The mighty Power of Origin is here.

In situ, as the origins of the three gods gradually converged, a unique response began to emerge.

The origin of the three gods is one, which resonates with a strength that is lingering in the ruins. Then, in a deep muffled sound, a golden door is gradually opened and slowly opens in place.

This is the door to the center of the world. At the other end of the door, a powerful force of World comes from it, with a suffocating feeling.

Standing still, looking at the golden door, Adier was calm, without any hesitation, stepped out and walked forward.

As his steps took off, the golden door opened spontaneously in front, exposing the scene inside.

In it Adier clearly saw a huge shadow.

It was a huge World. It looked like the outside world at a glance, like a reflection of the outside world. Anything that Boundary Energy can find in the outside world can be seen here.

In a way, this is like the shadow of World, the other side of World.

Looking at the World in front of her eyes, Adier’s face was calm. From the World under her feet, she felt a very familiar Qi machine.

It was the same origin as the Three Gods, but it seemed to be even more magnificent. At this moment, he was asleep in the world under his feet, and it seemed that he had not yet woken up.

However, with the arrival of Adier, this huge consciousness seems to have begun to react, received some kind of stimulation, and gradually began to recover.

Feeling this, Adier stepped down and slowly walked into the huge shadow of the World.

He wants to walk into the shadow of this world, and through the connection between the three gods’ origins, find out the black hand behind the scenes and completely rid him out.

“In the end … it still looks like this …”

Outside, looking into the golden door alone, stepping into the Adier in the shadow of the world, standing quietly, the old woman’s face was a little complicated.

Standing outside, out of the shadow of World, she can easily see many things invisible.

At this moment, as Adier stepped into the shadow of the World, an invisible black hand had grabbed him, slowly wrapped around his body, and gradually dyed his entire body into a black.

The old woman is no stranger to this process and even feels very familiar.

Because in the beginning, she was captured by the shadow of that World, and she gradually reduced to what she is now.

At this moment, Adier is going through the same thing as before.

Once the shadow of the World is completely wrapped around the body, it means that Adier will be captured by this world, completely become a puppet of this world, and can no longer be separated.

At that time, everything in Adier will be accepted by this world. Even the self-consciousness cannot be retained. No matter what means are used, it cannot escape.

At this moment, Adier is still exploring in the shadow of the world. Seeing this, he is not aware of his changes.

Looking here, she could not help but sigh deeply, her complexion was unprecedentedly complex: “It’s over …”

“It’s … it’s over …” A voice sounded from one side, and it sounded very crisp and familiar.

Hearing the sound, the old woman complexion changed, and quickly turned around and looked at it, but finally caught it.

I saw next to her, a teenager standing there quietly, wearing a scarlet robe, a scarlet fluttering, looking unique in his own charm.

“Are you … Ado?”

Looking at the teenager, the old woman was shocked and almost couldn’t believe her eyes: “Did you not go in?”

“I’m not Addor …”

In the place, facing the sight of the old woman, the teenager shook the head silently, looking calmly at the golden door in front, and the huge shadow of the world.

“You can call me … Red King.”

The voice fell, and the place changed instantly.

The old woman turned around and looked, only to see that in the golden door, Adier, who was originally confused by the shadow of World, was slowly eroded by the power of World, suddenly turned back and looked, a pair of eyes , The jade mark of the complex mystery slowly flows.


The next moment, World consciousness began to growl, seemingly aware of something, and began to make angry growls.

“Do you feel it?”

In the shadow of World, Adier slowly opened his eyes, feeling that the world no longer hides himself, and shouted directly at the World. He couldn’t help shaking his head and said lightly, “It’s just a pity, it’s too late.”

When the voice fell, he waved his hand. In the body, Bloodline Secret Scripture was running, a bit of emerald light was shining, and then the three golden origins were instantly stripped.

That is the origin of the three gods that was previously devoured by Adier. At this moment, it was directly stripped by Adier and extracted directly from the body.

Along with this process, the breath of Chen Ming began to slowly decline, and quickly fell from the original sixth-level, to the original level.

However, as the origins of the Three Gods were completely separated, the original origins continued to spread, and the power of the World in an attempt to corrode Adier’s body was completely isolated.

Without the traction of the three gods, the power of the world in this world cannot break through Chen Ming’s Boundary Energy guardianship, and it cannot erode his origins at all.

Feeling this, in situ, the whole shadow of the World was shaking, and the World collapsed like a piece of paper and then rebuilt, looking extremely unstable.

In this, a deep and magnificent, fiercely like the roar of World itself, spread quickly.

“Incompetent Fury …”

Feeling the roar of World consciousness, Adier turned back, his face calmed, and said lightly, “This is just the beginning.”

The voice fell, and within his soul’s origin, the shuttle power launched here, suddenly glowing.

At this moment, Boundary Energy, which Adier has accumulated over the years, is rapidly consuming, reducing thousands by almost every second.

With all this, an invisible wave spread out from him, and an inexplicable change is taking place.

Beyond the entire World, in the endless void, with the constant consumption of Boundary Energy, a huge World is quickly coming to this world.

It was an extremely large World. The scope of the World was extremely broad. In the glorious flow of the World, a scene of King of Antiquity running across the sky was seen as epic.

King of Antiquity World!

This huge and dazzling World is exactly the King of Antiquity World that Adier once shuttled. At the moment, under the urging of the shuttle ability, the entire World is advancing towards this world.

Boundary Energy is consuming. Under the urging of the shuttle ability, the World consciousness of the ancient World gradually began to revive. When you felt the existence of this world, you immediately bit down.

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