“Jinka State, I’ll check it out.”

Standing still, thinking about the feeling just now, Adier nodded, so he said.

“But not now.”

“When are you leaving?”

Ganlai struggled to get up, looked at Adier standing in front of him, and asked.

“A few more months.”

Adier said: “The strength of the sun god is still in Peak. In a short time, most of my strength will be used to suppress the seal.”

“If I can use it for a few more months, I might be able to use more Strength.”

“Is that so …”

Ganlai nodded, and didn’t say much, told Adier the exact location of the ruins, then left a detailed map, and turned away.


After meeting with Adier, Chen Qing and the others looked towards and walked away, ready to leave this area.

After confrontation between the two fifth-order existences, a change has taken place in the Odoria Park at this moment, and there are two fifth-order existence strengths everywhere, which directly change the surrounding tens of kilometers of terrain.

In the future, this area is destined to become a Danger Land, because the pressure on the surrounding Strength is too horrible, and not many people can hold it.

Chen Qing walked outward along the road, and finally at the periphery of Odoria Park, she saw a person.

It was a middle-aged man wearing a black uniform. His face looked very majestic and tall, so he stood there so quietly, looking at it like this, has been standing there for a long time.

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Looking at Chen Qing walking out of Odoria Park, middle-aged man nodded, he said, “long time no see, Ms. Chen.”

“General Caodor …”

A deep glance at the middle-aged man, Chen Qing first glanced, feeling a little curious about his sudden appearance here: “What are you doing?”

“I’m coming …. to witness the myth …”

Standing opposite, listening to Chen Qing’s words, Caodor was sighed lightly, and then he said, “How is your younger brother now?”

“It doesn’t seem to matter to you?”

Chen Qing asked back, not at all because the person in front of her knew her and relaxed her vigilance.

Strictly speaking, she is not familiar with Caoodor before her, but only knows that’s all.

Sacred Heart Church is an organization that has a wide influence in many countries.

It is naturally impossible for such a large organization not to deal with the official authorities of the countries.

In fact, the reason why Sacred Heart religion can develop and grow to this point is behind the official support of the countries to give it the strength to fight against organizations such as Sotuism that try to release the three gods.

In front of him, Caodor is one of the highest officials in the local government. He has also dealt with Chen Qing a lot in the past, and the two sides can understand each other.

It is just knowing and knowing. For the man in front of him, in fact, Chen Qing does not trust him.

These officials are always behind the surface, sometimes on the surface, they may still be close to you, but they are figuring out how to contain you.

For these things, Chen Qing has seen it very clearly in the past.

“Looks like you don’t seem to trust me too much?”

In front of me, watching Chen Qing ’s reaction, Caodor laughed. He didn’t care about this performance, but just smiled and said, “From a personal perspective, I understand your attitude, but this time, please also Ms. Chen, rest assured. “

“From an official perspective, think about it, you are the leader of the Sacred Heart Church and the main force against Sottoism. Your younger brother is the savior who saved the city of Odoria and saved the World from the sun god. The Tujiaism has completely disappeared, and before the three gods are completely defeated, I will not do and so on you anyway. “

“And from a personal perspective …”

Looking at Chen Qing in front of him, he laughed: “Perhaps you are not quite clear, my daughter, Ke Moer, is the student of your younger brother, and the relationship is very close.”

“With this level of relationship, I naturally wouldn’t think it would be bad for your younger brother.”


Chen Qing said so, but his face finally eased a lot.

Naturally, she wouldn’t let go of her vigilance because of Caodo’s words, but since the other side deliberately said so much, that many and a half, there was no meaning to embarrass them at this moment.

Think about it too.

The battle between Adier and Helios is just around the corner, and the intensity of that battle directly shocked the entire World.

Who dares to provoke them at this juncture?

Afraid of Adier, release the sun god directly, get out of the seal?

“I’m here this time, I just want to take a look at it and provide you with some help.”

Standing opposite Chen Qing, Caodor said, “If there is anything I can help you with, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”

“I will send someone to notify you if necessary.”

Looking at Caoduo in front of him, Chen Qing was nodded, and then led out with a few people behind him.

On the side, when seeing Chen Qing taking people away, Caoduo didn’t stop, but just stood in place silently, and waited until Chen Qing and the others left completely, then led people into the front and into the Odoria Park.

“It is indeed the strength of the Sun God …”

Walking into the completely changed Odoria Park, feeling the supreme strength of yang full of surroundings, Caodor first was one after another, and then the expression on his face became complicated: “The strength of a person can actually really Do it. “

That day, after listening to Kermoor’s words, he rushed to the city of Odoria nonstop, trying to find out the seal of the sun god, in order to strengthen the disintegrated seal as much as possible.

It turns out that he arrived late, but he also observed the war up close.

It was a frightening and frightening battle.

The sun and the moon collided, and for a moment, it was like the picture recorded in the epic epi of is legend. It was frightening and exciting.

“An enemy to God …”

Standing on the red ground, he sighed softly, and his mood was a little complicated at this moment.

From that shocking battle, most people only saw hope, but as an official, he saw more.

In the past, even though there were king-level awakenings born, often they were not one, but several people were checking each other at the same time.

Under the balance between the kings and the threat of the three gods, the kings of the past cannot rule forever. Even if they rule for a while, they will eventually be destroyed under the strength of the three gods.

But this time Adier appeared a little differently.

This is a king who can really fight the three gods.

With its strength, if the time is allowed to grow slowly, and finally the turmoil of the three gods will be subdued, what will be the final result?

“Carrying the glory of the Savior, possessing the power of Supreme, he will become the eternal king …”

Looking at the park full of scabs, remembering his daughter, Caodor smiled on his face: “Very good.”

Earlier, he didn’t quite understand how his daughter ran out of contact with an ordinary kid.

But at this moment, he is a little clear comprehension, and can’t help but feel relieved for Kermoir’s investment.

Some investments have become the other’s student before the other party’s departure, which means a ferry ticket to the great light.

In the future, the king of Eternal Immortal may rise, and his family may transform with it, becoming eternal nobles.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, next moment, he turned and looked towards the side: “Did the analysis result come out?”

“It has been roughly analyzed.”

In a corner on one side, a researcher wearing white clothed, looking very young, was mad, and at this moment his voice sounded a little trembling: “It’s incredible …”

He looked at the huge computer screen in front of him and said with a trembling voice: “The high-energy operator has calculated the data …”

“Taking the battle just now, for each battle between the two sides, if the Strength outbreaks completely, it can at least destroy a large city and kill millions of people in an instant!”

“If the strengths of the two sides did not balance each other, Odoria would have been destroyed hundreds of times!”

On the screen in front of him, the scene of Adier and Helios one after another emerged, in which the time of each collision between the two sides was slowed down, and various data were calculated by high-energy computers to promote the performance of the two sides. reality.

“It’s almost impossible for anyone to do it!”

In front of the eyes, the old researcher sighed: “It is unthinkable why he can play such a huge Strength with the body of an ordinary person.”

“According to normal energy theory, concentrating such a huge Strength in the mass of a person, then he should not explode, it should be rapid expansion, and it should not maintain the appearance of a normal person.”


He turned around and looked towards Caoodor, with a fiery look in his eyes: “I hope to get something left before the target awakens, whether it is hair or dandruff.”

“If possible, it would be best to have this existing family cooperate with the investigation, including this parent.”

He suggested: “This great existence cannot happen by accident, and it must be physically different from ordinary people. This may happen through the genetic map of his biological parents.”

“Honestly dismiss your idea.”

Caodor shook the head, so he said.

After all, there was a good relationship. He didn’t want to destroy the good situation in front of him because of some inexplicable actions, so he would lose more than he paid.

However, the researcher’s words reminded him.

“After returning, the biological parents and friends of Moon King were listed as key observation objects, and no one was allowed to do anything to them.”

Looking at the people around him, he thought for a moment, then said so.

PS: I recommend a book that I inadvertently saw today, “Horse Riding and Killing in the End Times”. The author seems to be a pure newcomer.

However, this book is pretty good. Rarely, you can read and kill young seedlings on horseback. I hope everyone who likes this kind of material can go to see it and give it a collection. Don’t let this book be buried. Finally Court Eunuch

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