Fresh light is flashing, and the original, accompanied by a glimmer of grey light, a slight voice appears on the ground.

In a quiet laboratory, Adier silhouette again appeared around.

“I’m back…”

Keep your eyes quiet, he says so, with some sighs in his voice.

Returning from the Lord of a World to the world, this instant lag makes him somewhat inappropriate.

But it’s good that he’s not the one who was the first, and soon adapted to that sense of difference and returned to his original feelings.

In nearly a hundred years of the world of the three gods, in the witch world, only a few years have passed.

There has been little change around this time.

After all, for such a short period of time, even for a formal witch, it’s only a test or a distance time that’s all.

Not even for Adier.

“It’s time to go out…”

He lamented, so he said, and then summoned his old department in the Mason region to learn about what had happened recently.

He then understood the situation around him.

in the underground world, most of the dark elf has now moved gradually, and over the years, it has been moving towards the surface.

The Queen of Silver, led by Adier, received the clandestine elf, placing them in a separate and empty area where they were constructed for their cities.

At present, it appears that this pattern of coexistence is still in place, and what is the major contradiction that has arisen from not at all.

It is believed that in a few decades, when this dark elf is gradually adapted to surface life, they will be able to gradually integrate into the community of the Kingdom of elf after the birth of the Earth.

the same is true of underground world development.

After Adier entered underground world, the Emperor of Silver fog infiltrated underground world and began to try to develop some of the underground worlds.

Since only a few years have elapsed, such exploration has not yet shown much effect for the time being, but has also received some gains from some of the indigenous peoples of underground world through trade and looting.

Some of the properties and goods originating in underground world are very popular in the Earth.

Similarly, some products and resources from surface World are equally attractive to underground world witches and to some unique ethnic groups.

At the time of the past, the reasons for isolation of Formation were not relevant, but until now, after connectivity, new and new creatures had been launched.

That development, which lasted hundreds of years, and by expanding and developing, the strength of the Mason region may continue to rise and reach an unprecedented pace.

But that’s what’s going on.

In fact, for Adier today, it is no longer a matter of interest in this area.

After having three gods in the world, Adier’s focus has gradually shifted to that world.


strength of the Mason region, while still good, is still inadequate compared to the world as a whole.

The development potential of a region is limited, not as strong as the whole of the world.

But this is also a future thing.

At this point, Adier has no intention of changing what is natural and slowly developing enough.

His next focus will be directly in Higher Domain.

To be precise, it’s in the tower of the Treasure.

Origin, in a beautiful and quiet courtyard, thinking of all that, Adier looked forward to a far-reaching, two-fold landscape.

Time unknown to the past.

Soon, it’s more than a hundred years past.

One day in the morning, in the tower of the Treasure, in the room belonging to Adier, a passenger went to the door and walked slowly.

“Adier, what’s going on?” An old voice rings.

Hemuck walked into Adier’s room, looked forward to Adier, a smile on an old face.

“Simma said you had an emergency to tell me that I don’t know what it is.”

Calm down in front of Adier, and he’s got a smile on his face, very nice talk, and there’s no Elder’s shelf.

Indeed, his attitude has always been the same.

With regard to Adier, his attitude is completely different from that of Yale, which has become very serious and very good in the past.

This, on the one hand, is Simma’s cause, and, after all, Adier is Cimar’s disciple, and even for Simma’s sake, he will be very kind to Adier.

And on the other hand, Adier’s excellent.

He is not only a near-minded pharmacist Master, but also the pure blood of Moon Elf, whose strength has reached four stages, but in the future it is not surprising or even hopeful to enter the five stages, which are now the same as him.

Most crucial is that Adier’s personality is quiet and gentle, and naturally it is easier to create a sense of good than always inaction and chaos in Yal.

“Hermuck Elder.”


front of the eye, Adier turned around and looked at Hermok, and smiled on his face.

“I’m going to call you when you’re not at all, just trying to talk to you about one thing that’s all…”

The voices fell, and the footsteps slowed down.

Simma walked out of the room, looking forward to Hemuk and Adier, and smiling on his face.

I don’t know if it’s a mistake, Hermok always feels that in Simma’s face, that bleak smile seems to be hidden from very intense excitement and fanaticism.

At the time of Downton, he felt something unusual, that attitude was more straightforward and that his face was much more serious.

He just wanted to ask, but he ended up stuck.

Because in front of the eyes, in Adier’s body, a little bit of the freshness light slows down.

A uniquely unique Bloodline breath slowed down by the mix of Sunelf and Moon Elf’s pure blood, which erupted at this moment.

The freshly embedded domain will cover this place completely and conceal a covenant, as it was at the beginning of the ancient past, a great shore, and a sacred world Tree will slow up opening up its branches, will cover the whole world, and the whole universe will be in the arms of the trees.

The infinite sanctity, the invisible Great Coast, which makes all the elf feel boiling.


At the end of the day, Hermuck was completely stuck, and the face was completely stalled, and I don’t know what to say.


A few months of time has slowed down.

In the pink tower, a major event came out of it.

Tens of years have been sealed in the tower of the Treasure, reportedly by the great-generation Secret Realm, which was left behind by the first generation of tyranny, and is about to begin in the near future.

And as the best two descendants of the embryonic tower, a pure sun elf and Moon Elf are about to enter the grim, in which they search for inheritance of the son of the Treasure.

This major event, which attracted the attention of numerous forces around it.

Hundreds of witches came to the city of Dietrich, explored in the city of Diego, and wanted to get information about the ancient secrets for the first time.

And in this spectacular spectacle, the tidal Secret Realm was slowed up.


In a no-one corner, a voice slowed down.

In the front, Adier stood quietly, and at this moment his face was calm and looked far.

And after him, Simma and Hermok stood there quietly, guarding his right.

Unlike the image of Elder in the outside, at this moment, they are like two servants, standing around Adier, and there is a humility between one move, looking at Adier’s eyes, even more with fanaticism and excitement, which is as if the mentality that looks at the general faith of life cannot be concealed.

“Are you sure? Do you want us both to go in with you?”

Observing Adier in front of the eye, Hermuck couldn’t stop talking.

Since that day, Adier has shown his own son Bloodline, the Hemuk and Simma have become the most faithful supporter of Adier.

If, in the past, Adier, who was just Moon Elf’s pure blood, needed to be allowed to spend their time between them, then Adier would no longer let them have any hesitation today.

A son of a living nephew appeared.

This is the greatest pleasure for all elf, and nothing else can be compared to it.

Even Yal, son of the sun, is the same.

After all, even the son of the sun is rooted in it, and it is just a Bloodline that was divided on the mother of the original greatness, even though sacred and noble, it is not worth mentioning it compared to the son of the corpse.

To some extent, this Bloodline, the son of the Treasure, represents the mother of the Treasure.

Now that Guelf one after another’s meteor has fallen, the mother of the Dusty is not aware of this brake, and a son of the Dusty is enough to call all the elf, so that all the elf will follow him around.

This is not worth mentioning a solar elf in the district, compared to a son like this.

At this time, Adier, who has a son of Charlotte Bloodline, seems to be the future successor and ruler of the entire elf community, whose lives are much more valuable than anyone else.

So, at this point Adier is going into the Treasure Secret Realm, the most tense of which is not someone else, but both of them.

Even if there is no danger to life, it is enough to make them nervous even if it hurts a little bit.

“No, no, no.”

Looking forward to slowing the opening of the Pharaoh’s secret, feeling the tension behind the two, making Adier smile on his face, whispering.

“The Dusty Secret Realm was left by the son of the first generation, which left some of the things left behind by the son of the first generation.”

“I’m going to go in a little bit sooner or later.”

He laughed, so open.

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