
A crash that sounded through the world sounded deep inside the world.

With the advent of the Ancient World, the two Worlds collided with each other, and then, driven and driven by Boundary Energy, a consciousness of the World that had always been silent revived, suddenly biting on this world.

The ancient World was originally achieved by engulfing another World. Compared with other Worlds, its World consciousness itself is more aggressive, far above the ordinary World.

At this moment, under the control of Adier, this world crashed directly into the Three Gods World. The two were opposed to each other and immediately reacted instinctively.


The engulfing between Worlds erupted in an instant. At the moment when the two Great Worlds met, the two Great World instincts began to devour, and two different World consciousnesses gradually intertwined.

Standing quietly in the shadow of World, Adier can clearly see that, as the two World consciousnesses are intertwined with each other, the shadow of World in front of it gradually becomes blurred and gradually becomes unstable.

At the same time, on him, the pressure that was originally exerted by the consciousness of the three gods in this world quickly subsided, and the whole person was relaxed a lot.

This is the sign that the consciousness of the three gods is beginning to weaken, proving that the battle between World consciousness has already begun.


In the distance, standing quietly outside the golden door, feeling everything that happened around him, the old woman looked horrified, looking at the Red King aside, could not help but opened the mouth and said: “What did you do?”

“As you can see.”

Standing quietly, Red King’s face was calm. Except for a scarlet long hair, he looked just like Adier.

“The consciousness of the Three Gods is rapidly weakening, and His Strength is rapidly decreasing. It is almost impossible to maintain the dark side of this world.”

Feeling the deep changes in the World, the old woman took a deep look at Chi Wang. At this moment, I didn’t know what to say.

For her, she did n’t understand such high-level things as World Consciousness, so she was so surprised.

In fact, what Adier does is very simple.

He cited his own authority over the ancient world as a means, used shuttle power as a means, and was driven by Boundary Energy, driving the ancient world to migrate, and eventually came here and directly collided with this world.

This kind of thing speaking of which is very simple, if I really say it, I’m afraid it will scare people.

If it’s an ordinary World, Adier can’t do it.

But Ancient World is an exception.

In this world, Adier once incarnation King of Antiquity, not only defeated the remaining kings with his own power, but also unified the entire World and led the entire World to prosperity.

As far as this world is concerned, he is like a child of the World, and naturally has some of the permissions of the World.

With this part of authority, combined with his own shuttle ability, this is the real reason why Chen Ming can do this.

“This one in front of you is your real plan?”

Standing quietly among the ruins, for a moment of silence, the old woman spoke again, looking at the Red King and asking, “The ones that I did before, and the three gods, are all just ways to paralyze him?”

“In a way, it does.”

This time, the Red King did not remain silent, calmly nodded, opened the mouth and said: “The ones that were done before were indeed for cover-up, but the three gods were swallowed, but to weaken His Strength.”

In this world, the three gods are the origin of World consciousness, and they are the best bodies to carry World consciousness. Each one has five levels of Strength. Together with the blessing of this world Strength, it is almost invincible.

Even if it is Adier, if it directly confronts the three gods of the heyday, there is only one way to retreat.

Such a horrible Strength is invincible under normal circumstances. If it still exists, even if the ancient World comes at this moment, there will be no way to face the power of the World Rebellion led by the Three Gods, and it will be expelled.

But at this moment, the situation is completely different.

This world World consciously tried to devour the origin of Adier. In order to attract him, he was gradually introduced into the shadow of World. He spontaneously suppressed the Three Gods Strength and actively let him devour.

In this way, when the strongest wing is cut off, the ending is already doomed.

“It’s started.”

Standing in place, he seemed to feel something. The Red King looked up silently and looked at the sky.

At the moment, outside.

A unique change is taking place. On the sky above the sky, a huge and infinite crack is slowly opening, the sky slowly begins to change color, the original pure blue disappears, and black holes appear.

At the other end of the black hole, another World can be seen faintly.

It was a prosperous and powerful World. Not only was the collective power shining and prosperous, but also the individual’s Strength should not be underestimated.

And at this moment, from that World, a huge crowd is constantly flowing.

The wizard and Knight in fancy costumes, the mechanical warrior holding a firearm, and one after another of the biochemical man who transformed himself appeared from the end of the black hole.

Vaguely, a few more strands approaching the fourth order, the horror that has reached the limit of Level 3 came, peeping in secret.

“Bong Sisso the order of His Majesty, attack !!”

A loud noise erupted, and a great war started directly.

“what happened?”

Under the stunned gaze of people in this world, the ground automatically opened the gaps around the world, in which a large number of alien beasts rushed out of it, but not at all destroyed as usual, but growled. Rush to the distance and fight with those aliens.

These alien beasts were accumulated in the past, originally commanded by the three gods, all driven by the consciousness of the three gods at this moment, rushing towards fiercely from outsiders coming from outside, trying to expel them.

However, all this is useless.

In the middle of the sky, with the advent of the ancient World warrior one after another, a huge black hole opened, and then at the end of the black hole, a scene emerged.

It was a palace of gold and jade in glorious splendour, in which a golden throne stood quietly.

Above the throne, at this moment, with the blending of the two Worlds, a handsome young man in a king’s costume slowly opened his eyes.


The invisible wave shakes the Quartet, causing the Quartet’s elements to roar instantly.

It hasn’t been fully shot yet, just a breath of instinct to escape, and it shatters countless other strange beasts.

This boy is not the other, it is the clone of Adier in Ancient World, King of Antiquity, Sisso!

Hundreds of years after the ancient World, this clone of Adier, at this moment, has not reached the fifth-order Peak, but has reached the level of the fourth-order Peak.

These strengths are naturally incapable of facing the Three Gods, but in the case that the Three Gods have been swallowed by Adier, the fourth-order Peak means invincibility.

Not to mention, besides Sisso, there is a person Chi Wang at the moment.

Unlike Sisso, after King Wang devoured the corpse in the Foggy World, his own Bloodline grew to the extreme, and the power of Bloodline naturally reached the fifth level.

At this moment in a long time, he has grown to the Peak of Bloodline, reaching the fifth-order level.

A fifth-order, a three-god, can carry each other directly, and at this moment, no one can match.

Perceived his own weakness, and the strength of Sisso and the Red King, the consciousness of the three gods began to growl, trying to get a shot and control the situation.

However, it turns out that this is just a useless struggle.

If the three gods are still at this moment, with the strength of three fifth-order strengths, even the invasion of the ancient world will never be an opponent.

But when he took the initiative to sacrifice the three gods in order to introduce Adier into the shadow of the world, the end of the matter was already doomed.

Standing quietly in the shadow of the World, Adier can clearly sense that the origin of the Three Gods is rioting, trying to escape from this shadow of the World and go to the outside world, but he is controlled by him Can’t break free.

At the same time, a fragment of purple spontaneously emerged in his body.

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