Inside the quiet palace, Adier fell silent, staring silently at the last mural.

In the mural, a silver giant beast dropping from the sky brings up the scene of the tearing of the three real totems.

“this is……”

Looking at this scene quietly, Adier fell into silence, but a little wave in his heart felt the strangeness.

“What is described here … me?”

Looking at the mottled and ancient murals in front of him, he felt a sense of absurdity. At this moment, he didn’t know how to express his feelings.

If it must be true, then his mood at this moment can be said to be very complicated, and there is almost an urge to leave immediately.

But the two men standing behind suppressed his urge.

Behind him, he didn’t seem to notice the difference in Adier’s heart. King Li gently took a step forward, then spoke softly, and continued with the husky and gentle tone: “Here is the prophecy of the ancestors …”

“In the future, there will be a person who walks beyond fate into this world. The giant beast of incarnation silver will tear the three gods and rescue the world from the fate destined to collapse.”

“This future walker, whose name is ………”

“Moon King.”

The voice fell, and the atmosphere at the place changed suddenly.

Next to Adier, with the words Wang Yue coming out, Li Wang and Xu Sen stiffened in situ, and then the whole body changed rapidly.

The original intact skin quickly rotted, and a few frowns began to appear on the moist skin, and then it quickly became dry skin and fell off, exposing the dried flesh after the skin.

Then, even the dried flesh began to wither, and one inch of the flesh continued to fall off, and finally only the Sensen bones remained, still standing there wearing the clothes they had before their lives.

This is true for both Xu Sen and Li Wang.

Their flesh came off, white bones stood, and a bit of transparent flames burned in the stern skull, supporting their lives.

A cold feeling came from behind him, and Adier only felt a cold behind him. At this moment, a fatal danger rose from his heart.

“It seems to be here …”

Feeling the two skeletons getting closer and closer behind him, Adier’s face was calm. There wasn’t much lose one’s head out of fear about it, just thinking about it so quietly.

After all, he is also a war wizard, this little scene is nothing.

Even if Strength is not here at the moment, but the previous accomplishment is still there, even if this avatar falls here, it will not let him lose one’s head out of fear.

“The only pity is that on the side of the body, the strength of the Sun God has not been completely digested.”

Feeling the sound of footsteps getting closer behind him, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

His body is still suppressing the Sun God outside, and the process there is just beginning.

If the avatar here has fallen, then according to the established procedures, his body decisively withdraws and immediately leaves this world without any delay.

In this way, the repressed sun god is a bit pity. He tried his best to suppress it, but it was too late to digest it.

All the thoughts in his mind flashed in his heart. After a while, he dropped a lot of thoughts in his heart, slowly closed his eyes, and prepared to return to the body.

However, the expected situation not at all happened, because at the next moment, there was an old voice ringing around.

“Eyes opened your eyes. It’s okay.” An old, weak voice sounded, faintly, with a little familiarity.

Hearing this voice, Adier froze for a while, then, with eyes opened, looked towards the direction of the voice.

In that direction, a very old old woman was standing there, wearing a black robe with a white palm embroidered on it.

The old man looked very old, his face was extremely thin, the skin on his face was almost against the bones, and the wrinkles on his body were very heavy, as if he had reached the end of his life and could die at any time.

Looking at the old man’s face quietly, Adier was stunned. From the old man’s face, he saw the shadow of an acquaintance: “You are …”

“elder sister?”

Looking at the old man, he shouted with some uncertainty, even with the wizard’s observation, he was a little hesitant at this moment.

The old man in front of him looks too much like Chen Qing. Although he is much older, the breath is exactly the same, and there is almost no change.

“it’s me.”

Hearing Adier’s words, the old woman’s face showed a reassuring smile, and then she said, “Yado … I’m so glad I can see you.”

“What the hell is this all about?”

Looking at the old man, Adier hesitated, and then said.

“The truth behind the scenes is a bit complicated, and I’ll tell you later.”

The old man was sighed deeply, and then he said, “Come with me first.”

“The grievances of these two guys, but not at all are completely resolved.”

She pointed at the two bones aside and said so.

As she spoke, Adier noticed that beside him, Xu Sen and Li Wang had been transformed into the bones at this moment.

What fixed them was nothing else, but two simple things.

What fixed King Li was a golden flower that had withered. Xu Sen’s body is a broken half sword.

These two things are not special at all. The strong strength of not at all above, the only thing that is there is an extremely weak mind, which seems to carry some unique thoughts, and thus has played a unique strength at this moment.

Looking at these two things, and perceiving the thoughts carried on it, Adier seemed to think something.

“Do you feel it?”

Aside, seeing the movement of Adier, the old man laughed, and said, “The boarded-in items of the past cherished are the most restrained resentment.”

“The only pity is that there is not much energy left in it, I’m afraid I can’t calm them for too long.”

“So, come with me now.”

Looking at Adier, she said softly, then turned around and walked to the side.

She didn’t walk directly to the gate, but walked towards the side door, it seemed that not at all meant to leave the palace directly.

Seeing this, Adier’s eyes flickered, but he looked at the two skeletons on the side, hesitated, and finally stepped forward, following the pace of the old woman.

On the road, following the old woman’s steps, Adier was about to speak.

“The palaces here have a lot of doors, but not many can go out. At this time, there is only this place.”

In front of her, she seemed to notice the movement of Adier, and the old woman said without hesitation,

Suddenly, Adier frowned.

“How do you know what I want to ask?”

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