“On this issue, maybe you can ask the Blood Moon God yourself.”

Standing under the palace hall, looking at the incredible expression on Bloody Jazz’s face, Adier laughed and shook the head and said casually: “Maybe she is in a good mood for a while, and I will tell you the answer.”

The power of his bloody moon is all transformed from the power of slaughter through secret methods, not from gifts.

Moreover, Adier was not a Legendary who was promoted by the power of the Blood Moon, as imagined by Bloody Jazz, but was promoted by the Bloodline road.

But there is no need to elaborate.

Adier is not the villain played in those novels. He is clearly the enemy of Life and Death, but he has to be a commentary in the battle.


The bloody jersey was full of anger, looking at the majestic blood moon power of Adier, and at this moment he felt that he had never been in the eye.

“You thought you’d fix me !!”

“Perhaps, anyway, you can’t beat me now.”

Adier said calmly, looking at the hysterical appearance of the bloody jazz, and then said, and then took advantage of the intermission of the Spirit of the other side, and then cut it with a sword.

It is like a galaxy falling from the sky. At this moment, the sky’s meteors are constantly flashing, among which stars continue to flash, blooming in the mid-air, and its rays of light breath directly envelop the entire palace.

If you sense it carefully, you can find that it is not a star at all, but the sharp sword qi of silver condensed into substance and formed.

At this moment, the flying silver sword qi whistled away toward all directions. At this moment, it seemed like a meteor fell, the sky was torn, and a scene of the end of the world was sent.

In this scene, there is even more tearing in the void, all things boil, and all the things of all beings are shining, and the last moment was as beautiful as the stars of the sky, and the next moment turned into the deadliest sharp cut, terror. Nothing can be added.

In the roar, even a little bit of the power of the fifth-order true spirit flashed, and the faintly discernible force of terror carried by it made the bloody jazz stare directly in front of him.


Great horror! !!

At this moment, the bloody jazz only felt as if he was facing the entire World, as if the will of the entire World had begun to recover, and against him, even as a Legendary, this moment could not afford the slightest resistance, Only endless fear and shock.

Vaguely, he seemed to be back to his weakest age, and he was unstoppable in the face of the blow. Even as a Legendary, he was as weak as an ordinary mortal.

Everyone is equal before life!

Time passed away, all things lamented, and in the boundless breath of shock, Adier finally cut off the sword.

With a bang, most of the bloody jazz body collapsed and was defeated in an instant by the peerless killing power contained in the long sword, leaving only a little afterglow to protect his last vitality at the last moment. Let him not be violent on the spot, barely a sigh of relief.


Looking at the bloody jazz who fell to the ground, Adier was a bit surprised. At the moment when the long sword was just cut off, he keenly felt a familiar Strength flashing by, and at the last moment protected the last life of the bloody jazz.

Along this Strength wave, Adier looked towards the central blood pool.

The central blood pool is full of strong bloody smell, in which the blood pool is flushed with rich blood red liquid, and there is a little bit of gold flickering in it, making this pool of blood water look special.

In the middle of the blood pool, a large scarlet crystal lay quietly there. Among them was a naked girl with her hands on her knees, sleeping quietly in it.

The strength that Adier just sensed came from here.

“The human carrier of the Blood Moon God?”

Looking at the sleeping girl in the scarlet crystal, Adier frowned.

“The God of the Blood Moon has long since fallen, and all traces of it have been buried in past history, and have been hanged by many churches on the contemporary, and there are no traces left.”

After quietly following Adier, seeing Adier stop, Mar, who had been smiling and watching him before, said, “When the bloody jazz was young, he accidentally obtained a little Divine Spark fragment of the Blood Moon God, so he had an idea in his heart. Based on that Divine Spark shard, countless people in blood sacrifice, forcibly re-transformed the power of the blood moon that has disappeared, and created this body that is most in line with the advent of the blood moon god, in order to let the blood moon God recovers, trying to control the oracle. “

“Of course, his attempt will not succeed, but it is very rare to be able to achieve this point with a broken Divine Spark with only a little divine power.” Looking at the scarlet crystal in front of him, Marr said lightly.

“You bullshit!” A roar came from the front.

In front of him, the bloody jazz struggling to get up, and after hearing Mar’s words, his face sullenly said, “How can you understand my greatness, slut!”

“How could I fail !!”

“Then you can try it out, can your plan succeed?” Mar said lightly. “Did you not find out yet? You have been eroded by the power of the Blood Moon God. Have a Legendary, forcibly made this now. appearance.”

“You!” The bloody jazz was speechless, and finally gritted his teeth, and pulled out a bloody crystal fragment directly from his arms.

“This is …” With the appearance of the fragment, the power of the blood moon in Adier within the body began to boil involuntarily, just like a traveler seeing his mother, with a strong sense of intimacy in his excitement.

Feeling this feeling, for a moment, Adier understood what it was.

Incomplete Divine Spark of the Blood Moon God.

“Revive! God of the Blood Moon !!!”

Holding the mutilated Divine Spark in his hand, the bloody jazzy face sullen, and at this moment directly filled his body with Strength.

For a moment, his body was fading at the speed that naked eyes could see. His flesh and blood seemed to be taken away by an inexplicable one after another, and it felt extremely terrifying.

With all this happening, in his hand, the blood-colored Divine Spark shard was glowing lightly, and blood-colored textures appeared on it, like a living creature, looking strange.

A pair of eyes opened slowly and silently, next moment, in the blood crystal, the girl slowly eyes opened, a pair of bloody eyes were blank, and slowly stared at the bloody jazz.

peng peng A crackling sound spread from the eyes. In front of the eyes, the blood-colored crystals shattered, and then the girl came out of it.

She looks like she is about 13 or 14 years old, and she is not very old, but the Strength on her body is very majestic. Even if she has just recovered, her Strength has almost reached the peak of Legendary, so Adier’s eyes couldn’t help but look dizzy.

With black hair falling down, the girl looks exquisite and exquisite. Every inch of skin and every part is just right. It is perfect, but with a little blankness in the eyes, it looks a little distressing in the distance.

She walked through the distant blood pool, followed by instinct, and slowly walked directly to the Bloody Jazz, staying in front of him.

“Good! Good!”

Looking at the girl who was successfully recovering in front of him, the bloody Jazz face exulted: “Give me …… ..”

He just wanted to order the girl in front of him to rush down and take Adier down, but before he could say a word, a pair of seemingly weak arms had passed through his chest, and opened in front of his chest in an instant. A big hole.

The bloody jazz’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe the girl in front of him.

But in the end, with the rapid loss of vitality, he still fell down weakly. The whole body was about to be debilitated. Under the skin of blood-red rays of light, the flesh quickly disappeared, was directly drawn by the girl in front of him, and was quickly sucked There was only one piece of human skin left.

On the ground, the blood-colored Divine Spark fragmented into a faint light, and quietly merged into the girl’s body, causing some unknown changes to the girl’s body. Although there was no restoration of reason, a complex appeared on the forehead. Blood Moon Mark.

“It’s sad.”

Watching quietly lying on the ground, at this moment there is only a bloody jazz of human skin, Adier shook the head: “Exhausted effort to revive the God of Blood Moon. As a result, the first thing after the God of Blood Moon recovered, Kill him completely. “

“This kind of thing, seriously speaking of which, is really sad.”

“Blasphemy, trying to take control of the oracle, his fate has been decided from the beginning.”

Marr said, with a faint mockery on his face: “The Strength of the Deity is not conceivable by mortals. He thinks that the plan is perfect. In fact, at a higher level, he will only feel that there are many leaks.

For her words, Adier is somewhat nodded.

Any path to the end, every upper stratum, brings great changes.

With the strength of the Legendary, trying to control the gods that are at least 7 grade, this is simply because I don’t live long enough.

It’s not too wronged that the bloody jazz came to this end.

“It’s over now, shall we leave?” Mar asked.


Adier turned around and looked at Gruul, who had recovered his ability to move, although he wasn’t covered, at the moment he said that he was nodded to him, “I want to move the entire Ba-Kulu family together, what’s the matter? Is it a good place to recommend? “

“I know there is a place that is not bad, maybe it meets your requirements.” Marnodded said with a smile.

She resolved the matter here and she was in a good mood, so she said so.

Just as they were about to leave, a silhouette stood in front of them.

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