Under the glacier, the roar of the gods of the sky gradually subsided, and the trembling waves of the earth gradually disappeared. Only the faint emerald light shone, and the place kept flashing.

The last three gods have been swallowed up by Adier. In silence, this seems to indicate something, and it seems to tell the world that an old era is about to end.

In the dark of World, an undercurrent is surging, and the future of World is in a mist.

However, for the outsiders at this moment, the three gods’ announcement is undoubtedly the biggest good news.

The people no longer need to live in panic, fear the three gods’ destruction of the world again and again, but after the awakening era, many remaining kings can rest assured and no longer need to worry about the threat of the three gods.

Although, after the fall of the three gods at this moment, there is another moon king, but the moon king is ultimately different.

At least, this is a wise and communicable person, not a tri-god born purely for extinction.

Moreover, judging from previous contacts, although the Moon King has the most terrifying Strength, it is not difficult to speak and is very easy to contact.

While the world is living in joy, in the dark of the World, several silhouettes slowly emerge, stepping out from the dark side of the World.

They walked beyond the glacier that sealed the god of the sky, looked at the glaciers in the distance, and the breath of the god of the sky that was gradually dissipating.

“Finally … it’s still time.”

The old woman, who calls herself Chen Qing, is wearing a black robe. Her appearance is extremely similar to Chen Qing, but she is more aging. At this moment, looking at the glaciers under her feet, her face is extremely complicated: “Soon, the final end … “

“I just don’t know which direction this end will go.”

“It is the end of reincarnation, and the reopening of reincarnation … I am looking forward to it.”

She had a complex face, so she spoke, then turned around and walked away.

In the distance, a clear cold wind blew, blowing their robes, revealing their appearance.

Under the robe, a few Adiers are very familiar, but one after another with many faces appearing. At this moment, without saying a word, they turn silently and walk into the distance.

Time is still passing.

Soon, a month passed.

Under the glacier of the Land of Extreme North, a violent vibration sounded, and then the bright emerald light flickered, rippling at this moment.

Finally, a silhouette slowly emerged from it.

Adier stepped under the glacier.

In January, after engulfing the god of the sky, his appearance has changed. Between the brows, the pure emerald mark seems to have become more complicated, and the texture above has been extended, with some new changes.

This change in the emerald mark actually represents the change of Adier’s own Bloodline.

After devouring the Three Gods and smelting the origin of the Three Gods, Adier’s Bloodline is inevitably affected by the Three Gods’ origin and has some new changes.

For Adier, these are long-expected things.

“Three three gods whose essence is up to fifth order, have they reached such a level directly …”

On the road, Adier was calm and murmured in his heart.

After engulfing the last three gods and the origin of the three gods, there is already a new change in his body.

On the strength level alone, although he hasn’t been promoted to the sixth level, he isn’t far away. He is only one step away from the last step.

This last kick is not difficult to cross.

Even if Adier does nothing, it will take hundreds of years at most, and as time goes by, his own Bloodline will grow, slowly pushing him to that crucial step.

The sixth-order door is now closer to him than ever before.

When Adier came to this world, the goal that he had envisioned was almost achieved at this moment.

Standing still, Adier was suddenly curious.

What if he launched the shuttle ability at this moment and returned to the Wizarding World?

The thought flashed in his mind, and he was faintly moving.

But in the end, he gave up the tempting plan and chose to leave the place.

Standing still, he looked up to the sky, and then took a step, and the silhouette disappeared instantly.

The next moment, in the midst of a mighty relic, his silhouette appeared.

Within a few months, the place still looked like old, with statues standing one by one, it looked so solemn and solemn.

Walking quietly in between, Adier walked to the center of the statue group and looked at a statue in front of him.

In front of him, the statue of silver was arrogant, a silver giant beast roaring up the sky, covered with dense forest scales, a pair of emerald eyes, and in the eyebrow, the complex and mysterious emerald mark was so clear and conspicuous.

Moon King True Type!

The statue described the shape of the true King of the Moon, and it was just like Adier transformed into the True King of the Moon.

In front of this statue, in addition to this statue, there are other statues standing here, row after row, looking very sensible.

“You are here.” A voice came from behind.

Adier turned and looked around, and behind him, an old woman was wearing a light coat, walking quietly from a distance.

“Welcome back.”

With a smile on her face, she stood there silently, staring at Adier so quietly.

“The origin of the three gods, I have made it up.”

Adier turned around and looked at the old woman in front of her eyes, her face calmed, and she had a calm attitude.

“It’s really nostalgic …”

Looking at the Adier in front of me, the old woman froze for a long time before returning to God, sighing softly: “How does it feel to be a savior?”

“That’s it.”

Adier’s face was calm, faintly opened the mouth and said: “At least I don’t think how …”

“Also …..”

The old woman froze slightly, and then sighed softly: “For others, this is naturally a great honor, but for you, this is just the normal thing that’s all, not worth mentioning …”

Suddenly her complexion suddenly looked inexplicable. Looking at Adier in front of her, she said, “After collecting the origins of the Three Gods, I will use the origins of the Three Gods as a guide. Among the ruins here, I can get through to that World. aisle.”

“Specifically, you can think about it …”

She had a complex face, so she said.

In the same place, Adier’s face was quiet and he gave her a deep glance, but said nothing, but just waved his hands slightly.

In his palms, the three breaths are very different, but the huge Power of Origin that has the same origin emerges, and suddenly merges at this moment.


In the depths of the ruins here, between the faints, as if the gears were rotating, a force of World that was silent for a long time was suddenly spurred, and was suddenly attracted by the origin of the Three Gods, and suddenly came.

Then a golden door opened slowly.

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