The light of the freshness of the glory slows.

In a great legacy, the world is beginning to change with a shining light.

Space begins to distort, the earth starts to turmoil, and what appears to have happened in the immediate footprints, where dust begins to disappear and becomes a new one.

As the door of space continues to shake and shine, the door of the world, which is shattered by the gloomy of the clouds, is slowly open and stands between the immediate space.

Adier slowed down into the door of space, following which silhouette gradually disappeared.

The sensation of space is coming from it.

When Adier looked open again, he had come to another place.

The present is a tremendous legacy, in which an ancient building is standing on the Quartet, covering the whole region.

These buildings appear to be very ancient, and the pattern of them, albeit sophisticated, varies considerably from what is needed in today’s Treasure Tower.

“The old style…”

Looking forward to all around the building, Adier kept quiet and then went forward.

He didn’t forget the original purpose.

Trick Secret Realm was created by the son of the first generation, many of which were left behind by the son of the first generation.

Of course, for Adier today, most of these things have lost attractiveness to him.

Whatever precious resources, or witches’ knowledge, mystery and stuff, can only be complementary to him, attractive though they are, but not strong.

He is in charge of today, but it is only the Pepper who was left behind by the son of the original grey.

The sword of the Trek.

This is the weapon left behind by the legendary son of the first generation, which contains Strength and the elite of the life of the son.

In the legend, as long as someone can pull out this sword, it means getting inheritance of the son of the Dusty and inheriting the glory and Strength of the son of the Dusty.

For Adier, that’s what he wants.

Having swallowed the sun elf, he is now somewhat different from the true son of Trinity, despite the fact that he has changed to be Bloodline, the son of the Dusty.

He lacked the true inheritance of the son of the Dusty, who only had the Bloodline, and lost the unique inheritance of that elf family.

The loss of inheritance has led Adier to the fact that at this moment he can only find a way beyond 7th grade through his own search.

And all this, can be obtained on the sword of the Treasure.

As is the case between the monarchs of the first generation, which Adier had acquired in the past, that sword must certainly have inheritance from the son of the first generation.

As long as these are available, what Adier currently lacks can be supplemented, and the way forward can be even more smooth.

It was with this idea that he would enter the grim.

Of course, in addition to this main purpose, there are several major objectives that need to be achieved.

Like that moment, you go into the Jar of Secret Realm.

Quiet walking in a ravaged legacy, Adier had some accidents.

Before he came here to Secret Realm, he thought it would be a very short process to find the sword of the tyranny in this great legacy.

But after he actually walked into this monument, he found that the process of finding the sword of the Dusty was much easier than he imagined.

Just walked into the Secret Realm, just a moment ago, and he was in the body’s Bloodline was boiling himself.

The light of freshness shines on him, spontaneous boiling, hidden, and something that exists in the distant.

Both are interdependent and attractive to each other, and at this juncture are extremely attractive.

In the Treasure Secret Realm, the sword of the grey sword was recovered spontaneously, calling for Adier’s arrival.

It may be difficult for others to find the sword, but it is not easy for Adier.

“Feel my Bloodline?”

Adier had a slight delay in the response to that anonymity, which had been thought so in his heart.

It is clear that today that he was felt in the body’s embryonic Bloodline, and that he was therefore beginning to recover himself in order to attract him to the road.

If this thing is known to other wizards of the elf community, it will be jealous.

In the past, the tower of the Treasure did not know how many times a witch was sent into the Dusty Secret Realm to bring that sword out of it.

But what this approach has gained is yet another failure.

No matter what they do, no response can be obtained from the embryo, even if it is found in the seat of the sword, let alone bring it out.

And at this moment, Adier’s sword recovered itself, not only recovered, but was also actively leading him and wanted him to come as soon as possible.

This gesture of surrender, if it is known to others, will certainly be uneven.

Fortunately, there are no others here.

To some extent, it’s a good thing to do.

Adier’s silent laughed, followed by steps to move forward.

Soon, he came to a palace.

The present palace is two colours, golden and silver, which represent the Bloodline of the Sunelf and Moon Elf, where the palace’s immediate palace is well placed.

In the palace, Adier can feel a familiar Strength, all around the palace, maintaining the functioning of the palace, which has not disappeared so far.

That is the gravity of only the son of the Treasure, and the Strength of the body in which he flourishes, which is in this palace at this moment.

This is Strength, the son of the first generation, who guarded this palace from the outsiders.

In the past, the witches sent by the embryonic tower may not find the place where the sword is located, or perhaps the relationship between the palace.

Adier looked at the palace in front of his eyes and then took a step towards the palace.

Soon, he came to the center of the palace, where he saw what he wanted to see.

A golden long sword.

On a distant altar, a long sword of golden was standing there, quiet and quiet.

This golden long sword doesn’t look obvious, but it’s beautiful, and it spreads a unique tattoo, and it looks like a tree, where the sun and the moon’s mark are showing up and floating.

At this juncture, this shakes long sword lightly, one of which Strength is flowing and builds a resonance on Adier’s gravity.

Adier’s body paused.

On the sword of the invisible corpse, he was acutely aware of a Strength, which was common to him in the body, but was even deeper and more terrifying than he was at Strength level.

7th grade.

The sword of the present tyranny has suddenly spreaded a strength from 7th grade.

That was Strength, who was originally born of the son of Trinity, and was left with the blade of the blade at this moment, and even after so many years, it had not been completely eliminated, and it still remained.

For Adier, it may be possible to look at the 7th grade as long as the sword has been acquired, absorbing the residual gravity of it, and to grow a significant step on the 7th grade path.

Importance is self-evident.

At this point, however, he was not moving, but standing silently at his place of origin.

Because at this juncture, before that altar with a sword of grey, Silhouette stood.

It’s a thin silhouette, with some similarities to Adier, with very impressive demons, just different from Adier’s silver hair, a blonde hair, which looks like an invisible glory and a seizure, with a living sanctity and authority.

Son of the sun, Yala.

At this moment, he stood at the altar of the sword of the Treasure, where he stood behind Adier and looked forward to the altar of his eyes, just as he stood there lightly.

Stand on the ground, look forward to Yale before the altar, Adier has some accident.

Just entered the Treasury Secret Realm, which is less than a day yet.

He was able to get here quickly because of the sensitivity of the tyranny Bloodline and the sword of the tyranny, which made it possible to quickly feel the place and quickly come.

Yal, although pure blood from the Sunelf, is not as strong as Adier’s grey blood, even if he has a sense of his sword, nor should he be faster than Adier’s speed.

But he did come first, and look at this, it seems like he’s been here for a while.

This is clearly incompatible with the norm.

“You’re a lot faster than I thought.”

Not yet wait for Adier to ask, in the front, Yale’s voice came with some surprises.

“Looks like you’re in the body’s Moon Elf Bloodline far more than I thought it was pure, so you feel so strong about the sword.”

He turned around and looked at Adier, and he had some surprises on his face, and a pair of golden eyes were blatant heat.

Adier in front of that divine token doesn’t want frowned, and it’s kind of uncomfortable.

“What do you want to say?”

Adier’s face doesn’t change, looks forward to Yal, and just say it.

“Just to express my passion…”

Forward, look at Adier in front of the eye, and Yale shows a smile on his face.

“The more Moon Elf Bloodline on you is pure, the better for me…”

“As long as you’re taken out of the body’s Bloodline and integrated into me in the body, if you want me to have a symptom, you can completely remove it.”

He looked forward to the immediate Adier, which was no longer concealed for his own purpose.

“That’s what you’re doing.”

Adier’s face is calm and quiet: “You want to cure the unstable Bloodline on you with a pure blood Moon Elf.”

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