“Divine Artifact ?”

Adier’s expression calmed, and the guess was a little unexpected.

“Yes, Divine Artifact …”

Mar’s face was also a little dignified, and she turned back to look at the Wind Nest Tavern not far away, with some enthusiasm in her eyes: “In that pub, I felt a strong divine power suppression, and a mighty will, absolutely Belongs to the deity … “

“That will is still asleep, but just a little bit of majesty leaked out, leaving the power of destiny in my possession unable to move and see nothing.”

Speaking of this, she had a bitter smile on her face, and then she said, “This pub is probably also decorated by a shrine. If possible, try to contact this pub as little as possible in the future.”

“I understand.” Adier’s frown soothed, looking at Mard Nodded, expressing understanding.

Before leaving, he finally looked at the pub in the distance, and then left Mar with him and walked in the direction he came.

Time passed by bit by bit. In the silence, most of the time passed.

In the early morning, Adier just got up and was about to pick up his sword and go out for a drill. He received the news from the palace.

“Is this news from Gruul Prince?”

Looking at the servant in front of him, Adier’s face looked surprised.


In front of him, a young attendant was half-kneeling, and now he looked respectfully at Adier and said, “It was a letter written by Gruul Prince himself last night. He personally instructed me to deliver this letter to you. Hands. “

Hearing here, Adier nodded, said nothing, directly opened the letter wrapped in oil paper in front of the attendant, and then looked up.

“The battle in the south has rolled up again. Two days ago, I received news from the southern Carlo area that the Duke of Nesser had already set off at this moment and was now heading north.”

“My friend, it is likely that a big battle will break out in the near future, and there may be some affairs in the palace. Please be careful …”

“In addition, your elder sister seems to want to see you recently, if you are free recently, come to see her in the palace …”

“Your friend, Gruel …”

Looking at this letter, Adier groaned for a while, then looked up, looked at the attendant in front of him, and said seemingly casually: “When was the time when Prince Gruul gave the letter to you, What is he doing? “

“Time?” After listening to Adier’s words, the attendant was a little strange, but he recalled it seriously, and then opened the mouth and said: “It was about the evening of the early morning, and His Highness was in the study at that time.”

“This way …” Adier nodded, signaled, and then pretended to ask something else unintentionally.

It wasn’t until a while before that he would get up and personally send away the servants in front of him, making the servants in front of him somewhat flattered.

Sending the servant out the door all the way, looking at the servant who was far away, Adier was lost in thought.

“Gruel …”

In his heart he murmured, a strange sense of uneasiness emerged.

“The writing on the envelope carries the unique secret form of the Ba Kulu family, but after reading it in secret, it can’t read anything, Gruul, what do you want to tell me?”

Recalling what was written on the letter, Adier frowned.

The so-called secret language is a language format specially selected by nobles for confidentiality. Often, each noble family has a specific set, and only the core members of their own family can understand it.

The body occupied by Adier is also a long inherited nobleman, and there is also a simple set of whispers in the family.

Gruul, as the son-in-law of the Ba Kulu family, is surrounded by a body member of Adier, and it is not surprising to know this secret.

In the letter sent by Gruul, Adier found the trace of the secret word.

However, after using cipher words to interpret it, it is impossible to interpret the complete content.

This unique situation made Adier frown, and felt strange.

For a long time, the grasp of timing has made Adier a little alert, and he feels that there is some change around him.


At the next moment, he turned abruptly, his long sword suddenly scabbed from the blast, and a sword was cut down directly.

Silver long sword Huo Huo came forward, the huge silver sword qi pushed down, and suddenly brought the surrounding huge elemental particles down to pressure, emitting a roar in the mid-air, making people tinnitus.

Under this sword, the person hidden in a certain corner can no longer hide, showing his body directly.

A little girl suddenly appeared from the corner, wearing a patchy tattered robe, and looked dirty, and the whole person looked like a little beggar.

She hurried out of the corner, with anxiety and fear on her face, staring blankly at the sword that Adier had cut, a small mouth slightly open, and shouting out loud.

what! ! !

An astonishing shout sounded fiercely in place.

With a bang, the little girl sat directly on the ground, a little face was dull, and a face was full of fear.

It wasn’t until after a while that she reacted and raised her hand blankly: “I … I’m not dead?”

“Not only did not die, but lived well.” A voice came from the front.

Looking at the little girl who fell to the ground, Adier put away the long sword and walked forward quietly. Although his face was calm, his eyes were a little surprised: “What are you doing here?”

“And still this dress …”

The little girl then reacted, gently relaxed, and looked at Adier in front of her a little angry: “Is it scary and fun? Good, why scare me !!!”

“I didn’t scare you.”

Adier shook the head calmly, then extended his right hand and pointed away.

In the direction he directed, the little girl looked into the distance.

I saw a silhouette lying there quietly in the far corner.

It was a silhouette in a black robe, looking like an adult woman, but with black hair all over her body, her face gaunt and terrifying, as stiff as a dead body, with a rotten smell.

And on the chest of this silhouette, a sharp sword mark clearly appeared on it, almost splitting it into two halves.

“Monster ···”

Seeing the silhouette in the distance, the little girl’s face suddenly turned pale, and her eyes showed deep fear and anxiety.

“You have been here for ten minutes since you just came here. During this time, this thing has been behind you, but because of my presence, I didn’t start with you …”

Adier turned around, staring at the little girl in front of him. “Since it’s all here, what have you been doing for so long?”

“I’m not … I’m afraid you can’t beat this monster …”

When I heard Adier say this, the little girl talked a little bit, and then seemed to remember something, with a loss on her face: “This monster is very difficult to deal with, even if it is a silver Knight, it may not be an opponent …” · “

“So you are worried that I am not an opponent, and you want to steer the monster away and come to me again?”

Hearing what the little girl said, Adier shook the head, instead of delving into the topic, he said, “Say, what’s going on?”

“How do you become like this after a good apprenticeship?”

The little girl in front of her is actually a trainee sacrifice that Adier has seen several times, and her name is Kitty.

When the girl first met, the girl had a bad attitude because of Adier’s dark sacrifice shot, but then the time passed. As Adier’s connection with the dim church deepened, the impression on both sides also eased.

“It’s Hilda elder sister who asked me to come to you …”

Looking at Adier in front of her, Kitty’s expression looked a little lost, and her eyes were faintly fearful: “There was something unexpected in the church.

“To solve this, Hilda elder sister asked me to sneak out and come to you …”

As she spoke, she took one after another from her arms and carefully placed it on Adier’s hand: “This is the letter that Hirna elder sister asked me to give you, and she said it would understand as long as you saw it. “

As she spoke, a little scarlet flashed through her eyes, just like a scarlet ruby, with a bit of strange light.

This is also coming and going fast, almost within 0,1% of the time, even ordinary people are difficult to detect even powerful Knight.

“After sending the letter, I should think of a way back …”

Passing the letter to Adier in front of her, Kitty secretly relaxed, then dragged her feet and began to run away, seemingly ready to send the letter to the next place.

Behind him, standing still, Adier watched the girl leave quietly, and her face did not change much from beginning to end.

A sharp light passed by, and with the sound of whistling sounds.

Ahead, Kitty stopped, slowly lowered her head and looked at her chest.

Between her chest, a silver long sword had penetrated her chest, piercing directly from his chest.

There was a little blood flowing, and Kitty didn’t have the slightest expression on her face, but she turned around quietly and glanced at Adier: “How did you find out?”

“It’s a bit wrong.” Adier’s voice came behind him.

He walked in expressionlessly, looking at what the little girl looked like: “And, I just tried that’s all.”

“If you kill it wrong, there is naturally a way to save you …”

“It’s cruel …” Kitty opened her mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end she couldn’t say anything.

Because on the long sword, a little pure Life Energy is rippling, and the Strength contained in it completely erupts, destroying all the organs inside her directly.

The huge Battle Qi was rippling in place, and after a moment, Kitty suddenly changed her look.

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