In the quiet laboratory, a faint blood red shimmering.

On the test bench, thick black liquid was shaking, just like a living life, and the liquid in it continued to stretch out small tentacles, and then slowly turned into the original liquid.

A tiny array stands in front of it, emitting pure elemental particles, and continuously opposing the Strength present in this black liquid, slowly purifying its essence, all the extra impurities are scattered, leaving only That core point.

After a few hours, the black liquid in the place has disappeared completely, and the scarlet red, which is invisible to ordinary people, has begun to appear in place, and a unique breath has begun to spread slowly.

This crimson is very faint, if an ordinary person is standing here, he will not find this unique color at all, it is already thin to the extreme.

Even Adier is able to observe the core of this point by magnifying the field of vision with a huge Spirit force.

“But even the meager, this is the true blood …”

Through the huge Spirit power, I felt this little divine blood. Adier gently sighed without much mind, directly extending the hand, and the white palm pressed toward that little divine blood.

In the process, his palm automatically opened a mouth, the wound on it was exposed, and a little bit of crimson blood escaped, blended with that little blood, and turned it into his own blood.

After doing this, Adier put away Strength again, and recovered the blood that escaped from the body again, all contained in himself within the body.

Along with this process, a touch of crimson blood also entered within the body of Adier.

Compared with normal blood, this crimson blood is very different. It looks extremely pure. There is a crimson that reaches the extreme. It looks like a pure ruby. It is beautiful and touching, and it is impressive. Feel different the first time.

“Although it is too meager, it is also blood of God, which is essentially equivalent to the blood of Slaughter that Orff broke into my within the body.”

Feeling the divine blood entering within the body, Adier indifferently said: “Through this meager divine blood as a medium, and then through the secret method I once studied, it should be possible to transform the power of the slaughter inside the body …”

He thought faintly, and then quietly observed the changes within the body.

In his body, accompanied by the dripping of the blood, this blood seems to be instinctively recovering. The Strength contained in it begins to grow, and some Strength that absorbs Adier within the body begins to transform and expand itself. .

And that Strength is the vitality in Adier’s body.

“Even if there is only such a small amount of flesh and blood, the vitality of instinctively drawing foreign creatures continues to grow, and none of these deities really leave a mess …”

“But that’s it …”

Feeling the meager spirit of blood within the body, Adier shook the head.

After all, this divine blood is too meager, and the divine Strength contained in it is too fragile. Even if it recovers to the limit, it will not play much Strength.

Moreover, the reason why this drop of god blood recovered in Adier within the body was not because of its vitality.

“This drop of blood is consuming the source of my body …”

Feeling the change on the body carefully, through the keen sense of the body’s ability, finally, Adier made such a judgment.

With the revival of the blood inside the body, on Adier, his original source of power is slowly disappearing, and the source of power is slowly being swallowed up by this drop of blood.

The speed of this swallowing is very slow. Compared to the huge source of power on Adier, even one hair from nine oxen is not enough. If you do n’t feel it carefully, you ca n’t feel it, but it does exist. .

And with the consumption of power, in Adier within the body, this point of blood has also begun to grow, starting from the original thin point of blood slowly.

“Source power is the foundation for the growth of Divine Blood. As for the vitality that is swallowed up, is it just the raw materials consumed in the growth process?

Feeling the change within the body, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and after a moment of contemplation, he made a decision.

“Try it out.”

With the movement of mind, in the Adier within the body, a brilliant light flashed, and the huge source of force that started to change on him began to change. A large amount of thick source of force turned into a drop of purple liquid, which was manipulated by Adier. Straight down to merge with that little blood.


Like what happened, in Adier within the body, that drop of blood suddenly changed.

A little blood-red light began to bloom. In a flash, the drop of divine blood rapidly expanded, and its volume increased by a thousand times in an instant, from the original tiny volume to a drop of blood visible to the naked eye.

Then Adier felt a sense of weakness.

Inside his body, as the strength of the Divine Blood grows, the speed at which his vitality is devoured is constantly increasing, and at this moment it has increased dozens of times.

“Really horrible …”

Feeling the change on his body, Adier shook the head, and then his mind moved, the imprint of his power flashed off, which directly cut off the infusion channel of the source force and stopped the downward trend of the source force.

Different from the ontology, this avatar does not have the strength to collect the source power. All the source power comes from the supply of the ontology. It can be said that it costs a little bit to supplement it.

If all was swallowed up by this little blood, then Adier would probably lose a lot.

Moreover, he did not want this drip of blood to continue to grow.

Carefulness and vigilance are all required by the oracle.

If this drop of divine blood grows to Peak, it may not be possible to revive the former god’s will on Adier’s body, and then it will be very troublesome.

Within the body is a drop of slaughter’s blood, and Adier has already felt very troublesome. If there is another one, I am afraid the situation will be even worse.

“After the end of the supply of source power, this drop of god blood no longer grows, but at the same time no longer devours my vitality, but slowly feeds back a little Strength to me …”

After staying in the laboratory for a while and carefully observing the changes within the body, Adier flashed a thought: “It seems to be devouring vitality. This kind of situation can only happen when the blood of God grows. When I cut off the source After the blood of God is no longer growing, my vitality will not continue to flow. “

“This is the end of the observation phase, and we can move on to the next phase …”

This thought flashed through my mind, and at Adier within the body, a long period of quiet strength began to recover.

The power of the bloody slaughter began to boil. Before that, it had been silent under the suppression of Adier’s huge Spirit and the power of will, but at this moment it began to recover. Some of the Strength was pulled by Adier, followed by a certain trajectory, and slowly poured into the drop. On the crimson blood.

The huge Spirit power started to run, a miniature array was constructed silently, was engraved deep in the body, suppressed with a little pure willpower, and completely isolated that drop of blood.

After doing this, Adier has no other actions, but just silently observes within the body and observes the changes within the body.

Under the influence of Adier’s Spirit, in his within the body, with the drop of crimson blood, it was silent first, and then began to recover slowly under the operation of the secret method.

The power of the slaughter injected into that point started to disappear, and it was replaced by a brand new Strength.

This Strength is also blood red, but it is completely different from the power of the slaughter.

If it is said that the power of the former slaughter is filled with a slaughter’s violent will, then this blood red power contains the absolute Strength, without any external influence of the will, all it has is just The corresponding strength transformed by the blood of God is not included in the will of the god.

If it is said that absorbing the power of slaughter, sooner or later it will become the slave of the god of slaughter, and become a lunatic who only knows about slaughter. Then, absorbing the power of the bloodstream in front of you will not have such serious consequences, and will only produce weak The impact that’s all.

“Strictly speaking, in fact, it is not safe to absorb this Strength. If it lasts for a long time, it may also be affected by the owner of this blood, but it is better than the strength of the Slaughter. I do n’t know how much.”

Feeling this Strength quietly, Adier murmured in his heart: “And, this is also what I can currently do, the fastest way to improve my strength …”

When he came to Tam City, he always felt a sense of urgency.

The first king of Tamru, the bloody jazz, the sacrifices of the dim church, the frequent movements of the night watchman church, and the son of the slaughter who will come to you sooner or later …

These existences gave Adier a strong sense of crisis.

With the threat of these things, if Adier continues to become stronger step by step, the danger is too great.

And in order to become strong as soon as possible, to reach the point of self-protection as soon as possible, it is necessary to take a little risk.

“Left and right is a clone, even if it really hangs, it doesn’t affect me too much, but it loses a little source of power that’s all!”

“But right now, if you miss it, you don’t know when to wait next time!”

Adier eyes opened, his will firmed instantly.

This world, at this moment, is undergoing strong changes. Many gods are silent and still waiting for recovery.

At this time, if you can’t take the lead and become strong before those gods revive, the next time you may come back is to face the gods who return to Peak.

For Adier, this is an extremely rare opportunity. To take advantage of it, taking a little risk is nothing.

With the movement of the mind, the faint blood red power began to flow, and the Spirit force that was originally suppressed was completely released, allowing the blood red power to slowly integrate into the body.

In an instant, Adier Spirit jumped, and within his body, a change began to occur.

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