The huge Battle Qi swelled in place, and the next moment, the scene in the place suddenly changed.

Under Adier’s gaze, Kitty’s appearance suddenly changed, and her body shape changed dramatically, becoming a smaller but scary monster.


Looking at the monster wearing a set of girl’s clothing under his eyes, Adier looked strange and inexplicably funny.

“Adult, what happened?”

In the distance, Sirima’s voice came quickly, accompanied by a rush of footsteps: “What happened?”


Adier indifferently said: “Let’s clean this up.”

As the words fell, he didn’t mean to stay where he was, and he turned straight and walked towards his room.

When he reached his room, he sat down gently, then took out the letter brought by the previous ghoul and opened it gently.

A line of delicate and pretty handwriting appeared in front of her eyes. Looking at it, it should be written by a girl.

However, although the delicate and pretty handwriting on it looks good, it also carries some amaranth. The pen and ink marks on it are very heavy, and it should be very hasty when writing.

“It’s Hilna’s handwriting …”

Looking at the letter in front of him, Adier frowned.

The development of this matter is getting stranger.

The dim church sent someone to deliver the letter. The letter was true, but the sender was fake.

“what is this?”

Sitting in place, he shook the head, speechless for a moment, and then inexplicably thought of the situation over Gruul.

In addition to the dim church, Gruhr also had someone bring him a letter with a strong hint. It seemed to tell him something and secretly reminded him to go to the palace.

“Based on the worst case scenario, assuming both the dim church and the Tamuru palace are in trouble at the moment, what is the significance of these two letters?”

Sitting still, Adier was lost in thought: “Hirna sent me to the dim church to rescue, while Gruul sent me to the palace …”

This situation is very weird.

If the dim church and the Tamru palace are attacked at the same time, as the secret mastermind, the most important thing to do at this moment is not to leak a little wind, and wait until the matter is resolved before solving Adier.

If the strength of the secret mastermind is not enough to suppress the dark church’s strength of Tamru, it would be that’s all to let the two parties secretly send out news at the same time, but this is not the case.

Fortunately, Gruul said that he might have noticed something secretly and sent a message to Adier. But Hilna was different.

Hilna’s letter had fallen from the dim church into the hands of a ghoul, indicating that in fact, the other party had noticed her intention to rescue, but in the end he still delivered the letter to him.

This inexplicable situation is really incredible.

“Unless, for the dim church and the kingdom of Tamru, it is basically two forces …”

Standing up from the ground, Adier raised the thought in his heart: “It may be one side that surrounds the dim church, and the other side may send the letter to me.”

“What is their purpose?”

Sitting quietly in place, a long time later, Adier shook the head.

The situation was coming so fast that Adier was so confused that he didn’t know much about it and naturally couldn’t analyze the situation.

However, there is a good helper beside him.

Not long after, with a rapid sound of footsteps, an ugly but plump female silhouette appeared and walked directly into Adier’s room.

“Mar, you came just right.”

Looking at the person, Adier nodded, was trying to say something.

“Master’s doubts, I already know.”

Striding to Adier, Mar’s face was dignified: “This time the situation is dangerous.”

“Destiny’s Strength has given me feedback. This time, there will be real deities involved.”

“God …” Adier’s eyes narrowed, his face changed for the first time.

“When an adult called me, there was a sight in my head somehow.”

Marr looked dignified and stood in front of Adier and continued to speak, “The vast blood covered the sky. Under the influence of a blood, the entire city of Tam was turned into a dead city, with corpses and wrecks everywhere.”

“So horrible …” Adier got up from where he was and listened to Mar’s words, his face became more dignified.

“I recommend leaving immediately.”

Mar went on, and said solemnly, “The situation in Tam City today is not something that outsiders can easily participate in. Once we are involved, I am afraid it will be very dangerous.”

“Leave at this time, I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Adier yelled, and then looked at the two letters in front of him: “I’m afraid the two secret masterminds are already following me.”

“Let’s go to Wind Nest Pub!”

Settled, standing still, he gently opened the mouth and said.

“Okay.” Marr nodded, and instantly understood Adier’s intentions.

Without hesitation, they immediately got up and drove the carriage outward.

There are many pedestrians on the road. From time to time, there are laughter of children and women, and there is no sign of impending destruction.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier had no waves in his mind, but he concentrated on Strength in the deep of his body, mobilized the faint blood moon godliness, and transformed the power of the huge slaughter inside the body into pure blood Use the power of the moon.

The huge power of Luna is constantly washing in within the body, as the blood flows continuously, like a stream, for a while, wandering and washing in Adier’s within the body.


A little faintly discernable isolation was broken in an instant. The next moment, Adier slowly opened his eyes, and a little accident flashed in his eyes.

“It’s almost time to Peak 3 …”

Quietly feeling the strong Strength on his body, Adier slowly opened his eyes, murmured in his heart.

Not long ago, he had just been promoted to Level 3, but until now, he is approaching Level 3 Peak.

The speed of this horror, even for Adier, is very fast.

“Unfortunately, at this step, the power of the slaughter accumulated earlier is almost exhausted.”

Feeling the emptiness within the body, he mumbled to himself.

At this moment in his body, he originally occupied an area in his heart, in which the power of the original slaughter had disappeared in a large swath, leaving only the remaining blood red of little by little.

According to the current extraction speed, the fastest slaughter power will disappear as soon as three days, and Adier will transform it into blood power.

Thanks to the power of these daughters, Adier’s Strength is also rapidly changing, and is approaching the Peak of Level 3.

The carriage in front of me is still moving.

It didn’t take long for Adier to see a very old but huge pub in front of his eyes.

Above the pub, the sign of the Wind Nest Pub is hanging on it, and it looks a little dusty at the moment.

Quietly off the carriage, Adier looked up and looked at the huge sign in front of him.

I don’t know if it is an illusion. From this huge signboard, Adier always felt a huge pressure coming, which made him feel a strange sense of oppression.

Before you can think about it, a silhouette appears slowly in front of you.

Standing in the tavern, Sam was wearing a long black dress, with a charming smile on his face at the moment, just standing there, watching the Adier’s arrival quietly.

“You’re coming so fast.”

She looked up silently, looking at Adier and Mar, who were walking down the carriage in front of her, with a smile on her face.

“I’ve got the soul you want. Let’s get started.”

Adier looked up and looked at Sam, with a calm expression on his face.

“Of course, of course.”

Sham shrugged, his face was quite innocent: “I’m the most trustworthy person. Since you brought what I want, I will naturally fulfill my promise.”

“It’s a great joke for a demon to say he keeps his word …”

Adier didn’t say anything, but beside him, Mar couldn’t help saying with a sneer, and he was very suspicious of the devil’s credit.

“Maybe …” Sam laughed, and it seemed that he didn’t care about Mar’s questioning: “But you have no choice but me, don’t you?”

In the distance, a slight chirp sounded slowly.

Adier looked up and looked into the distance, but in the sky, a group of black birds flew through the sky, hovering above the wind nest tavern, and did not leave for a long time.

On these birds, Adier also felt a suffocating breath.

“Well, this is not the place to speak.”

Looking at the black birds that circled in the sky, Sam was a little helpless, and then he looked at the Adier two who opened the mouth and said: “Two, come with me.”

As the words fell, he turned and walked towards the inside of the tavern, and the silhouette quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Behind him, watching the silhouette of Sam disappear, Adier and Mar didn’t hesitate, stepped directly to follow, and walked into the seemingly gloomy tavern.

Outside, watching the two Adier enter the tavern, the birds hovering in the sky flew a few laps in the sky before finally leaving slowly and flying towards the distance.

A large hall, in the middle of the hall, a blood-colored enchantment has taken shape, and a little sorrow sound is slowly sounding, with some afterglow.

Standing still, looking at the vision in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he looked quietly toward the edge of the hall.

I saw several wooden posts standing up there on the corners of the edge of the hall. Above each wooden post there was a peeled corpse hanging, and several of them looked female.

In addition to these corpses, in the corners of the hall, there are several sacrifice clothes that have been taken off, and they are thrown away at random there.

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