Under the deep ground clearance, Adier’s face was calm, standing here, and quietly feeling the Strength from the body.

At this moment, after successively devouring the god of the sun and the god of the sky, his Strength has greatly increased.

In terms of strength alone, the sun god and the earth god are both fifth-order. If they are not limited by the World’s World consciousness, which leads to a lack of spirituality and a true self-consciousness cannot be born, the strength may be stronger at this moment.

After engulfing these two gods at this moment, Adier’s Strength also reached a Peak, surpassing all the moments in the past, and truly reached a kind of Peak.

Fifth-order Peak!

At this moment, he stands on the top of the fifth order, only one step away, he can step over the last Dao Sect threshold.

This is just the result of devouring the two three gods, and it has reached such a level.

According to Adier’s speculation, if the last three gods were also swallowed together, and after the origin of the three gods is gathered, I am afraid that his Strength will also change, even if it is not sixth order, it is not much worse.

If it is true to that extent, the world awareness of this world will greatly reduce the threat to him.

This was originally a good thing, but at this moment, Adier frowned.

“Maybe … it’s too smooth …”

Standing silently, Adier’s face was calm, and he frowned secretly.

Since his suppression of the Sun God, his journey has been too smooth, almost without any twists and turns.

He wasn’t arrogant, but he was in the World to fight against World consciousness, and it shouldn’t be so smooth.

“Maybe ….. I think more …”

After a long time, his eyes were frozen for a moment, and the thought flashed in his heart.

Standing silently, Adier raised his head silently, and looked around.

The god of the earth was completely devoured by him, and the seal of this place was completely useless.

In the huge mountain body, the emerald-colored spar completely covered the place, and several golden chains were emptied, wrapping them in groups, like buns.

“Just as a memorial …”

In situ, looking at the scenery in front of him, Adier shook the head, and then the silhouette moved and disappeared from the situ.

The next moment, he appeared outside the mountain, without any intention of staying, and walked straight away, walking towards the distance.

Before long, he came into a world of ice and snow.

It’s a huge glacier, and it looks almost endlessly white at a glance.

In common sense, there should be few signs of life here, but in this land, Adier clearly felt a huge vitality.

This vitality is huge and difficult to describe by common sense. It is far from being measured by the standard of ordinary life. Compared with Adier, it is only slightly inferior and belongs to the same order of magnitude.

“Feel my arrival, have you started to recover …”

Feeling the majestic life recovering rapidly from the ground, Adier said calmly, and said lightly.

As the three gods, they have a unique sense of each other.

Just as Adier began to have a subtle sense of the god of the sky after devouring the god of the sun and the earth, at this moment under this glacier, the god of the sky also felt the breath of Adier, and thus was instinctively threatened. Began to accelerate the process of self-recovery.

Unfortunately, it’s still too slow.

Standing quietly on the glacier, Adier can feel that in the glacier beneath it, the powerful vitality is recovering rapidly, but at this moment it is only recovering nearly half, far from being really alive.

Facing Adier in this state, it can only be said that it is simply giving.

Even in the heyday, with a single three-god Strength, facing the strength of Adier at this moment, it is far from being an opponent, let alone at this moment.

Standing silently, Adier was calm and thinking.

“Really, there are no twists and turns …”

He didn’t do it immediately. Instead, he kept thinking about it.

Before coming here, he had envisioned various situations that he would encounter, and he had already prepared a big war, and was even unable to find the god of the sky.

But the end result was not the case.

The god of the sky fell asleep here, and still remains here at this moment, without any movement, and was found by Adi very smoothly.

Smooth is almost doubtful.

Of course, if we study it seriously, this situation is actually very common sense.

After all, at this juncture, World consciousness is still asleep, and the power of the three gods has not yet fully recovered. It will be in common with this situation today.

It is just that, for the existence of such consciousness beyond the bounds of the world, it is too common sense, but it is very abnormal.

In situ, for a moment, Adier skipped a lot of thoughts in his heart, but he didn’t hesitate at all. He just thought about it, and the power of the emerald within the body gradually boiled, pulling the power of the majestic element, forcibly broken. This ten thousand zhang glacier reveals a huge silhouette below.

It is a giant dragon with a length of 1000 meters. The whole body is huge. If it is stretched out, it will be extremely scary. At this moment, most of the body is still in the state of petrification. Only a small part of the body has recovered, exuding magnificent vitality and vitality.

It seemed to feel the arrival of Adier, the god of the sky began to have a weak response, the huge body slightly twisted, a pair of scarlet red eyes stared at Adier, which seemed to contain a strong Strength.


A divine light eruption from the dragon’s eyes, and rushed straight to Adier, purely in terms of force, any existence under the fifth order would be severely damaged.

Adier waved his hand gently, annihilating the divine light directly, and then his heart was disappointed with disappointment: “Is this the only degree?”

Roar! !

It seems to be feeling the contempt of Adier. Under the glacier, the god of the sky sends out angry roar, the chain on the body collapses, and the part of the petrified body is quickly recovering.

He was working hard to restore Strength at his heyday to face the powerful enemy in front of him.

However, it is too late at this moment.

A giant claw of silver snapped down, the emerald brilliance broke through the sky, broke the strength guard of the god of the sky, and nailed it tightly under the glacier.

Roar! !

Angry roar erupted, the god of the sky roared, but could not break the bondage at all, and was firmly nailed here.

In the air, Adier complexion grave and stern, looking at the god of the sky struggling under his feet, the strength of the body fell down again.

The power of the fifth-order wizard’s true spirit erupted in an instant, disintegrating all the resistance of the god of the sky, holding it firmly and unable to move.

Then, the Bloodline Secret Scripture started, and a hazy Strength shrouded everything, beginning to infiltrate the origin of the God of the sky.

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