“What I can’t do, you may not!”

In the middle of the quiet Odoria Park, a conversation is still going on.

Looking at Adier in front of him, Gan Lai’s face was a little fanatical, and his eyes were staring at Adier, the fanatical and excitement was not inferior to Tu Xiu and the others.

“You want me to snatch the strength of the Three Gods?”

Looking at the enthusiastic Ganlai in front of him, Adier froze, then asked, “Why do you have this idea?”

“Looting the strength of the Three Gods, this plan has the highest current success rate.”

Standing opposite Adier, looking at Adier, Gan Lai said, “The three gods are just husks. It doesn’t matter at all to the real black hand behind the scenes, it’s the carrier that’s all used to collect Strength.”

“Even if you are powerful, even if you are only awakened, you will be able to compete with the Three Gods, but what if you finally eliminate them?

“The black hands behind the scenes still exist. Even if you destroy the three gods, after a period of time, the new three gods will still be born.”

“The only way to really save this world is to bring down the ultimate secret mastermind !!”

Gan Lai looked excited and said, “Your Strength is far stronger than me, and the essence of your soul is much stronger than me. It is enough to accommodate the strength of the Three Gods and not to collapse like me.”

“Even if it is the real black hand behind the scenes, its essence will not be stronger than you, enough to have a fight!”

“If the secret mastermind can be swallowed upside down, it is not only self-help, it will also be of great benefit to you!”

He looked at Adier, opened his mouth, and said, “You know, the real identity behind that scene is …”

boom! !

The majestic flame suddenly burned.

As soon as Ganlai spoke, the moment of the secret mastermind’s identity, the supreme strength of yang on his body suddenly rioted and turned directly into the fire of the sun and burned on him, and soon turned him into a burning sun. Fire man of fire.


Feeling the golden flame burning all over his body, Ganlai opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

An invisible Strength came silently and silently, and at this moment came directly to him with the supreme strength of yang enveloped by Gan Lai.

The supreme strength of yang is burning, and the golden flame of the sun is roaring, it seems that he wants to burn his blasphemy sinner forcibly.

Standing opposite, looking at Gan Lai’s tragic situation at this moment, Adier frowned, then waved his hand.

Along with his movement, a little emerald power flashed quickly, and under his manipulation quickly spread to Gan Lai in front of him, and finally turned into a deep, sacred mark on him.

This is the Emerald Mark.

After Bloodline transformed into an emerald son, Adier automatically awakened the Strength of some emerald mothers. The emerald mark in front of them was one of them.

Give others some of the power of the emerald within the body, and form an emerald mark on others, so as to some extent give to the other part of the son of the emerald.

And at this moment, along with the formation of the emerald mark, on the body of Ganlai, the originally burning golden flame was stopped immediately, and the supreme strength of yang, which had originally boiled, gradually cooled, and seemed to fall into silence.

A real emerald field began to unfold slowly, silently isolating Gan Lai’s entire body from the outside world, breaking his connection with the outside world in a short time, and artificially forming an isolated space.

With this move, the situation of Ganlai immediately improved. The majestic will that had originally fallen on him was temporarily isolated by the emerald field. The burning sun’s fire also quickly extinguished and restored to its original appearance.

“Now you know what I mean.”

Freed from danger, feeling the power of the emerald within the body, Ganlai gently sighed in relief, then opened the mouth and said: “many thanks.”

“I can feel that I almost died just now.”

“You feel right.”

Adier nodded, opened the mouth and said: “However, if I still have some Strength, I’m afraid I can’t take him now.”

“After all, most of my Strength is still suppressing the Sun God at this moment.”

“So I can’t say too much.”

Ganlai sighed deeply: “It doesn’t at all true consciousness, it only has some instincts.”

“But sometimes, once you talk about it, it will instinctively produce a dangerous premonition, and eventually lead to the result just like that.”

“I can’t say more, but some answers, I have told you.”

He said, “In that ruin, there are everything you want to know.”

“You want me to follow you?”

Adier asked back.

“Why not?”

Ganlai said, “You know the situation today. Our World has been under its supervision. Do you want to do nothing?”

“To be honest, I don’t really think too much.”

Adier laughed, and then turned around, opened the mouth and said: “But I admit that I still have some interest in this ruin.”

His interest in the ruins is not the other, it is the supreme sacrament that Grayai calls.

According to Ganlai, there is a method of transforming and absorbing the Three Gods in that Supreme Scripture.

This has certain appeal to Adier, because with this holy book dedicated to the three gods, perhaps he can absorb and transform the sun god completely in a short time.

And, to be honest, Adier is also very interested in the secret mastermind that Ganlai said.

“It just felt like, if I remember correctly, it should be… .World consciousness?”

Standing still, thinking carefully about the feeling just now, Adier was hesitant: “It’s just that, compared to normal World consciousness, it’s a bit wrong.”

As an experienced traveler, this is not the first time he has experienced the traces of World consciousness and Strength.

However, unlike the World consciousness that Adier has experienced in the past, the World consciousness he felt this time is very different from what he has encountered in the past.

In the past, no matter what World’s consciousness he came into contact with, there was only one final feeling for him, which was vast, orderly and sluggish. It was only the existence of instinctual reaction, without any reason.

But this one is a little different. Although it is very dull at the same time, it also has a very weak spiritual existence. It no longer looks like a rigid existence, but actually has its own spirituality.

If you have to say it, it’s like a near-mature baby. Although it has not yet matured because of the birth, it is also partially spiritual.

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