Was the heavy rain floating in the sky? On the mighty sky, a little pure blood flashed in the sky, and then every inch of flesh flew madly, bringing a huge bloody air.

Standing still, looking at the scene in front of him, Adier raised his head quietly.

The hazy blood color appeared before the eyes, and in front of them, countless flesh and blood debris passed in front of them, including endless demon corpses and many other things.

Standing still, looking at the scene in front of him, Adier sighed softly, and then the long sword in his hand slowly retracted.

An inexplicable mood wave surged from his mind. In an instant, the emotions in Adier’s mind flashed after one after another. The huge negative emotions rushed into his mind, and it seemed to want to make him a paranoid. Crazy man.

This is the erosion of the power of the abyss. At this moment, as Adier continues to slaughter the demon, it becomes more intense, and rushes towards Adier.

Even with Adier’s will, in the face of this violent abyss assimilation, he could not help being lightly paused, and felt a bit out of control for a moment.

“It’s horrible …”

Feeling the emotions in his head, Adier sighed softly: “No wonder Orff didn’t choose this place as the lair to hatch the son of the slaughter.”

The abyss is full of slaughter and chaos. According to common sense, it is the best place for the son of the slaughter to grow. It allows the son of the slaughter to continue to fight in this place, thereby gestating and maturing at the fastest speed and awakening the god of the slaughter.

But in the end, Orff did not choose this place, because the assimilation force in this place was too serious.

The depth of Chaos in the abyss will not only affect the mind, but also the origin and even the divinity.

If the slaughter goes on for a long time in this place, the deity and blood of the slaughter will be contaminated, and it will eventually cause unimaginable trouble to the recovered slaughter god.

It is with this in mind that Orff would rather carry the besiege of many churches in the Lord World than he would like to come to the abyss.

“Master …” A weak voice came from the side, breaking Adier’s mind.

He turned to look around, just as he saw beside him, Mar was pale at the moment, standing for gasping for breath, and seemed to be having a hard time in this place.

“Can the Strength of the Destiny Caller not be able to resist the erosion of the power of the abyss?”

Watching Mar’s performance, Adier sighed softly, then waved slightly.

In an instant, the projection of the power deep in the source started to glow slowly, pulling a little purple source to begin to fall, accurately landing on the two of Adier and Mare, completely hiding the silhouette of the two of them.

As the source of purple is shrouded, the next moments around, the strength of Chaos that originally filled the World gradually disappears, and is isolated by the barrier formed by the source, tightly isolated.

“hu …..”

Feeling the erosion of the strength of Chaos disappearing, Mar secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Adier with a little curiosity.

Being able to isolate the erosion of the strength of Chaos is not something a normal strength can do.

She was really surprised that Adier was able to do this.

However, despite her surprise, she was not too shocked and did not ask questions.

As a fate’s care, there may not be a secret in his body, and deliberate inquiry is not his duty as a subordinate, it will only be unpleasant.

So Mar asked nothing, but just followed Adier silently, watching his movements.

“Sources are consuming too fast …”

Standing in place, feeling the exhaustion of the power on his body, Adier sighed softly.

To isolate the impact of the strength of Chaos on people, it took much more power than he imagined, even reaching a level of his surprise.

Fortunately, before he came to this world, his body transferred most of the source power to him, and these consumptions were not much in front of him.

All thoughts flashed through my heart, feeling the power of the rising daughter within the body, Adier raised his head and looked at a field in the distance.

In that field, a humble ruined castle stood quietly.

“Let’s go …”

Looking at the blood-red castle standing in the distance, Adier whispered, then took the lead and walked forward.


“In the past two days, there was a huge strength of Chaos riot in the area of ​​the Red Field, and countless demons caught in the madness were slaughtered. It looks like foreigners came in …”

In a fairly spacious pub, there was an undisguised sound of conversation.

“Oh … another unfortunate bad luck ghost was teleported directly to the field.”

A red demon with small wings on his back laughed and laughed, and was very disgusted with the unfortunate outsider: “It was teleported to the field and killed at least a thousand chaos in another breath. Guess this bad luck How long can ghosts sustain? “

“I estimate that for a maximum of a few days, these outsiders will be completely assimilated and become a paranoid chaos.”

At the corner of the tavern, the two sat quietly.

Holding a glass of red wine-colored in his hand quietly, listening to the undisguised conversations of the demons around him. As outsiders of these demons talking about, Adier gently shook the head: “I still can’t get used to the wine here. “

“Compared to the outside, the wine here is already hard to come by.”

Sitting opposite Adier, Marr said quietly, “The wine here is made from pure flesh and blood, and the strength of Chaos contained in it is very thin and does not cause much pollution.”

“But even then, I don’t have the habit of drinking blood directly.” Adier laughed, and then threw the wine glass out of his hand.

On the ground, I observed for a long time, and the black devil the size of a puppy rose quickly into the air, catching the wine glass accurately, and licking the blood in the mouth when no one else in the surrounding area responded. Others leave no chance.

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier had no expression, but beside him, two majestic demons stood up and sneered towards Adier.

“Brother, why don’t you ask me for a drink?”

They sneered and walked to Adier, and they continued to soothe their bodies while walking, showing the huge momentum all over their bodies. .


A faint impact sounded all around.

Adier turned back slightly and had not yet sent out a sword, but just glanced at it. The hidden Strength in his eyes burst out, and the huge Spirit contained in it broke through the two demon Spirit seas in an instant, erasing all their consciousness directly.

The two huge bodies fell to the ground, causing a greedy squint.

At all around, looking at the two demon bodies that fell on the ground, all the demons couldn’t help looking at it, with greed in their eyes.

However, they did not wait for them to move. A two-meter-tall, gigantic and powerful monster quickly came and moved the two corpses directly under everyone’s attention. While walking, their mouths continued to open. Fresh red drool is flowing.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier froze for a while, without any action.

“The abyss looks like this.”

On the side, seeing that Adier did not move, Marr explained loudly: “Chaos and tyranny, the demons here are not always good. All demons are assimilated by the source of the abyss and their personality changes from the first day of birth. Violent and impermanent … “

“I didn’t care about this …” Adier’s voice came.

He sat opposite Mar and looked at the scene in front of the pub quietly. It was a long time before he opened the mouth and said, “Is there order in the abyss?”

Mar hesitated for a while, then reacted and said, “It’s all just temporarily.”

“The devil’s nature is chaotic and buried in the bones. It is violent and impermanent. It is too difficult for them to suppress their nature and actively maintain order.”

“The reason why this castle can maintain order right now is because the owner of the castle is so powerful that no demons dare to do that’s all here.”

“Order comes from power.” Adier nodded agreed, and then opened the mouth and said: “Is the devil born with chaos?”

“That’s not the case.”

Looking at Adier, who was always calm before him, Mar gradually calmed down and continued to say, “The nature of intelligent life is stability and order. This is the instinct of all intelligent life, even the devil.

“The reason for the devil is that it’s all because of the influence of the abyss.”

“Abyss …” Adier muttered to himself, seeming puzzled.

“The abyss is at the bottom of the entire World and is the junkyard of the entire World.”

Looking at Adier, Mar thought for a while, then said seriously: “This is what the destiny Goddess left behind.”

“In the abyss, the negative emotions that cause World distortion in the entire World are carried. Everything that is unfavorable to the consciousness of the main World will eventually flow into the abyss and be transformed into the existence of demons by the strength of the abyss. “

“It can be said that the existence of the devil was born from the beginning with evil.”

“Born in the abyss, the imprint of the abyss has the strongest imprint on the devil’s in the depth of one’s soul, and then lives in the abyss, receiving the constant influence of the power of the abyss, every time The results are not surprising. “

“In fact, the vast majority of demons have survived under the influence of the power of the abyss.”

Mar looked at all around, laughed loudly around him, and the demon shrouded in strong bloody air continued to say, “Grow in the abyss, and the strength of the abyss will continue to deepen their influence on them, and finally they will be the last one. Self-deprivation. “

“By then, the devil will fall completely, become a chaotic incarnation, lose his last point of reason, and leave only a pure chaos instinct.”

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