The black river is flowing on the ground, a little light is flashing.

Between endless emptiness, endless emotional fluctuations are flashing silently, endless negative emotions flow from a distance, and gradually converge into a huge black river, which flows continuously in front of the eyes.

“It’s horrible …”

A bit of deep will came from a distance, and while it caused ripples, it would also wake Adier thoroughly.

Standing in place, feeling this Supreme, HTC and horror, with the magnificent will of infinite negative emotions, Adier sighed softly, feeling the horror of the abyss for the first time.

As a fifth-level wizard, Adier has visited many places and experienced the grandeur and horror of different worlds.

These Worlds are some strong and some weak, but none of them is as naked as the World in front of them, giving him such a naked and horrifying reaction.

“Absolute suppression at the level …”

Feeling the grandeur and horror of the will of the abyss, Adier sighed softly.

The World in front of him gave him an extremely scary, bottomless feeling, like a vast abyss, without seeing the end, he could only look at the depth and darkness in it, and felt the terribleness in it.

In front of him, it seems that Adier’s emotions can be felt, the will in front of him begins to slowly extend, and an instinctive longing emerges into Adier’s heart through the medium of the river.

With this emotion slowly emerging, a faintly discernable clear comprehension came to Adier’s mind.

Standing in place, he slowly raised his head and looked into the distance.

The dark sea was passing in front of me, and a little ripples were rising. The strength and emotion in it gradually rose, driving Adier’s will to keep moving forward and gradually seeing more things.

“Born from chaos, but eager to escape from chaos …”

Looking at the deep black sea in front of him, Adier muttered to himself, at this moment, the mind and spirit of the whole person was gradually sublimated, and with the river in front of which he was deeply invisible, he gradually looked into the distance.

At this moment, the will in the dim world began to come down, continuously raising Adier’s vision, and gradually saw more things.

He saw that on the distant earth, a lot of demons were killing frantically, blood was drifting on the ground, and the land was red.

He saw that on the endless land, a black river flows endlessly, and the black river is spread on countless Worlds, where a new life of each and everyone is born and perishes, ending his life in the shortest time.

He saw that in the endless world, a little bit of negative emotions were slowly accumulating, and eventually turned into rain, slowly flowing into the bottomless river of the underworld.


Every scene was passing in front of me. In an instant, Adier seemed to have experienced the lives of countless people. The atmosphere of the whole person began to change slowly. The temperament of the whole person became deep and silent, with a little inexplicable horror.


Behind him, looking at Adier’s posture at the moment, Marr froze, only to see that Adier had some new changes in his eyes, and they seemed to have changed a lot.

However, if she was described positively, she couldn’t say it.

“Mar …”

In front of him, Adier’s voice suddenly came, with some inexplicable emotions.

“Master, I’m here,” Marr said, standing quietly behind Adier, looking at Adier’s silhouette with a calm expression on his face.

“Let’s leave …”

Adier looked up, staring at the taotao river at the moment, and finally said.

“Are you leaving now?”

Mar froze, then said, “It’s half a month before we prepare …”

“It’s okay …” Adier looked up and stared into the distance calmly: “After here, my purpose is achieved, as for the rest, it is not important anymore …”

“Okay.” Marnodded didn’t make much sense for Adier’s decision.

For her, staying in the abyss is not useful at all, but it is extremely dangerous. It is better to leave early at this moment.

Having made his decision, Adier turned quietly and walked slowly outward.

Before leaving, he finally glanced at the black river in front of him.

It seemed to be aware of his imminent departure, and in the depths of the river in front of him, a huge will began to boil, and a chaotic and disorderly voice and will rang in Adier’s mind.

“Stay !!”

“Stay, be one with me, and I will give you Strength and authority of Supreme !!”

“Leave …”

A call sounded continuously in Adier’s mind, with countless seductive sounds, driving all kinds of scenes in his mind.

Standing still, feeling the temptation, Adier raised his head silently, and sighed deeply in his head: “It’s a pity …”

“I am not an aboriginal of the abyss …”

“However, there may not be a chance in the future …..”

The thought flashed in his mind, then took the side Marr, and slowly walked in one direction.

As the footsteps gradually moved forward, under Mar’s surprised gaze, Adier’s silhouette gradually faded, and then gradually disappeared in place.

A faintly discernable breath flickered in situ, and then an inexplicable Strength appeared in situ, enveloped her silhouette directly, and teleported her directly away.

The faint fresh air constantly appeared from the surroundings, and the familiar scenery slowly came into view, bringing a fresh breath of life.

This is a fresh breath that belongs to normal life, and it is not in the abyss world with only chaos and slaughter.

Looking at the lush forest in front of him, Mar froze, with a deep surprise on his face: “Is this back?”

She did have reason to be surprised.

There is a deep Strength isolation between the Abyss World and the alien World. Any normal World instinctively isolates and excludes the Abyss World, making it very difficult for the life in it to come out.

To some extent, it is far more difficult to leave the abyss than to go to the abyss.

But at this moment, Adier did it easily, but Mar was not surprised.

“What did the Lord gain from the river of the abyss?”

Looking at her face, her face was always calm, but her head was lowered, as if thinking about and so on Adier, she couldn’t help thinking.

“I just knew something that’s all …” In front of him, Adier’s voice suddenly came, making Mar’s body stiff, and looking at Adier’s eyes was like a ghost.

“Don’t look at me with this look.”,

Feeling Mar’s weird look, Adier laughed: “It’s not mind reading, it’s just a unique instinct that gives me a better understanding of the nature of this world.”

As he spoke, he looked up and looked away at the distant earth. A pair of pure eyes seemed to penetrate the isolation of the space, and saw the scene in the distance.

As a fate-caller, Marr cannot read through her mind through ordinary mind-reading, nor can she observe the thoughts in her mind by other means.

But Adier is an exception at this moment.

After a brief contact with the will of the abyss, his body and mind seem to have undergone a huge transformation. Among the true spiritual origins, a slow and firm transformation is taking place, allowing him to faintly see the next level of road.

It can be said that this trip to the abyss, even if there is no other gain, just the transformation of the true spirit’s origin, it is enough to be pleasantly surprised.


Between them, Adier recalled the feeling when he was in contact with the abyss, and he couldn’t help but feel a little hesitant, and finally shook the head: “After you have been promoted to the fourth level, come to this plan.”

“As of now, the most important thing is to advance to the fourth tier.”

Looking up at the sky and the sky, Adier thought.

After the trip to the abyss, through a long and continuous slaughter, his savings within the body has reached a culmination. With only one opportunity and introduction, he can break the boundaries and advance to the fourth order.

For the great wizard of fifth order, this primer is not difficult to find, and there are many around him at this moment.

Divinity itself is the best introduction.

Whether it is the slaughter deity or the blood moon deity, it can help Adier break that boundary to advance to the fourth order, which is the Legendary realm of this world.

However, the fourth level of promotion is unintentionally a big pit. From then on, I will never be able to escape the influence of the deities. Unless I can capture the magical Divine Spark and deity, it is a dead end.

In this world, there are many Legendary promoted based on the divine Bloodline, but the final fate of these Legendary is either dead or incorporated, and few of them go far.

Adier would never choose this path even without the reminder of Destiny Marl.

In addition to being promoted with divinity, absorbing the Strength of the Abyss is close to the authority given by the Will of the Abyss, which can also be promoted to the fourth order.

But this way, Adier also has no intention, so he can only choose another way.

Thinking of this, Adier looked up silently, looking at the side Mar.

“It looks like we have to go back to our old business again …”

Looking at the side Mar, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

“What’s wrong?” Feeling Adier’s gaze, Mar was a little confused.

“It’s okay,” Adier shook the head, and then said, “It’s just that you’re going to trouble your ability.”

“Let’s go.” The voice dropped, and he got up first and walked slowly towards the distance.

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