“It was finally this step.”

In the palace of the gloomy, before standing in silence, Adier felt the changes that he was living in.

After taking the course of the witch, it has been a long journey, and now Adier has finally promoted 7th grade.

Earlier than before, following the inheritance of the three gods of the world, Adier was only a step away from 7th grade.

Even if he was alone, he could be promoted slowly in the next time.

And that Strength left behind by the son of the trumpet was helping him leave these time, and the promotion was successful directly.

His harvest is not just like that.

In comparison with the promotion of 7th grade, Adier’s greater gain is the acquisition of complete inheritance from the elf community.

With these acquisitions, Adier’s road after 7th grade is no longer completely lost.

“After 7th grade… is it in control of power?”

Origin, Adier remembered everything that had been recorded in inheritance and thought of it in silence.

The promotion of 7th grade from the sixth phase requires the essence of the power of the world and the accumulation of a considerable amount of the strength of the world in order to make it a success.

And after 7th grade, if you want to go further, you need the power of the World.

It is the rule, which is the essence of the operation of the World Bank, in a generally understandable interpretation.

For example, why the fire can burn, why the gravity of all things around the world exists is a manifestation of the rules.

Seventh th grade road is a process of exploring all this, melting rules into their own bodies and gradually turning themselves into a body of the rule of law.

While it sounds like there is still some illusory thing about the rules of exploration, at least there is a precise direction.

In addition, it seems that in the inheritance left behind by the son of Triad, a number of places have been mentioned, and there are many secrets about the post-7th grade.

“Jadeite World?”

Origin, Adier furry.

Of the inheritance left behind by the son of the Treasure, it specifically referred to Jadeite World, the Greater World, which was born to the mother of the Treasury.

The original great-grandmother appeared to have left something in Jadeite World before going to the World War.

It is important for the ensuing son of the Treasure.

Thus, Jadeite World was repeatedly raised in the inheritance left behind by the son of the Treasure.

Adier started thinking about everything about Jadeite World.

For Jadeite World, he’s not a stranger, but he’s not familiar.

As early as he was weak, he went to Jadeite World through his own superiority.

His own Moon Elf Bloodline, originally obtained through the collection of elf Royal Family’s body in Jadeite World, was slow.

但是随后,因为惧怕天灾诅咒爆发原因,他再没有去过Jadeite World ,因而对那个World 的印象还停留在过去弱小之时。

Jadeite World’s strength is not strong.

Maybe in the old witch age, the mother of the Treasure still existed that time, and Jadeite World was strong.

But now, following the defeat of the mother of Jadeite World and the spread of the curse of the natural disaster, the witch Strength of Jadeite World has fallen to the bottom of the valley.

By the impression of Adier’s past, most of the world has been unable to find a witch in more than four stages at this moment.

Jadeite World, which has prevailed for a very long time, is now only as weak as Adier was born in the deserted areas, even if the official witch is rarely seen.

For the elf community, however, the world does have a special significance.

This is the world born to the mother of the Treasure and the world of origin for the entire elf community.

In the mythology of the elf family, the mother of the tyre was born at the centre of Jadeite World and turned into a world tree, and then the whole elf family was born.

Thus, to some extent, Jadeite World is equivalent to all elf’s homeland.

Its meaning is self-evident.

If the mother of the original tyre left something behind and handed it over to subsequent generations, then it would be the most likely thing to stay in Jadeite World.

This has been done in Adier’s heart.

He’ll go to Jadeite World when things are busy over the tower.

At a time when he didn’t want to go to Jadeite World, on the one hand, because of the limited strength of Jadeite World, which was not very helpful to him, and on the other hand because of his natural curse in the body.

Jadeite World has spread the power of natural disasters throughout the year, with strong restraint on the elf community in which the body has a natural curse.

Adier used to be inferior, and the body was filled with a natural disaster curse Strength, and once too close to Jadeite World, the curse in the body would immediately be detonated, leading to dangers.

So, when he was little, he didn’t try to get back into Jadeite World.

By now, however, the curse of Adier in the body has long been resolved, even if entering Jadeite World, there is nothing to worry about.

Or, with Adier’s power today, let alone the natural curse of the zone, even in the face of the original battle with the mother of the Emerald, there is no need to fear too much of the cursed Lord of heaven.

At least after the promotion of 7th grade, Adier already has a self-safeguarded bottom, even if it is not hostile, there is a sense of escape.

After all, he has his own trans-shipment that can be used, and as long as time is wrong, he can flee to other worlds immediately.


Time passed slowly.

A few months later, a shocking message came out of the jazz tower.

The two most outstanding descendants of the Treasury tower, known as the pure blood Moon Elf Adier of Pharmaceutical Master, were recognized as the sword of the Dusty, inherited Strength, the son of Trinity, and walked out of Secret Realm.

As for the other inheritance, Yar was unfortunately dead in the density.

As a result of this unforeseen development, following Adier’s departure from the Intel Secret Realm, Simma and Elder, two Elder of Hemuk, immediately declared Adier the only heir to the tower of the Treasure.

Once the message comes out, it immediately leads to a wave of fluctuations.

But for these, Adier already doesn’t care.


In a quiet, luxurious room, Adier had an accident: “Have you fallen?”


Both Simma and Nodded appear to be silent at this juncture.

They’re not talking about anyone, the Lord of the Emerald Times, and before Adier, the only five-class Peak witch in the Treasure Tower.

Hundreds of years ago, the landlord of the Treasure Tower entered his lab and started trying to hit the six-stage road, and it’s been gone for hundreds of years.

The master of this tower is the father of Yar and the biggest mountain behind him.

In the past, it was precisely because contemporary Tatar acted as a backshield that Yal was so unscrupulous and even uncontrolled.

Adier was sent to the tower’s lab after he left the dungeon Secret Realm without any response.

Whatever means are used, throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea, there is no response.

In the end, the Simar two came together to go inside the Emerald Tower and finally confirmed the meteor of the Lord.

“He did have a meteor.”

The original, Simma sighed, with some sadness in his words, looks like some sorrow: “Look at that situation, it should have fallen before 500-600.”

This is in fact very normal.


promotion of the witch is not a sail, but a dangerous one.

From the very beginning of the first apprenticeship, every promotion of a witch is full of all kinds of dangers, and a slight lack of caution leads to the end of his own witch path.

The meteor of the Genesis Tower fell on the path of promotion, which was a more normal but not surprising thing.

It is

, however, that it is as it may, but it is not possible for Simma to see it perfectly.

Naturally, it’s a little sad at this moment.

听着这个消息,Adier 也一阵沉默,心情莫名的有些复杂。

Once upon a time, in order to receive the entire tower of dust thoroughly, the contemporary master of the tower has always been his imaginary enemy.

In order to ensure that there was no fault, he went to the Trinity World and wanted to move back to the sixth stage.

And by now, he has learned that the Lord of the Modern Tower of the Treasure has fallen a few hundred years ago.

This feeling of doing its best in the air is somewhat bad when it’s so bad.

But to some extent, this is also a good thing.


He has ruled over the tower of the Treasure for many years, has a noble vision in the tower of the Treasure, and has always been very strong and deeply loved and embraced.

With Yal is totally two extreme.

Such a hopeful and beloved master of the tower, if he is alive, is in some trouble for Adier.

It is foreseeable that a conflict will be spared at that time.

And today, the contemporary tower of the Tiger Tower has taken the initiative of passing away from some of Adier’s problems and sparing a bloody conflict.

Anyway, this is a good thing.

Thus, in the aftermath, several shocking news came out of the tower of the Treasure.

The news of the meteor of the ancient tower of the Treasure was transmitted.


new generation of heirs began to float out of the surface.

Not Simma and Hermok, Elder, but Adier, the name of the sword Strength, inherited.

This is a shock to the witch forces around.

Just haven’t been waiting for them to react completely, even more unexpected news coming out of it.

Adier showed his own son Bloodline and initially showed a six-stage Strength, calling on the entire elf community to come together to Tine.

Once this message comes out, the whole elf is trembling.

The son of the Treasure, the son of the mother of the Treasure, is in the legend of the elf family myth.

As the son of the Treasure, in the event that the mother of the Dusty has disappeared, theoretically all the elf’s kings are known as noble and noble.

And at this moment, a living son of the Treasure appears.

At the end of the day, the whole elf was together.

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