“Ah, I’m sorry…”

For a long time, the Lord of the heavens and the earth turned around, smiled on his face, staring at Adier in front of his eyes with a smile.

“It’s been stuck here too long, hard to run out, a little excited, and I hope you don’t mind.”

Adier was cold looking at him, saying nothing, not talking.

“I forgot that you’re still being pressed by Wizard Array in this monument, and now it’s estimated that even stations are hardly strong, let alone talking.”

“But although you can’t talk, I have to thank you…”

“If you don’t exist, let Yal lose his mind, even if this guy is so stupid, he can’t sacrifice that many priests to me.”

He laughed, laughed very happy: “I can get out of here, and that’s thanks to your help.”

The natural disaster leader obviously misunderstood the reasons for Adier’s silence and automatically judged something.

Origin, Adier does not speak, just standing there, looking at the Lord of the heavens and the earth in peace, and his face looks like nothing.

“But since you’ve helped me with that many, why don’t you help me again?”

Looking forward to Adier, where the Lord of the Disasters didn’t mind, standing there with a slight smile on his face, so he said.

“You’re a pure Moon Elf source, and I like it too.”

The sound fell, and the sound was blown up in the plain place.

Origin, he extended the hand, and a black dagger was pulled out of his arms and stabbed directly at Adier’s heart.

To be honest, his stabbing is not really fast, just a normal person’s speed, and if it’s normal, don’t say a witch, even if it’s a ordinary man, most can hide.

At this point, however, he was not worried that Adier would be able to hide, as if he had been trapped by Wizard Array and could not move.

Adier’s face is calm, and he looks at the Lord of the heavens and the earth before him, without talking.


A simple sound rings at the place of origin.


The Lord of the heavens and the disaster was somewhat accidental.

At the moment the black dagger collided with Adier, before Adier, a series of sharp rays of light arose, instantaneously becoming a barrier and blocking the black dagger in his hand.

I can’t really stab it.

In that barrier created by the triumph rays of light, a Strength, familiar with the Lord of the Disasters, is coming.

Trickle power.

Good. Protect Adier Strength in front of the eye is not another, it’s the gravity.


have been countless years of repression here, and this natural disaster leader is familiar with Strength, the unique son of the tyranny, but it cannot be mistaken.


He’s slight, and he hasn’t understood what happened.

He then saw that golden long sword, who was lying on the altar, was spreading rays of light at the altar.

the sword of golden embryonic spreads rays of light, and at its previous point mysterious tattoos are spreading and spreading.

Artifact Spirit is like a sudden recovery, in which the horror’s gravitational power comes, and a Strength builds itself, and immediately surrounds Adier.

“The sword of the Treasure has recovered spontaneously”

The Lord of Heaven suddenly felt a little frightened by the resurgence of the sword on the altar: “Why?”

“What do you say?”

Adier expressionless, shut up.

With his voice falling, all around him, that was the first time that his Wizard Array was tied to change.

It seems to feel him in the body’s Bloodline, where the gravity of Wizard Array began to spread, spreading spontaneously into the body of Adyer and backing Wizard Array into Strength.

The thoroughly of these restraints are lost and no longer formed.

The Lord of the heavens and the earth stares at the eye.

He doesn’t understand how Adier did it all.

“Did you wake up the sword of the Treasure?”

He looked up at Adier in front of his eyes, this moment of complexion greatly changed, no longer able to maintain the peace before: “Why?”

Adier didn’t answer his question, just standing there, looking at him quietly.


be precise is to look at his chest.

The Lord of the heavens and the earth stood there quietly, and was seen by Adier to be somewhat uncomfortable.

After a moment, he was conscious of the low head, looking at his chest.

Thereafter, he was a crooked one.

Just before his chest, a long sword of golden was made available directly, with golden blood on it.

Now this golden long sword is not a different one. It was the sword that was lying at the altar.

Those golden blood are no other than his own blood.


Origin, he looked forward to his broken chest, stuck directly there, with a face that was afraid of believing: “Why?”

To date, he has been afraid to believe that he does not understand which part of the chain he has made a mistake, leading to such a result today.

Adier was calmly looking at him, and he didn’t mean to be confused.

Next moment, the original noise is a little loud.

A little trivial power was shattered in the land, and then the body of the Lord of the Disasters was blown directly.


blood of golden is spreading in the land, just for a moment, and the body of Yar’s sun is directly broken and directly crushed by the gravity of the grey sword.

There’s no room left.

It’s all over.

Origin, Adier shakes his head, looks forward to the bodies that Yale exploded in front of his eyes, doesn’t talk, just a little sigh.

A Bloodline that was essentially as high as five steps of sunelf’s pure blood fell.

To some extent, it is also a very unfortunate thing.

Of course Adier doesn’t waste it.

Origin, he stretched his hand.

A unique Strength from his in the body.

In a moment, the surrounding blood began to reverse and returned to Yale’s body.

The entire body of Yale then disappeared directly and became a little golden’s solar source and was captured by Adier.

This is the full source of Bloodline on a son of the sun, and if there is an opportunity to move on to another elf in the future, it may be possible to transform another elf into a son of the sun, thereby inheriting the innate talent of the Sun’s son.

This, of course, would have been a loss, and even if it had been successful, its Bloodline would not have been as perfect as Yale.

Just talk more than that’s all.

After all this, Adier was silent, looking forward to golden long sword.

After the sword killed the Lord of the Disasters, it returned golden’s sword to calm, with golden radiance on it bleak, and only one of them was boiling, with Strength on Adier.

It’s like calling him.

No hesitation, Adier directly extended the hand, and acquiescence picked up the golden sword.

Bang! Bang!

A simple heartbeat continues to pass out at the place of origin.

In a moment, Adier only felt that the world was calm, and only his own heartbeat was ringing in this place.

At that brake that picked up the sword, he had a resonance in the body’s Strength and the embryonic sword, where he saw another scene.

Under a sacred old tree of the Great Coast, a very high body of elf youth is static.

elf Young people are very tall, handsome, breathing deep, and the Bloodline breath is very similar to Adier, almost the same.

He stood under the old tree, and his face looked a little depressed and hidden.

“Mother… must you go?”

He looked forward to a very broad old tree, with some depression and grief.

“Child, this is our responsibility and an unavoidable destiny.”

In the front, a gentle and merciful voice is coming.

“After I left, the clansman gave it to you…”

“Please don’t worry.”

“I swear, in the name of my son, that even if I do my life, I will protect our clansman!”

“I trust you.”

Forward, that gentle and excellent voice continues to ring.


Next moment, another scene is fast flowing.

“Mother meteor, the power of the natural disaster will spread along the lines of Bloodline to all clansman…”

Before a great altar, young people stood there and looked around the rest of elf loudly said.

“I promised Mother I’d take care of our clansman.”

Doesn’t sound like he pulled golden’s sword of grey, a little cynical shock, and cut off the remaining elf’s contact with the mother’s Bloodline in a momentous strength.

Calm down, there are some clear comprehension in Adier’s heart.

Most of these scenes before us are those that have been experienced by the son of the Emerald, and they are repeated at this moment through Strength in the sword of the Emerald.

It was a lifetime to talk about the eldest son and about the history of the AEF community.

The scene of the moment has been looted.

When the last painting disappeared, Adier felt a little warming, and the origins of the Son of Neal alone slowed into his body from the sword of the Emerald.

A lot of consciousness emerges in his mind.

The inheritance, which belongs to the Son of the Treasure, is resurrected again and glorified at this moment.

Adier’s breath began to change gradually.

A little complex, mysterious and unique tattoo with a unique charm.

When Adier looked open again, the sword of the invisible sword had changed considerably.

golden’s sword has changed, and its original new sword has become obsolete, and its formerly existence has disappeared at this juncture, as if it were a normal long sword, with nothing unique.

All of them, Strength, including the inheritance of the son of the Dusty, have been handed over to Adier at this moment.

And with all this, the breath on Adier has changed in silence.

The last point was taken by him in silence, and in a moment, Strength, which had been at the threshold of the sixth phase, had moved again and finally reached the last point of isolation.

I promoted 7th grade.

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