The faint blood red power slowly flowed along with the flow of blood to Adier’s whole body, then slowly disappeared in the blood circulation over and over again, and quietly merged into Adier’s body.

Along with this process, Adier’s body changed silently, the flesh and blood in it became strong, and it continued to strengthen at a slow but firm speed, much faster than when Adier was cultivation alone.


Feeling the continuous strength of the body, Adier’s eyes brightened, and then the suppression of Spirit was further released, and the power of the slaughter within the body continued to surge, and continued to flow toward that drop of blood.

With the continuous transformation of the power of slaughter, the bits of crimson power are continuously transformed from the blood of crimson gods, and slowly injected into Adier’s body, so that his already powerful body has reached a new level.

“At this rate, I can reach the Peak of Radiant Knight for a maximum of three months …”

Feeling the constant strength of his body, Adier muttered to himself.

In the previous months, the strength of his slaughter within the body had been accumulated, but was suppressed by him, unable to be absorbed by him, but suppressed deep in the body.

Until now, after possessing the blood of other deities, he had the means to see the performance of these slaughter, and finally put the power of these slaughter into use.

“Until now, what restricts me to become stronger is actually a lack of slaughter power …”

Quietly standing up from the front of the laboratory bench, feeling the power of the slaughter within the body diminishing, Adier murmured.

Previously, because the power of the slaughter affected his own will, Adier has deliberately reduced the slaughter and did not allow the power of the slaughter within the body to increase to a threshold, so as not to be affected by the will of the god of the slaughter.

But until now, after having the means to transform the power of the slaughter, Adier has to suspect that the power of the slaughter within the body is scarce.

This change was strange, making Adier shook the head and a bitter smile on his face.

“The rapid growth of the power of slaughter is nothing more than rapid slaughter, but it is easy to cause trouble under normal circumstances.”

The behavior of slaughter itself is simple, but the things that it leads to are very complicated.

The simple thing is that this world is full of people. If you want to kill people, it can’t be easier for powerful people like Adier.

Complicated, but refers to the consequences of slaughter itself.

The simplest example is Orff.

As the Pope of the Slaughter Church, this one himself is absolutely powerful. In Adier’s view, his strength has definitely reached Legendary, which is the fourth order.

However, even if it is so powerful, after successively slaying the city, facing the church encirclement on the whole continent and the blatant rejection of the nobles of various countries, it has become a public enemy, shouted and killed by the entire World, as long as Dare to come forward, immediately besieged to death.

If Adier dares to make a mess, Orff’s end is a lesson learned.

“Slaughter civilians are too risky. Once they are discovered, they are immediately reduced to street mice …”

Thinking of Orff’s end now, Adier slowly lost his thoughts: “But as before, it is not a long-term plan to kill those prisoners exclusively.”

After all, the number of prisoners is limited. Even if it is a king such as Tam City, there are not many prisoners held in prisons. A few hundred people will be the best.

This amount is nothing at all for Adier.

“It is necessary to kill just, open and honorable, but also to have a sufficient number. The right place seems to be the battlefield …”

After a moment of meditation, Adier raised the idea: “Of course, some demon heterogeneous gathering places, although scarce, but powerful, are equally appropriate to count.”

He raised the thought in his heart, then slowly got up and walked outside.

The moment Adier got up and was about to leave.

In the distance, in a deep castle in the mountain range, a little change is taking place.

A faint blood-red light began to emerge, and an inexplicable wave of waves scattered around, so that one of them was immediately alert.

“The power of the Blood Moon has begun to recover, who is it!”

In the spacious hall, a huge blood red crystal stands quietly in the center, and under it is a huge pool filled with liquids of various colors.

The intense bloody air rose into the sky, but the silhouette next to the crystal didn’t care about it, just stood up straight and stared diligently to a corner in the distance.

Through the faint blood red shimmer in the hall, this silhouette appeared slowly.

This is an old man who looks very old. His hair is completely pale, his body is thin and thin, as horrible as skinny, as if his flesh has disappeared.

He was wearing a blood-red robe, his turbid eyes condensed into the distance, and his long pale hair fluttered in the wind. At this moment, the complexion grave and stern seemed to penetrate the isolation of the castle and looked into the distant distance.

“The reaction of the blood moon god’s divine power sounded. Is the descendant of the blood moon god starting to awaken? Or the sacrificial revival of the blood moon god?”

He looked to the distance, and a blood-red robe fluttered in the wind. At this moment, he felt the weak divine reaction rising from the distance, and a sense of urgency began to rise.

Because of the distance, he could not accurately capture the source of the divine response, but only roughly sensed that the divine response exists within the Kingdom of Tamru.

“Ka Luciu, my old friend, is it yours?”

He looked in the direction of Tam City in the distance, and the appearance of a brave youth in front of him appeared, making his face a little bit jealous.

There was a huge hollow in his chest, and at this moment a faintly discernable pain was faintly heard, which made him sting, and then turned to look at the center of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, a huge blood pool stands quietly in it. At this moment, the blood in it is almost filled, and the huge crystal in the center is enveloped together.

And inside the huge red blood crystal, a tiny silhouette stood quietly in it.

It was a small girl who looked like only four or five years old.

The little girl has long red blood, her skin is pale and pale, and she looks exquisite to the extreme. No matter anyone sees it, she will be amazed from the bottom of her heart, and lament how there is such a perfect girl.

She wasn’t wearing any clothes, so she stood among the blood red crystals, her eyes closed, and she seemed to be in deep sleep.

An incomparably noble, incomparably long and magnificent breath spread from her, and this place was faintly transformed into a Danger Land, except for some unique and powerful life, no one could approach her.

Standing quietly, looking at the little girl sleeping in the crystal in front of her eyes, greed and longing appeared on the old man’s face.

“Coming soon … coming soon … you are mine soon …”

He looked at the little girl sleeping in the crystal in front of him, and what he revealed was deep desire and greed.


“Suitable place to grow the power of slaughter …”

In Adier’s manor, sitting in a small garden pavilion, listening to the questions asked by Adier, Mar was surprised, as if surprised.

In an instant, through the question asked by Adier, she instantly associated with the blood of Slaughter on Adier.

However, she did n’t ask at all what she asked, just a moment of contemplation, and then opened the mouth and said: “The growth of the power of slaughter depends on slaughter. To achieve this, we must find a place with many lives.”

“Continent was originally very suitable, but there are many churches on continent, and once they are slaughtered, they will immediately become public enemies.”

“But where there is no church rule, it can be tried …”

“There is no place for church rule, for example?” Adier nodded, curiously asked.

“The kingdom of the gods, and … the abyss …” Marr did not sell Guanzi, and said his answer directly.

“The kingdom of God and the abyss …” Adier frowned, quickly flashing information about the two in his mind.

Neither the kingdom of gods nor the abyss is a good place.

The god’s kingdom is a world created by the gods. Often there are a lot of god prayers and creatures kept by the gods, which are extremely unfriendly to outsiders who are not believers in the gods.

And the abyss is not a good place either.

This is the source of the devil, and also the dirt place of the World. Everything is extremely evil, cruel, horrible, violent. It is as common as eating and drinking in that place.

It was a famous place of disorder, a place of great chaos and evil, and a place of notorious evil.

“After the great chaos in ancient times, most of the gods’ kingdoms have accidents at this moment, either broken or falling. They have lost the glory of the year …”

Looking at Adier, Marr said, “Some kingdoms are broken, the original huge world has been broken into pieces, and turned into many small planes, and displayed outside the main world.”

“Some kingdoms of gods have fallen because of the fall of the gods, and the laws within them have changed greatly. Among them, the living gods care for the fallen life, and there is no past glory.

“As for the abyss, it is also a place suitable for slaughter …”

She slowly said, “There is no order in the abyss. A demon has been in slaughter from birth. He is the most suitable to go here if you want to seek slaughter.”

“Of course, going to these two places is equally extremely difficult …”

“The kingdom of the gods, because the gods fell in the past, and because the time has passed too long, most of them have shifted from their original positions at this moment. Those broken gods fragments do n’t know where they went, it ’s difficult to find Big.”

“As for the abyss, it is also difficult for outsiders to enter.”

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