeared, and even the faith has been blocked. Now except for a few people, No one knows the past and glory of this deity. “

“The means of recovery left by him eventually disappeared with the fall of the Blood Moon Church, and fell into the hands of the Bloody Jazz.”

“Perhaps because of this method, the Bloody Jazz has such great confidence in himself, but at the moment, it is an immutable fact that he focuses on the Lord.”

“The few Demi-God sins are the means he sent out, and the purpose is only temptation.”

She whispered, “After the Lord has resolved those Demi-God sins, he may soon receive news and change his strategy.”

“Bloody Jazz … what is his strength?”

Quietly, Adier asked, wanting to know the details of some bloody jazz.

“On top of gold, there is a king level. The existence of this level is known as the king of their respective fields.”

Mar didn’t hesitate, and said directly, “And above the king, there is a legend, also called Legendary.”

“This bloody jazz is this level.”

“Level 4 ···” Adier’s face slowly became dignified.

Turning to this world, it is only a few months so far, even if Adier recovers very quickly, but so far it has not been worthy to reach the level of Golden Knight, which is the Level 2 wizard.

Want to restore the level 4, this will undoubtedly take a long time to accumulate.

At this time, even the fourth-order Legendary existed, even Adier couldn’t please it.

“However, there is no need to worry about his problems for the time being.”

Seeing to notice the change in Adier’s mood, Marr began to comfort: “Bloody Sir, in the past a period of time, he has been severely damaged, so for the past 300 years, he has never stepped out of his own castle, this time presumably also No exception. “

“A lot of people are staring at him here. As long as the prince is in Tam City, he can’t do it for you.”

“And when the Bloody Jazz didn’t take the shot himself, everyone else was nothing to the lord.”

“I see.” Adier nodded, while secretly relaxing in his heart, he was also a little curious: “This bloody jazz is so powerful, who can take him seriously?”

“The first king of Tamru, the strongest King of Knights, Luciu, and the high priest of the dark church …”

Marr closed her eyes first, and then slowly opened her eyes, slowly speaking two names.

Adier was suddenly shocked.

During the conversation, time passed slowly, and soon, one night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, Adier walked back to the manor, and walked towards his room according to past habits.

In front of the door of his room, a man was waiting there anxiously, turning around outside his door, his face looked very anxious.

“Sirimu, what’s wrong?”

Looking at the silhouette constantly turning around the door of the room, Adier said softly, and looked at the silhouette and asked.


Hearing the silhouette, Qian Limu was subconsciously shocked, then turned to see Adier standing not far away, and then sighed in relief gently: “You are back.”

“Some things were delayed last night, so I came back late.”

Adier said casually, and then looked at the anxious look in front of Qian Limu, and asked with some confusion, “What’s wrong?”

“Yasuo those things you caught last night.”

Qian Limu said, after seeing Adier coming back, she seemed relaxed: “Things have changed a little, Yasuo, you go and see.”

“Change?” Adier was a little confused, but looking at the picture in front of her, she was still nodded, and said, “You go back and take a rest. I am here.”

“Okay.” Qian Limu nodded, and after seeing Adier, said nothing else, turned around and was about to leave.


Looking at the silhouette of Xi Limu’s departure, it seemed to remember something, and Adier continued to say, “Help me prepare the team.”

“You’re leaving?” Cilimu asked, looking at Adier subconsciously.

“There is something to leave for a while.” Adier nodded: “Go arrange it.”

Having said this, instead of continuing to speak, he turned directly and walked towards his laboratory.

Before long, he walked to a spacious room located underground.

Adier’s laboratory in Tam City was temporarily set up, because at the beginning, he always appeared as Knight, and some things related to the mage at a glance were inconvenient to take out immediately.

In addition, the mages of the Tamuru Kingdom are not prosperous, and some items related to the mages are difficult to find, so this laboratory also looks very simple. Some of the high-precision instruments in it are missing eight-nine. Those were obtained through Ferry’s relationship.

In the central area of ​​the laboratory, there was a large white coffin-like thing, and at the moment it was constantly chilling with a little bloody smell.

Adier stepped forward, and just saw in this white coffin that some black viscous liquid had completely melted, sealed with ice, and carefully sealed here.

“Compared to last night, it seems that something has changed …”

Looking at the slowly melting black liquid, Adier frowned, then reached down with one hand and felt it carefully.

After one night, the vitality of these black creatures within the body seems to have been completely exhausted. Although it still has a little activity at this moment, the tenacious vitality of last night has disappeared, even the external nature shown It ’s completely different from last night, it looks a lot different at a glance.

“Why is that?”

Adier was a little puzzled. After a little thought, he took out a black creature sealed in an ice cube, and slowly tested it.

The final test showed simple results.

The vitality contained in these creatures inside the body is rapidly depleting, and has fallen to a critical point, causing the relatively intact structure of these things within the body to be destroyed, the balance between several different Strengths, and beginning to slowly collapse.

“Stubborn and fragile, the structure of this living body is not reasonable in itself, but that’s all artificially created, lifespan is too limited.”

Looking at the black creature, Adier shook the head, who has completely changed in appearance, there is not much surprise about this.

This kind of life is very powerful at the moment. It was defeated several times by Adier in a short period of time. It still survives tenaciously, and cannot see the limits of life.

But at the same time, this life is also very weak. Weak to such a point that less than a day has passed, this life will dissipate on its own, and the structure within it will collapse, slowly ending its short life.

Melting the ice cube in his hand, looking at the black life in his hand, Adier carefully placed it on the operating table and observed carefully.

Careful vitality is short-lived, but the power of this life is still beyond doubt. If the organizational structure within it can be studied, it is also a good supplement for Adier.

“Resentment forms a shell, driven by the power of the soul, but as the core, it is …”

Looking closely at the core, and looking at the inner core, Adier froze.

By now, these black creatures have turned into a black liquid, and there is a blood red faint flowing in it.

In the liquid, due to the destruction of the organizational structure, the various strengths in it are rapidly dissipating. Whether it is grievance, the power of the soul, or Life Energy are rapidly dissipating. Only the core is left.

“This is … god blood?”

Looking at the core of the last blood red in front of him, Adier froze for a while, and it took a long time to react.

In the Misty World, Adier inherited the memories of the once Demi-God, and is no stranger to the strength of the god.

The black liquid in front of him is essentially composed of a little faint blood.

Of course, this blood is extremely faint. If a full drop of strength contained in the blood is enough to destroy a Small World, then the black blood contained in the black monster within the body makes it impossible to destroy a stone. The essence of Strength is segmented to the extreme, and only preserves only part of its nature as a kind of exclusive oracle.

“Such weak blood and divinity, no wonder it was called Demi-God by Mar …”

Feeling the faint divine blood contained in it carefully, feeling the almost lacking Strength, Adier shook the head, a little speechless.

The so-called divine sin is a kind of creature with the nature of a deity.

Most of these creatures are related to oracles. Because they are infected with the oracle Strength, their Strength is generally strong, and some are even enough to compete with the oracle.

Now that the core of these black monsters within the body is a bit of god blood, then to a certain extent, I hate having some of the nature of the gods, and it is not an exaggeration to call them god sins.

However, the divinity possessed by these black monsters within the body is too faint, and it is so weak that it insults the name of God ini, so it is more appropriate to call it Demi-God.

“This is good news …”

Looking at the monster in the ice coffin that had become black liquid, Adier smiled.

The divinity contained in these black monsters within the body is too sparse, and even if they are all extracted, it has no effect on ordinary people.

Even with the passage of time, if there is no external force, these divine blood with weak divinity will slowly dissipate and disappear directly.

But for Adier, these faint deities have other functions.

“The experiments that have been done on the power of the soul, after this world, it’s time to verify.”

Standing in front of the test bench, feeling the power of the slaughter inside the body, Adier murmured and said so.

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