
Walking deep into the ruins, Li Wang’s voice sounded in place.

Hearing the voice, Adier turned subconsciously, looking towards the King of Power behind him.

But then, next moment, he just held it.

I saw Wang Lijing standing there in the same place. At this moment, the whole person stood there like a pillar.

The most noticeable thing is his face. At this moment, he has completely changed without knowing it. The face above is distorted, but looks extremely old, like an old man about to die.

Compared to these, what is even more frightening is that the reaction of King Li himself does not seem to change at all, and he seems to be unaware of the changes in himself.


Looking at the appearance of King Li at this moment, Adier couldn’t help but speak, but hesitated for a moment, but finally said nothing.

After seeing the changes in Li Wang, he turned and looked towards Xu Sen.

What surprised him was that Xu Sen ’s body had not changed much compared to the significant changes in Li Wang. He had n’t reached that level of horror. He just looked old and looked affected influences.

“You guys, didn’t you find it?”

Seeing the changes in Li Wang and Xu Sen, Adier was deeply sighed, and then said so.


Xu Sen froze, feeling a little confused about Adier’s words: “What?”

“What happened?”

Aside, Li Wang also said solemnly, and said.

“Forget it … nothing …”

Watching their performance and reaction quietly, Adier was deeply sighed.

The performance of the two was completely normal, and all reactions were the same as they were in the past.

But the two who behaved so normally did not notice the changes in themselves.

“Perhaps, in their eyes, they are completely normal.”

Looking at the appearance of the two, Adier thought quietly: “Is Strength blocking their perception, or …”

The thoughts in my heart rose in my mind. In the end, Adier still did not act blindly without thinking.

The reason why we do not act blindly without thinking is not the other reason, it is entirely because we do not have this ability.

What he is here at the moment is just a daddy that’s all. Although he has independent action and reason, he does not have the horrible Strength of Ontology.

If it was strictly speaking, at this moment, he would be reluctant to even kill a chicken, let alone fight with others.

Behind Xu Sen and Li Wang, although there was a weirdness all over him, Chen Ming would not be naive to think that their strength would be weak.

In his current state, he went to fight with Xu Sen who was strange at this moment. Most of the losses were in himself.

So, that’s it.

Adier thought so, and then began to pay attention to all around, and wanted to see the environment of all around, and see if there was any opportunity around him, to get him out of the entanglement of Xu Sen behind him.

It’s actually funny.

Adier took the initiative to find Xu Sen and Li Wang. They had hoped that both of them could protect his avatar and protect his avatar from threats.

But in the end, the danger of the remains has not been seen. Instead, Xu Sen, whom he found, first became his deadly threat.

This has to be said, is a kind of irony.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Adier continued to move forward.

In front of it there are altars and ruins, with different sizes.

Along the distance, Adier walked into the first palace.

This is a whole-body golden palace with a whole piece of gold and jade in glorious splendour on it, which looks extremely gorgeous.

Inside the palace is a mural with ancient language portrayals, which tells the story of the past one after another.

In order, Adier looked towards the first mural.

This mural is about a huge river.

The river is silver, there are many boats floating on it, and one person after another lies on the boat, as if fleeing.

The content of this painting is very abstract. After looking at it for a long time, Adier still couldn’t understand the exact story recorded in this mural.

“The river Werner …”

Beside him, the voice of King Li sounded slowly and said slowly: “This is the oldest river in the legend, but also in the legend, the birthplace of the gods.”

“The eruption of this river means the fall of various Gods of the past, and the end of the era of the gods.”


Hearing his voice, Adier froze, and then looked at what King Li was like at the moment.

Entering the first palace, King Li looked more aging and more frightening.

His skin was old. On his body, piece by piece of age spots grew out, densely packed on him, and looked very disgusting.

A rotten breath came from him, making Adier secretly frowned.

However, in front of this scene, he didn’t say anything, just quietly nodded, then walked aside: “What about this picture?”

The picture in front of me is the second one, and the content above has changed.

On the river in silver, a man stood up again, standing above the river in silver, roaring there.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the sculptor ’s technique. In the fresco in front of me, the silhouette is very huge and distorted. It looks like a hysterical person, and is caught in madness and distortion.

“The river of Werner gave birth to the gods and also ended the gods … After the death of the gods one after another, a new deity was born in response to the riot of the river Werner, was bred on the dead gods’ bodies, and finally possessed a new Body. “

King Li’s voice continued to ring.

With the sound of the sound, the mutation on his body seemed to be more serious. The whole person already had some broken skin, and it had a rotting odor.

Adier didn’t speak, but just moved on to the next mural.

The meaning of the next mural is clear.

The new deities tried to break free of the river, but found that they couldn’t do it at all.

In order to strengthen his strength and break free of the river, this God finally created three huge life forms.

“This is … the three gods …”

Looking at the image depicted in the mural, Adier froze. At this moment, his mood fluctuated a bit: “Is that why the three gods were born?”

“Three gods were born because of this, but not entirely because of it.”

Behind him, the voice of King Li continued: “The first three gods only represented three different kinds of authority. Only after experiencing countless years, did they truly have this great power today.”

Hearing the sound, Adier didn’t respond, just silently looking forward to the last painting.

In that painting, a silver giant beast dropping from the sky, then killed the three gods born.

PS: People are in the field. It is really inconvenient to code at this moment. It is estimated that this chapter will be stopped for a few more days after the update.

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