The world is starting to change.

The integration of the two World Groups has affected everything.

In the world around it, a change continues to emerge, with a bright star falling on the roof, leaving a little bit on the earth.

And yet another landscape of falsification flourished in the middle of the sky, as if the seatown lobby was general, fantastic, but real, and gradually approached the world.

These are real images and scenes, representing another world scene.

And at this point, the whole world can see it from another angle.

This means a further beginning of integration between the two communities.

After the World Awareness itself abandoned resistance, followed the bets and handed over the entire world to Adier, it was the last obstacle to the reunification of the two communities and completely disappeared.

The advent of the ancient world in this world has gradually been accompanied by a new change in the world.

However, although there is no impediment to the awareness of the world, it is not unusual, after all, to reconcile the two communities.

In Adier’s view, the process is still very lengthy and may take decades to truly do so.

However, for the existence of Adier, the area has been in the last few decades, and it’s just one moment.

Silence is standing in the center of the world, Adier looks up and feels like a heating stream in the body is flowing from the depths of the body.

little by little purple’s world light began to bloom, and it started to rise in Adier’s mind.

In a moment, he felt the whole world was different, and a new perspective was being opened to him and opened to him.


has been a change throughout the world, whether a weed or a variety of lives, and at this moment Adier’s eyes are full of all kinds of spirituality and colour.

It’s the view of the World.

Adier finally got what he wanted when he came to the world in the past, when the two communities were together.

it’s the world everything.

The big Strength started to bloom, and in the depth of Adier’s body, a whole new engine began to bloom, as if there were endless madness.

The original precious strength of the world, at this time, is as high as it is not for money, and continues to flow towards him, with unprecedented wealth.

If such a scene was seen by other witches, I’m afraid it would be jealous.

Adier showers in the power of the world.

Like the one that was originally missing was supplemented, and he felt absolutely abundant at this moment.

In his body, the gloomy light began to bloom, and in the body’s Bloodline began to erupt itself, and that purely Bloodline power was distressing and fearing.

The light of pure Bloodline began to bloom, showing its strength at this moment.

After taking advantage of the great power of the world, Bloodline, the son of the Dyer in the body, began to change and move towards maturity.

With this process, the breath on Dyer has also begun to change.

Phase 5 Peak 6 Peak

The breath on him began to change, and at a moment it crossed the distant distance, directly reaching six stages, and even beyond the time when the three gods had swallowed Bloodline before.

This is where Bloodline, the son of the Treasure, grew up on his own, and Bloodline, the son of the Treasure, grew up to Peak’s level.

Six-world Peak Strength.

At this level, even when it comes to the witch World Peak, it can’t be weak enough to claim the superior hero, the highest group of people.

If it were placed alone at the level of the elf family, it would be more than just a few minorities, such as the Emerald Mother.

After all, Bloodline, the son of the Treasure, in theory, can only be owned by the mother of the Treasure, even if there are few people in history, and each one can be remembered in history.

And in the middle of today’s Witch World, if there is no stronger witch ambush, the strength of Adier today can even be described as the first.

Adier stood silent in the land, and his face looked at all around.

At this moment, he stands at the peak of his life.

in the body’s Bloodline is constantly changing, beginning to emerge, with a pound of Bloodline’s strengths flowing straight to the sky and spreading out of the gloomy light.

Every drop of blood, every piece of flesh is filled with great Strength, and if it comes out, it will be able to bury a hell and transform the earth into an embryonic area.

If there is a total outbreak, even a small world cannot afford it, it will be completely destroyed by Adier at this moment.

This is Adier’s power today.

“Six steps, Peak… finally reached…”

Quiet on the ground, feeling the changes on your body, looking at the distant, Adier light sighed.

“Congratulations…” One voice comes from the side.

Adier turned around looking towards the side.

Only there, a single silhouette, is coming from there.

The silhouette was wearing a black clothed, a landscape like Adier, and even the atmosphere was exactly the same, like two.

Unlike Adier, however, the colour of the Tsar King’s hair is a scarlet, and it looks very bright and impressive.

He gradually went to Adier and looked forward to his opening mouth and said, “How do you feel?”

“That’s it.”

Adier shook the head.

“Some of the landscapes that used to look forward to, and when you really got there, it would actually be that way.”

“It seems to be reasonable.” The majesty has nodded.


Adier indifferent expression, then stretched his hand: “This is for you.”

On him, three completely different Bloodline breaths began to float and turned out to be three crystal stones, heading straight to the side of the King.

These three rock crystals look beautiful and sacred. In this, the deep and terrifying Strength breeds in it, giving people a feeling like a straight God.

“Is this the original source of the Troika Bloodline?”

Three gems in front of your eyes, the King is a little different: “Don’t you need this?”

“I don’t need it.”

Origin, Adier shook the head: “I’m different from your path.”

“The Bloodline of the Son of Charlotte, for me, is enough, and there is no need to contaminate my origins with other external Bloodline.”

“Moreover, I have reached the level of the six-stage Peak, the Bloodline of the Three gods, which is no secret to me.”

“These three origins, though good, have not worked much for me.”

“Better give it to you.”

“That’s true.”

Origin, listen to Adier, the extreme prince has nodded and smiled on his face.

He extended the hand, and in front of his eyes, the three gods were transformed into a gem and directly integrated into his body.

Bloodline Secret Art became operational instantly, and then Bloodline integration began, so it started in front of Adier.

Adier looked forward to the turning king and waved his hand.

The power of a world came suddenly, surrounded by the King and turned into food.

And then next moment, these powers of the world were burned and burned into the bears of the world and covered the entire body of the King.

In the burning of the World Fire, the Bloodline of the three gods began to be integrated with the Red King’s Bloodline and gradually began to change.

Of course, it is foreseeable that even if there is a backup from the fire of the world, this time of change will be long.

“But that’s exactly what it is.”

Origin, Adier laughed.

At this juncture, there is also a short period of time before the two World Units are fully merged.

During this period, Adier has been completely absent.

Of course, this does not mean that Adier has to do nothing during this period of time.

If you’re serious, he’s actually got a lot to do.

For example, coordination of mergers between the two communities and adjustment of the details of mergers between the two communities, such as the study of the way forward to 7th grade.

Of course, after the world had been fully acquired, the road ahead to 7th grade had not been much blocked for him.

After reaching the six-tier Peak and reaching its own Bloodline growth threshold, Adier automatically received a message that clearly misled the most critical factor to 7th grade.

That’s the power of the world.

From four to five to six, it was a process that True Spirit was constantly changing.

And after the sixth phase, True Spirit’s mutation has reached a very high level, requiring a higher level of Strength, the so-called strength of the world.

Only with the power of the world and the strength of the world that accumulates enough will it be possible to base it and begin trying to promote 7th grade.

This condition, however, is not at all difficult for Adier.

For ordinary witches, it is naturally difficult to take control of the essence of the power of the world.

For Adier, however, he himself had transcendent power and had been harnessing the power of the world from the moment he first fell to Boundary Energy, which was naturally close to the strength of the world and had the power to use it.


essence of the world’s consciousness is difficult for others, but it is very simple for Adier.

The same applies to the accumulation of sufficient numbers of the world.

For other witches, in order to accumulate enough world power, each and everyone must fight the rest of the world and plunder Strength of the rest of the world.

Without mentioning the difficulties encountered in this process, it is only after another world, that a number of problems such as the exclusion of the world confront are sufficient.

And for Adier, this is a simpler question.

Having transcendent power, he itself can come into different worlds, and it’s very simple for him to acquire the power of the world.

Not to mention, he already has a world at this juncture, which, for him, is quite generous, though not exhaustive.


was not a problem for him to build up the world needed for the promotion of 7th grade.

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