“The abyss is at the bottom of the World, its existence is suppressed by the entire World, and few stable channels appear …”

In the spacious room, looking at Adier in front of him, Marr looked dignified, and said, “To enter the abyss, at least one demon lord-level abyss demon has to actively open the passage for you, and it is possible to enter.”

“Even, it’s not over.”

Her face was dignified, and she seemed to recall some horrible pictures. A face with some paleness: “The abyss is full of horrible strength of Chaos. Once outsiders enter it, they will be affected by its omnipresent strength of Chaos. , Slowly assimilated, and eventually fell into the abyss-like demonic existence. “

“This is the Strength that even the gods fear!”

Having said that, Marr had a bitter smile on his face: “If it wasn’t for this, Orff wouldn’t have worked hard in the Lord World to toss, and it would not be better to take the entire Slaughter Church directly to the abyss.”

“Abyss …”

Hearing here, Adier frowned, and after thinking about it, he suddenly thought of someone: “I know a person who may be able to open the passage through the abyss …”

“Who?” A stunned expression appeared on Mar’s face.

“The devil in a pub …” Adier said, looking at Mar.

That night, near the early hours, outside the old wind nest tavern, the two silhouettes approached slowly.

“This pub … weird …”

Leaning next to Adier, wearing a black clothed cloth, and staring at the pub in front of him quietly, Mar couldn’t help frowned: “The power of my destiny can see many things, no matter how secretive it is, as long as I can see a little clue, Can be found by me … “

“But this pub is different …”

She frowned, with deep doubts on her face: “I can’t see the past of this pub. No one can see through … “

Aside, hearing her say that, Adier was a little surprised.

He came to this tavern several times and had already expected the mystery of this tavern.

The reason why this time brought Marr together, there are also some ideas that want Marr to see the details of this pub.

Unexpectedly, even Mar, who was the caller of fate, could not see through the details of this tavern.

Adier has a deep understanding of Marr’s Strength in his previous dealings.

That is the horrifying ability to peep at the essence of things directly from destiny. As long as she has the heart, she can see the truth directly from the surface and see the truth from the clues. To the thrilling.

Whether it was the bloody jazz’s plan or everything that happened around her, she could find it if she wanted to.

But this time, in this little pub, she just missed it.

“Mostly related to the existence of the level of the deities, and not the ordinary deities …”

After standing in place for a long time, Marr said solemnly and said: “In my current Strength, as long as he is willing to pay the price, I can see through the existence of all the deities.”

“The only thing that can’t be seen, except for some special existences, is that it only involves the oracle …”

She said solemnly, the first time she was so cautious.

“Isn’t this normal …”

Adier looked up and looked at this old and run-down old tavern: “Many gods are about to revive and return, and the means left by each and everyone are all starting …”

“This pub is probably something left by a deity.”

He spoke flatly, so he said, looking at it all.

Mar, on the other hand, was a bit depressed. As a destiny caller, she obviously had obsessive-compulsive disorder. It was the most uncomfortable to encounter such things that she wanted to know but could not know.

But in the end, looking at Adier who stepped into it, she could only grit her teeth and walk in with Adier.

Step into it and the familiar layout comes into view.

In the rather spacious hall, several old wooden tables are on display, with each and everyone drinking a lot of it, making the atmosphere noisy and fiery.

Glancing at the central hall slightly, Adier turned and looked directly behind him.


A faint surprise came from behind.

Behind Adier, somewhere other than several meters, a woman wearing a black maid uniform, dressed up with a charming look and a delicate and beautiful appearance was standing there, exuding a strong charm from all over her.

She stood there, her uniform was tight, and she showed a good figure. She just smiled and looked at Adier who turned around suddenly, surprised: “How did you know that I was behind you?”

“I look like … haven’t made a sound?”

Looking at Adier standing upright in front of him, Shame’s face had a curious smile, some curiously asked.

“I didn’t find it, I just guessed.”

Looking at Sam in front of him, Adier shook the head, his face seemed calm: “In my hometown, there are often people who like you to be scary behind you.”

“Really? That’s very interesting.”

Sham laughed, then walked forward, took out a wooden chair from one side, and then sat down directly: “Well, this familiar slaughter believer, please come over this time, if there is anything else to ask me What about? “

“I want to open the way to the abyss.”

Looking at sitting alone in front of his eyes, he looked relaxed and beautiful, Sam, and Adier asked calmly.

“Open the passage to the abyss?”

Hearing this request, Sam shuddered, and then looked at Adier’s eyes suddenly changed, as if seeing a lunatic: “This is not a good idea.”

“A place like the abyss is dirty and horrible. Even the aborigines who grew up in the abyss never want to stay there for long.”

“You don’t need to worry about such things.”

Adier shook the head, silently looking at Sham in front of me: “I just want to know if you can help me …”

“Of course there are ways …”

Silently for a while, Sam suddenly smiled on his face: “Not many people can do this to open the passage to the abyss.”

“But it just so happened that I happen to be able to do it.”


She was paused, and seemed to be hinting: “The consumption of opening the channel is great …”

“How much do you need? Just speak.”

Looking at Sham in front, Adier indifferently said.

“Three hundred good or evil souls.”

Glancing at Adier, Sam laughed, saying so.

“Is your price higher?”

A voice sounded suddenly, coming from behind Adier.

Behind Adier, looking at the Sam sitting in front of him, Mar was wearing a black robe and a mask on his face. The voice at the moment was hoarse and fuzzy, making it difficult to hear the specific voice: “As far as I know , To open the price of the abyss channel, the standard price only needs the soul of an ordinary person. “

“Not only do you want three hundred, but you also want the ultimate soul.”

Hearing his voice, Sam raised his head unexpectedly, looking at Marr behind Adier, then laughed: “So what?”

“With the siege of many churches in this area, can you find the next person to open the channel for you in a short time?”

“And, compared to others, it is always safer to trade with me.”

Sam laughed, then looked at Adier: “Right.”

Looking at her appearance, Marsh shook the head and wanted to continue to speak, but was stopped by Adier.

Standing in place, Adier was more lazy to talk nonsense, but just threw a crystal from his arms.

The crystal is pure black, and it looks like a pure black gemstone, beautiful and full of ink-like pure black.

Above the crystal, with gaze, countless faces seemed to emerge, wailing and painful howling.

“Two hundred marks the soul of the wicked, and the remaining one hundred, I will give it to you in two days.”

Looking at Sam in front of him, Adier said lightly, “Are you all right?”

“Of course, this is fair, isn’t it?”

Sham shrugged, looking at the black crystal in front of him, and kissed gently, a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

After a while, she looked at Adier and Marr in front of her. After thinking about it, she opened the mouth and said, “I need two days to prepare, and you come here again in two days.”

“it is good.”

Adier nodded, without asking further, took Mar directly, and walked outside.

Watching his silhouette leave, Sam sits in place, watching the silhouette of him leaving, the smile on his face is even brighter.

“Master, we need to be careful.”

Outside the pub, a sense of faintly discernable peeping and suppression suddenly disappeared. Mar gently sighed in relief, looking at the Adier in front of her, before she persuaded: “The residents from the abyss are not credible. If this woman is, You have to be careful. “

“I know.” Adier nodded, turning to look at the tavern not far behind him: “I’ll be careful.”

“Rest assured, even if this woman is in trouble, I have a way to come back again, and lose a little at most, without too much danger.”

“It’s just that place, do you see clearly?”

Looking at Mar, he continued to ask.


Marsh shook the head: “This tavern brought me a lot of oppression. In it, most of my abilities were abnormal, and I was suppressed by the strength contained in it, and I couldn’t see much.”

“However, I can faintly feel that the body of this tavern may be a powerful Divine Artifact.”

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