“it’s me.”

Standing in place, facing the question of the night watchman old man, Adier was directly nodded.

Adier will never deny what he has done. Some things have been done, so they are directly nodded.

“Very good, it looks like I didn’t find the wrong person.”

Seeing Adier’s straightforward confession, the night watchman old man was surprised first, and then a grinning smile appeared on his face: “There is another reason to kill you.”

“This is what you said, as if I would not kill your people, you would let me leave in peace.”

Adier was a little speechless and just looked at the other person and said.

The night watchman old man froze, and then an angry expression appeared on his face: “There is so much nonsense.”

He directly extended the hand, a thin arm slowly lifted up, and for a while, reacted with a certain Strength produced by the surrounding blood sacrifice, forming a black giant hand directly in mid-air, and then pressed down.

With a bang, the air pressure in the entire space increased sharply. On the micro level, you can see strands of the rest qi condensing, forming in the mid-air a face full of sorrow and viciousness, where a vicious roar was issued, As if talking about the longing for life and unwillingness to die.

Echoes of echoes flickered in place, and a little rippling ripples continued to rise in the air. At this moment, it was directly linked to the sky’s blood, turning the entire palace into a small semi-sphere.

Surrounded by this, the strength of all outsiders will be greatly weakened, and the strength of the night watchman will continue to gain, and in the meantime, even a golden Knight who is a legitimate Peak may not be defeated in this place. Had an ordinary gold sacrifice.

At this moment, the black robe sacrifice in front of him is an existence equivalent to the rank of King of Knight. There is even a person who is equivalent to Legendary’s Bloody Siren, who is silently lurking.

Such a lineup is no wonder that Angola has no confidence in Adier.

The breeze was whistling, and looking at the squinting faces before him, Adier raised his head.

The mammoth Battle Qi is gushing out.

A long sword broke in an instant. As the angry dragon came out of the nest and swung straight into the air, the majestic blood contained in it burst instantly, and its power was enough to shock the world.

A little bit of silver is shining, and in a blink of an eye, with a burst of terrible momentum, all the dark and resentful divine power disappeared and was directly broken by a common long sword, leaving only a little bit of afterglow.

A sword waved, Adier’s face was dull, and he moved forward quietly, without any extra movement, but another sword waved.

Strands of Battle Qi swayed in front of the eyes, and at this moment, they condensed directly into substance, and rushed forward under the control of Adier, just as the Yangtze River surged forward, flooding everything in front.


The vigilant old man was horrified, and had not had time to say a word, and was directly drowned by the majestic Strength contained in this sword. The flesh and blood on the entire body continued to fall off, and a sword mark appeared on it, as if experiencing chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades

“Bishop!” Aside, the remaining black robe vigils turned pale with fright, and yelled forward.

Adier looked at each other with cold eyes. In the blink of an eye, Power of Origin, once a fifth-order wizard, experienced the iron willpower that had been tempered through countless battles at this moment, and exploded directly into the other’s mind. .

In the blink of an eye, the faces of the vigils who rushed forward froze. At this moment, the scene in front of them began to change, the original palace disappeared, and prisoners were lifted up. One of them kept walking out, facing the monster They glared, and the killing intent broke out.

Before they lasted for a few seconds, the eyes of these rushing black robe vigils became dull, and the entire Spirit Sea was directly destroyed by the violent killing intent. From the Spirit level, their own will was erased and they died. Can’t die anymore.

Although their bodies were okay, Spirit was completely dead. From then on, even if they were alive, they were just vegetative, and they could not be saved anyway.


A little shimmer of light bloomed and caught Adier’s attention in an instant.

He turned and looked, and saw in the distant pools of blood. The old night watchman, the old man, snarled and rushed out of it. Although the flesh and blood seemed to be horrible, he was still alive. Survived from Adier’s previous sword.

In front of the night watchman’s chest, a black necklace was shimmering with a faint divine reaction. It was faintly linked to the surrounding Divine Realm, exerting a huge strength and the point where Adier was struck. Strength is offset.

“Responsive, Divine Artifact?”

Looking at the necklace that saved the old man at the critical moment, Adier murmured in confusion, and then rejected the moment: “No, only the divine reaction, but the lack of corresponding authority and will, can only be regarded as divine power item. “

“Unfortunately, it’s useless to me.”

As the words fell, he raised his hand and waved again with a sword.

For example, the ancient old people roared to the sky, causing the Quartet to move. At this moment, the sky began to change color, and the clouds that originally hovered in the sky disappeared, stirred by a terrible momentum, and lost all colors directly.

At this moment, space seems to lose its meaning. It starts to reverse upside down, and it starts to tilt left and right. It was a sword that was cut from a great distance, but it was accurately cut on the night watchman’s old man in an instant. Leaked, fully implied in this hit.

With the bang of a light sound, under the watchful eyes of the night man old man, a little crack appeared on the necklace on his chest.

As this crack appeared, as if it had a chain reaction, more cracks began to appear continuously, and then it slammed completely completely, leaving only a fragment of the ground, with a strong divine reaction.

“Impossible! The Lord’s divine power is actually …”

Night watch old man Boss with open eyes, looking at it looks like he wants to stare out his eyes, an old and rotten face is unbelievable, and there is a deep fear.

Without the guardianship of the necklace, his body began to crack, the flesh and blood was continuously blown under the whistling of Battle Qi, and turned into broken flesh and tissues dripping inch by inch, revealing the glittering skeleton after the flesh.

A bloody big hand suddenly stretched out. No previous shot was taken, but at this moment when the bishop in this night watchman’s area was about to die, the bloody jazz couldn’t sit still. At this moment, he shot directly and tried to save the night watchman old man. .

Silver’s long sword was cut straight down, and the swaying Silver Flower roared like a silver dragon soared into the sky, glaring forward.

A silver long sword stood in front at critical moments and blocked Bloody Jazz’s arm at critical moments. Although it was only blocked for a moment, it was enough for the result to have been settled.

In the air, the bloody dry arm was paused, and then only a bang was heard. In the expression of the vigilant old man’s unwillingness and fear, his body burst directly into pieces, together with the flesh and bones. The small molecules were completely shattered from the fundamental flesh and blood tissues, leaving no vitality behind.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as a skeleton doesn’t exist in the true sense.

A thick response qi whistled, and in situ, on the corpse of the night watchman old man, the response qi emerged, and then turned into a venomous face, slowly dragged by the surrounding array, and fell into the central In the blood pool.

Bloody jersey folded his arms, a pair of bloody eyes looked towards Adier ahead: “You, fine.”

“Not bad.”

Adier’s face was calm, and he didn’t react at all to the cold killing intent of Bloody Jazz, but said with a slight smile: “Your Lord looks a little bad.”

Indeed, the bloody jazz in front of him looked extremely wrong.

Standing in place, the bloody jazz was thin and thin, his body was covered with a bloody halo all the time, and Spirit had a bit of paranoia and insanity, and it seemed that the situation was a bit wrong.

The physical condition is okay to say, but Spirit is the root of the will and the power of the true spirit. As a Legendary, as a fourth-order, no matter what path you take, you should not let your Spirit have any problems.

In front of him, the state shown on Bloody Jazz Spirit is obviously not his original Spirit state, but is affected by something that will slowly become this look.

The bloody jazz turned coldly, but Gao Leng said nothing, but he waved his hand, and the huge Spirit force pulled the vitality qi contained in the surrounding area, and rolled toward Adier.

boom! !

With a muffled sound, the radiance of silver rushed away, and then all the blood and all the venom in front of the eyes melted quickly with the ice cubes melting under the flame at this moment, and was directly washed away by a sweeping sword light. Law left a trace of trace.

In the little afterglow, a touch of majesty came out, and the nature of the fourth order was not concealed at all, and it was directly exposed to everyone’s eyes.

Suddenly, the silhouette of the bloody jazz kept going backwards, being persecuted by silver sword light, and rushing straight back, until he hit a wall with a bang.

“You did receive a gift from the God of the Blood Moon, and promoted to Legendary !!!”

Looking at Adier in front of me, feeling the thick blood moon power on Adier, Bloody Jazz’s face was incredible: “Strength of the Blood Moon God has already been used up. I have exhausted my efforts and worked hard to collect blood sacrifice For hundreds of years, the blood of the moon in this blood pool has only been collected. How can you have such a huge gift? “

His face was full of unbelievable feelings of the thick blood moon power on Adier. For a while, his expression was a little hesitant, like a poor and fertile seeing a rich second generation. The expression on his face was extremely complicated for a moment.

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