“Is that so …”

Adier nodded, then took the lead to get up from where he was, looking at the Marr sitting in front of his mouth and said: “Let’s go.”

“Where to go?” Mar stood up calmly and asked smoothly.

“Go find a place where we can achieve our goals.”

Adier turned and looked at the scenery outside the tavern and said quietly.

With a decision in their hearts, after a while, they went outside.

The so-called abyss is the general name of a huge area. In fact, this is a huge area composed of countless layers of World.

What Adier and Mare came to at this moment are just the surface of the abyss, and have not yet penetrated the rest of the abyss.

From the castle to the outside world, the original appearance of this layer of the abyss World is also slowly revealed, showing in front of the two of Adier.

Fields of fresh red are emerging outside. On the ground, the temperature rises very high. From time to time, there is a wildfire burning outside.

Affected by this environment, most of the demons living in this layer of the abyss interface have strong heat resistance, and the remaining demons without this heat resistance can only be in a disadvantageous position in the competition, and then in a long Slowly died in time.

Walking all the way to the wild, the fallen demons are almost everywhere, displayed in this place, wandering aimlessly in the wild, from time to time with other demons to kill each other.

Although the source of energy was isolated from the whole body, when they saw Adier, these mad demons still rushed and rushed at Adier, and finally they were slashed by Adier.

The power of a little slaughter grew within the body, and the strong bloody air spread around, eventually turning into a little introduction, attracting more paranoid demons from the wild.

“These demons are demons that have been completely assimilated by the strength of Chaos and have lost their last bit of self.”

Quietly following Adier, watching the huge demon flowing in front of him, Marr said, “These demons have lost their ego as an intelligent life. They only have the instincts of tyranny and slaughter. , The more you kill them, the more you will be attracted. “

“That’s right.” Adier’s voice sounded slowly forward.

His face was calm and calm, even though his feet had been wet with blood donation at this moment, but his face still did not change much, he just walked forward slowly.

Adier’s purpose of coming to the abyss was originally to slap the slaughter in order to increase the power of the slaughter.

Now that the endless demons came to his death, it was exactly in his mind.

Holding this idea, he didn’t cover his whereabouts, and went straight forward step by step. Each step would attract a large number of demons and stir up a terrible slaughter.

In the process, Adier’s pressure gradually increased.

In the abyss, although most of them are low-level demons, there are also powerful great demons, and even further demonic lords.

With the continuous slaughter of Adier, some powerful fallen demons have also been attracted by Adier, which has increased the pressure on Adier.

One head and two heads are okay, but sometimes, ten or a hundred heads come together.

Quantitative change to qualitative change, even this horrible amount, even Adier also felt struggling, holding the arm of the long sword tightly could not help but slowly turn pale.

“Master, do you want to take a break?”

Another morning, after slashing a sword that was already equivalent to Golden Knight, Marr looked at Adier’s crumbling body and said with some worries.

“No need to.”

Adier slowly raised his head, looking at a red opening in the field ahead.

There is no difference between day and night in the abyss.

During this time, Adier did not know how long he had killed, but only knew that he had been killing, and his entire body had been numb.

His Spirit’s strength was almost exhausted, and his physical strength was about to be exhausted. Only a little pure will and true spirit remained, and it seemed to be more active.

Walking on the endless red land, he looked pale, his whole body was weak to the extreme, but he never fell, no matter how many enemies in front of him, they all came forward with one sword and smashed them all.

In his within the body, the power of the huge slaughter is boiling, and a little of the power of the slaughter continues to extend along the Spirit, slowly poured into a little blood moon deity, and then passes through this blood moon deity Strength , Transformed into a little blood moon power, blessing on Adier’s body.

With the slaughter for so long, this blessing is going on every moment, and now, Adier’s Strength has been advanced to a horrible level.

Level 3 Peak!

In just a short period of time, Adier’s Strength has entered Level 3 from its original level and reached Level 3 Peak. It is only one step away from being able to be promoted to Level 4.

This controllable speed, let alone other people, even Orff, who had slaughtered the godhead into the Adier within the body, I can’t believe it.

The blessing of the power of slaughter is not unlimited.

In order to get the blessing of the power of the daughter, in addition to having enough power of the daughter, you must also have your own will and Spirit strong enough to withstand this Strength transformation without collapse.

If you can’t bear it, before the power of slaughter makes you strong, you will collapse first.

This is why, although Slaughter’s power can only become stronger by constantly slaughtering it, Orff has to find ways to find all kinds of talents.

Without that innate talent potential, even with the help of slaughter, there is no way to go far.

Adier’s current speed is horrifying to speak out. The sons of ordinary slaughter, even though their innate talent is strong, can never achieve this kind of increase.

boom! !

One sword slashed a big demon who tried to sneak attack, Adier expressionless, and walked forward silently.

“Coming soon …. coming soon …..”

Feeling the power of the growing slaughter within the body, Adier muttered to himself, and then moved on.

Strictly speaking, after reaching Level 3 Peak, at this moment his purpose of coming to the abyss has been initially achieved.

Promoting from the third level to the fourth level, it is not just accumulation that can promote you, but you need something special.

The key transformation of this origin is to rely on the accumulation of not at all too much. The key is to rely on other things.

The reason why Adier didn’t leave at this moment was just to hunt down more demons, to give himself more reserves of slaughter, and to test his own conjecture.

“Master, the river of the abyss has arrived …”

I don’t know how long it killed, beside him, Marr’s voice continued to sound.

Hearing his voice, Adier looked up slightly, looking up.

I saw a long river appearing in front of my eyes.

Unlike other rivers that A Duaner has seen in the past, the river in front of it is black, and the color of it is deep black, and the bottom of the river cannot be seen at a glance.

This is not the real river, but the result of the ultimate emotional power.

Standing next to the river, just staring at the river in front of him, Adier felt that all kinds of negative emotions in his mind kept flashing.

Slaughter, tyranny, fear, jealousy, greed … All kinds of negative emotions are constantly being skipped in my mind one after another, just for a moment, but Adier feels like a long time passed.

Standing in place, staring silently at the river for a long time, Adier came back to his senses, looking at the river in front of him, it seemed to remember something.

Step on .. on …

In the distance, a slight noise came and caught Adier’s attention.

He looked up and saw that in the distance, next to the black stream, the small eggs of each and everyone were forming, slowly wandering along the shore.

On the distant stream, some strange insects climbed up from the black river and slowly walked towards the shore.

“This is the devil’s larva …”

Beside him, Marr’s voice sounded slowly.

Standing next to Adier, she looked at Adier in front of her and said, “The abyss demon was born in the river of the abyss, born in the ocean formed by this negative emotion, and then climbed up to the ground and slowly grew into an adult demon.”

“Most of the demons will be killed when they are just ashore, and only a few will have the opportunity to truly grow and become an adult lower demons.”

“A large number of lower demons fight each other and devour each other. It is very unlikely that they will grow into intermediate demons and big demons.”

“Really cruel …”

Looking at the densely packed demonic egg in front of him, Adier said softly, then stepped forward, and slowly walked to the front of the abyss.

As he walked in, a bit of huge negative emotions poured from the river in front of him, and there was a tendency to intensify every moment.

The various negative emotions contained in it hit Adier’s mind, like rendering his Spirit into a madman completely.

The huge Strength began to erupt, and a little pure spirit began to shine, dissipating the endless negative emotions.

Walking quietly to the stream, Adier extend the hand and touched the river in front of him.

“Master is careful !!!” Behind him, Mar’s exclaimed sound came quickly, as if trying to stop Adier from moving.

A little bit of black water flowed quietly on the arm, but at this moment, Adier felt a sense of relaxation, and the feeling of erosion before disappeared, leaving only a sense of indifference to nature.

In his within the body, as he was in contact with the river, a little purple mark was slowly glowing, and the traversal power contained in it began to work, allowing him to communicate with a huge will in an instant.

This will is huge, chaotic and disorderly, horrible and terrific. It had been in a deep silence before, and it was not until this moment that it slowly woke up.

At the moment of awakening, this huge will communicate with Adier instantly.

A longing came slowly.

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