In the morning, the sun shines above the earth, and it shines into a golden, and it looks like a bright warming.

In a small, quiet and small city, the surrounding world appears to be quiet and quiet.

The people around are walking on the road.

It is at this juncture that, when everything recovers, on the road to the city, some of the working communities began to emerge continuously and each went to their places of work.

Sometimes, you can see some students wearing school uniforms, and your face looks kind of anxious, and your feet rush towards school.

In a corner of the city center, in a huge villa, Chen slowed eyes open and looked towards far away.

At this juncture, golden sunshine on the ground, slowly searching the entire room through the windows and taking the whole room out of light.

“Has it been in the morning?”

Get up from bed, look out at the bright sunlight outside the window, and that familiar warmth around it, and tell me what to say.

She shook the head, and then struggled to get dressed up from bed, and then went out of her room door after a careful dress.

Not later, she came to the streets outside.

The streets out there, and after the peak of the morning, there are few people outside.

On the streets, each and everyone silhouette is rare, and only each and everyone’s tall silhouette keeps walking around, and there’s a lot of work going on.

That’s each and everyone black’s robot, and every one has one meter wide and has a similar look, and it’s always busy around here.

This is a mechanical puppet, a combination of witchcraft and technology.

A few decades ago, after a combination of the two communities, advanced technologies originating in the former World were disseminated and began to be applied to all aspects of life.

It’s like the machine puppets in front of us.

There are

many sophisticated technologies, as well as sophisticated witchcraft knowledge, used in the immediate puppets, which are complex and capable of doing a lot of things.

The maintenance of cities is very convenient, and some basic physical labour, such as cleaning, building, etc., has gradually been replaced by these mechanical puppets.

Indeed, within the context of the world as a whole, a wide range of physical labour has gradually begun to disappear, and if not for reasons of employment, it is feared that all of these machines will be used.

After all, these machines, although costly, have been used lifespan for a long time, and each mechanical puppet is normally used to maintain at least centuries of cycles, much more than ordinary manpower.

Chen Xiaoqiao is on his way and continues to move forward.

After a while, the sky began to show up a little bit, and a couple of shadows began to appear and the sun was temporarily concealed.

Feel that, Chen, look towards the sky.

The most recent aircraft flying over the sky at a few times has been drawn directly from the sky, at a very rapid pace, but it is also surprising.

That was an official newly-published aerial vehicle, which was also one of the most recent studies of witchcraft that began to develop with magic as a technology for energy.

Even though the pace is not fast, it can flourish in the sky.

Of course, for the witch, it was unnecessary.

After all, even if it was not a formal witch, it was just a three-level apprentice, so long as he had the corresponding witchcraft, there was also a way to fly himself, and there was no need to use such tools.

Such a unique aircraft, mainly for those ordinary people, can be given the ability to flourish in the sky even if they are not meditated.

In the current circumstances, however, there are few people who are currently able to consume because of high prices.

Generally non-wealthy and often inexpensive.

In recent times, however, this sophisticated aircraft has also been gradually oriented towards the general public, and price costs have repeatedly declined, and it may soon be possible to reach the conditions acceptable to civilians.

Maybe by that time, the sky will be crowded like the streets of today.

Turn your head up and look forward and Chen will continue to move forward.

Over the past decades, there have been many changes in life around the world, with the exception of some regions.

If it is not because of past habits that have led most of the people of today to live in accordance with the habits of the past, it is feared that today’s society has changed considerably.

Continue to walk on the road for a while, not later, and Chen has come to an open building.

This is an Academy that is dedicated to the Quartet, and that gives valuable knowledge to the nearby students.

Chen Chiang is a lecturer in there.

At this juncture, he entered his own classroom, and there are many people sitting there.

In a broad-based classroom, hundreds of people are sitting on the inside, and some of the elements are complex, including the middle age age person, as well as children and adolescents who are still underage.

All ages are covered.

There is no doubt, however, that these people are not rich and expensive, and that they all have the qualifications of the witch’s innate talent.

The system of witchcraft, which has not been fully available for decades to merge between the two communities, must be invaluable to learn the knowledge of witches in advance, otherwise it would not be possible to reach them in advance.

Not to say anything, just to test whether there is a witch hostage, it’s a lot of money.

It’s not a family’s luxury, it’s not a family that can’t afford it.

The classroom had some noise, and, after all, hundreds of people were in the classroom, and the people were very confused, and it was impossible not to make a noise.

But with Chen’s entry, the entire classroom came down quietly, without a single voice.

This order, if other teachers see it, I’m afraid to stare.

But here it is very normal.

No one dares to touch the seriousness of the lecturer, because those present understand the value of this opportunity and what it means behind it.

So they don’t dare to speak, they’re afraid to make themselves feel bad in teachers’ minds.

“It seems that everyone is on time…”

Silence sat on the rostrum, Chen looked down, and it was determined that all the people in the classroom had arrived.

So she picked up a whip, and she was ready to start teaching.

“This lesson, we’re talking about the construction of the Spirit model and the philosophy of meditation.”

She picked up the whip and started talking.

Not a while later, in the classroom of the land, all the voices around it began to disappear, and the voices of only one of her people were still ringing.

Chen’s language style is very serious, and it seems a little boring, but it’s actually very tight, like a machine that is very precise and accurate, without any slight error.

Despite the loss of some flexibility and fun, it is an extremely positive attitude to this intolerable knowledge of witches.

The people down there are watching seriously that no one dares to make a sound, each and everyone’s eyes are staring at the rostrum, staring at the statement on the rostrum, daring to make a slight noise and fearing to disturb the lecture.

Soon, half an hour past.

A blatant sound suddenly rings outside the door, breaking the atmosphere of silence in the classroom.

Chen’s consciousness turned around and looked at the door ringing, not frowned.

She has some unhappiness in her heart.

There’s nothing good in his heart about this guy who bothers himself in class.

Both past and present.

“Hello”, a voice that sounds very clear outside the door, with some magnetism, is not a good feeling to start hearing.

“Can I come in?”

Origin, Chen Xiaozhou, the sensation of ignorance is a sense of familiarity.

So she jumped in her heart and had a feeling.

“Please come in.”

She insisted on tension and excitement in her heart, remained calm in her face and spoke outside.

In the classroom, looking forward to a clear response, there’s some confusion around the student.


was no similar situation at the time of previous classes.

But in the past, every time that happens, Chen Chiang will have expressionless to let each other get out of here.

Like today, not only is it not angry, but it’s the first time that we let each other in.

So they were curious, and the line looked at the door of the classroom and wanted to see who the people outside were.

After a while, under the eyes of the people, the door is open outside.

A teenager silhouette appeared outside the classroom door.

Adolescents are wearing a white shirt, with a long black hair, so natural, with no jewellery.

His manners, better than anyone imagined, were better than anyone had ever seen, had a unique atmosphere, and at the moment when he was expected to see him, he was not relieved of his heart, as if he felt the truth of life and had a unique sense of tranquillity.

At this point, he stands so quiet outside the door, smiles on his face, a pair of green eyes staring at the light of his face, and then lightly started talking about it.

“long time no see.”

Chen was completely on the ground, and it was a good time to react.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time.”

After a long time, she looked at young people outside the door, endured the excitement of her heart and slowed her mouth down.

As a result of the accidental incursion of juveniles, the course was prematurely declared closed.

With young people, Chen Chen came to a quiet tea room.

“Where have you been for decades?”

Come to a tea room with young people, look forward to Adier, and Chen can’t stop talking.

“For decades…”

At the end, sitting opposite Chen Chen, looking at her still unchanged face, and there’s a lot of scenes around here, and Adier smiles on her face.

“I just slept…”

He laughed, looking forward to the clarity, the manners and the past, and it looked so beautiful.

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