“It’s true.”

In a dark world, under a shadow of the world, a glimmer came out of it and flew directly to Adier’s body.

With all this happening, in Adier’s mind, a whole new memory is shining, and in one moment he made clear comprehension of everything.

He came to this world, not the first time, but the whole seven times.

Of course, it is not enough to influence a five-class witch to do this alone.

World consciousness unites everything in the world, of course strong for single Strength, but not all for a five-class witch.

For Strength alone, the direct world consciousness is certainly on Adier, but it is not twice as much as seven times to let Adier lose it in the world, but it is absolutely impossible to do so by the Strength of the world alone.

Adier would have done so, entirely because of his choice.

Adier felt the world’s mistakes at the time of his first experience, thus decisively withdrawing from the world.

But after he withdrew, for some reason he chose to shield his memory and then again entered the world.

That’s why, not because of something else, but because of a bet.

A bloke with the World.

Both sides have what each other needs.

The immediate location of this world is already endangered, all of which are depleted, and only the last remaining source is still operational, maintaining the final round of the world.

But as this round continues, that last point of origin will eventually be destroyed, until the last battle round ends, when the whole world collapses together.

For all this, the world awareness itself can feel, but there is no way to change it.

While the world’s awareness is strong and capable of all the existence of the world, there is no way of collapsing such a mechanism originating in the world itself.

It’s like a big guy with serious illness.

Seoul is strong and strong, but if he is seriously ill, he can rely only on his own defence system.

When his own healing and defence functions cannot be effective, and even breakthrough, then all he can rely on is external, only by seeking outside doctors and not by himself.

The same is true of the world’s awareness right now.

For the world as a whole, the world is equivalent to his body, and the world’s consciousness itself corresponds to its neural hub, which can be directed to the body itself.

When the World is close to collapse and is about to fall into an endless cycle, the world’s consciousness itself can be realized, but he cannot change, but can only watch his body continue to fall back into a cycle of death.

And Adier’s coming, for this world, is a good medicine.

He himself is strong enough, and his own strength has reached five stages, and even for a world, it cannot be ignored and a strong complement.

Besides, he has far more than that.

The Bloodline of the Son of Trick, straight to 7th grade, is an insurmountable temptation for any existence.

Added to the special nature of his own soul and the appearance of transcendent power, temptation is even more irreparable for the world.

To some extent, as long as Adier’s origins have been acquired, his soul and his origins have been swallowed, this world, which is about to fall into collapse, can rekindle a new engine, which can take on a new path.

On the other hand, the same is true for Adier.

the world, despite its destruction, has been brilliant, and the accumulation of the world itself remains.

Over the past few years, the rules of the World itself operate, and the World Power and Strength, represented by the World Awareness, are excellent complements for Adier.

It can be said that, for Adier, as long as the world has been acquired, he can immediately cross the accumulation of countless years and immediately obtain higher levels of funding for promotion.


‘s even hope to pave the way before 7th grade.

This is also a great temptation for Adier, which is only five stages today.

There is a natural consensus between the two sides, each of which can obtain significant gains from each other.

At the time of the first round, they reached agreement.

With their respective existence as a bet, the next bet will be made.


contents of the bet are very simple.

Adier’s own soul entered the world, in which he fought against each other.

Having transcendent power, it can withdraw from the world at a time when it is in a disadvantage, and then start again, but it is naturally unfair for the world itself.

Thus, in order to maintain balance and in order to ensure fairness in the betting, Adier once withdrew from the world will be sealed in the last round of memories and then re-entered in the world.

That’s the truth of Adier’s seven rounds back.

It is not the World Awareness itself that has such a strong capacity to influence Adier’s memory and even to influence the operation of trans-shipment, which Adier automatically does.

Because the fairness of the bet would not be guaranteed without doing so, nor would the world awareness be able to reach a consensus with Adier.

That’s the truth that Adier keeps returning in the middle of the world.

And at this point, with Ariel’s constant return, the real victory of this bet is finally decided.

Shanghai World fell outside the world and began to eat the world.

And within this world, Adier’s own Strength still exists, repressing the central part of the world, including another subordinate King of Adier, at this moment at the centre of the World Bank.

And one after another had been swallowed by Adier, the three gods who had been able to defend the world and served as the last barrier to the world.

Though still strong, the World Awareness Strength has not had a medium sufficient to enable him to play his own Strength to block the erosion of Adyer.

Of course, even if the three gods still exist, they are unlikely to be the Dyer opponent.

Origin, there were countless ideas in the heart, and Adier was silent and looked far away.

At this moment, on the roof of the World, there is a planet that continues to shine in the sky, and it looks like countless stars fall into the earth, vast and beautiful.

This is the world’s consciousness in emotion, and it has predicted the end of the next day and has begun to generate a variety of reactions.

Deliveries between the two worlds have finally begun, and that unique response has gradually evolved to make it clear that people in the world are beginning to feel it.

In all parts of the world, people are witnessing flash scenes in the sky, and there are covenants between them, and another continent is approaching them.

Of course, they can’t change anything, they can’t do anything, they can only watch it come to them.

The two communities are united.

This is an immediate trend.

The two World Units are integrated into this step, and it is no longer possible to separate them unless there is a higher level of Strength intervention.

Even Adier, who has led to all this, is no longer possible at this moment to stop it, let alone weak world consciousness itself.

It seems to feel all this, stand silent in a shadow of the world, and Adier heard a euphemism and then discover that everything around it began to change.

The whole world’s awareness began to change, and the source of Strength began to change, unlike the previous confrontation, to change attitudes and to begin to integrate proactively with the ancient world that came.

the world abandoned the resistance and began to integrate itself with the ancient World and put an end to it as soon as possible.

Between the covenant, a voice starts to pass.

“By gambling, I lost this time.”

“This world is yours.”

Quiet standing in the center of the World, Adier, listen to this voice, look calm, Murray Nodded.

“Don’t worry.”

He opened his mouth and then stretched his hand.

A golden light rises from him, shines in the plains, looks like a golden crystal, beautiful and invisible.

It’s a golden fragment, and it’s floating from Strength in the World.

World fragments.

This fragment, which was handed over to Adier by the old woman before the World Awareness, is a legacy of the last World Awareness, actually a fragment of the world’s initiative.

At this point, the fragment acts as a medium and begins to play other roles on its own initiative.

boundary Energy of purple was flashing, on the fragments of the world, a little Strength began to float, and gradually had some connection with the world.

the rest of Strength in the world began to shrink and gradually came together under Adier’s operation, bringing the colour shown in this fragment to a more sophisticated and more depressed.

Until the end of the day, this fragment became a model, from golden to purple, where the strength of the world was getting depressed and reaching a heartbreaking point.

Indeed, at this moment, this cannot be called the fragment of the World, but it should be called the World Awareness itself.

Adier injected the world awareness into this fragment, using it as a medium and temporarily accommodating its existence.

That way, even if the world is about to be swallowed by the ancient world, the world’s consciousness can be left to live in another way.

“I know what you think…”

Adier looked forward to the purple crystal in front of his eyes: “After this world has passed, I will find you a body that will make you a free individual and no longer be a restrained world consciousness.”

Origin, he said something.

Before him, it seemed to have heard him, the purple crystal slight, and the purple light above was flash and seemed to have agreed in nodded.

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