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“what is the reason?”

In place, looking at the mother of the earth and the master of the goblin, Adier asked quietly.

Adier is actually very curious about the real reason for the war between Ancient Era Wizard World and Scourge World.

You know, in Ancient Era, that battle was extremely fierce. Both the ancient wizard and the Scourge Lord were fighting so much that their brains came out.

Not only the ancient wizards suffered heavy losses, but even the Scourge World.

Only recorded in the history books, the well-known Disaster Lord has fallen into ten.

Even if Scourge World won the final war victory, I am afraid it was only a terrible victory.

Otherwise, the Wizard World, and impossible maintain the current pattern and continue to exist for so many years.

In front of him, the mother of the earth slowly said the answer under Adier’s gaze.

“For World’s promotion …”

“World’s promotion …”

In place, Adier was stunned.

“Not bad.”

The nodded of the goblin lord.

“You have been promoted to the 7th grade, you should know that World also has a level.”

He looked at Adier in front of him and slowly said: “World was born in the world of sea, at the beginning it was just a little barren World.”

“Most of this World’s lifespan in the world is not long. Every moment and every second there are a large number of such new world births, and there are also a large number of such barren world annihilation …”

“And in a large number of worlds within the realm, there are some such desolate worlds. After a long period of evolution, they eventually accumulated enough strength to slowly give birth to life.”

“This is some Small World …”

“Small World’s life continues to multiply. After continuing for a long time, it will eventually evolve into a smart life, and then it may slowly develop into Great World …”

“The Witcher World and Scourge World are the top-level Great World, and the most special kind …”

“The most special one?”

Adier froze a little, puzzled.

“You should know that the boundary of the sea is very vast, which can be divided into many intermittent areas, independent of each other.”

“And within each independent driving area, a center World will be born.”

“This kind of center World is not necessarily located in the center of the boundary sea area, but it must occupy most of the world’s source power in the entire boundary sea area, with the most favorable conditions and the greatest potential …”


Adier was a little puzzled and understood what they meant.

“Not bad!”

The mother of the earth is nodded, and then said that the sound continued to oscillate in the surrounding area, causing ripples in the space: “The Witcher World and the Scourge World are the centers of independent boundaries for a day, occupying the largest source in their respective areas. . “

“This is why the Witcher World and the Scourge World will have a war.”

“As the center of the World, once the two parties devour the other party and obtain the other party’s origins, the World itself will be transformed and promoted to a higher level.”

“And the moment when World is promoted is also an opportunity for everyone in World.”

Adier understood it completely.

If so, it is no wonder that in the ancient era, the two sides would fight so desperately.

World’s promotion is the biggest opportunity.

If you do n’t mention World promotion, the upper limit of World itself will be increased, and the feedback of World awareness alone is enough to make you crazy.

And when both sides hold the idea of ​​devouring each other’s World, a war is inevitable.

However, it is clear that from the results before the ancient Era battle, the final result is probably both sides suffer.

Despite the defeat of Wizard World, it also severely damaged the strength of Scourge World, making Scourge World unable to continue to advance and cannot further consume the source of Sorcer World.

“We invited you to come here at this time, in addition to telling you this, but also to make you understand something …”

There was a smile on the face of the fairy lord, looking at Adier in front of him and said seriously: “The war in ancient times will continue to the present. That war is still not over yet and will continue in the near future … “

“As you inherited the legacy of the Emerald Mother, and you have also come to our stage, for the future battlefield is destined not to escape …”

“So we hope that you will know all this as early as possible, and during this period of time before the war, try not to relax as much as possible.”

He looked at Artil in front of him and said seriously.

Obviously, they came to remind Adier.

As the 7th grade promoted as the first place in the post-wizard era, and as the successor of the mother of emeralds, they have very obvious expectations for Adier, and look forward to his future going further, so as to become the main force of the future war between the Wizard World and the Scourge World. .

In place, listening to all this, Adier frowned.

The grievances of Wizard World and Scourge World have nothing to do with him.

His original intention is not in line with the ancient World.

But to some extent, he does not seem to have much choice.

It is enough for him to pay his own identity, so that the Scourge Lords of Scourge World can stare at him.

And Wizard World is also very important to him.

Compared to other worlds, the level of the wizard world is stronger, the origin of the world is stronger, and the regular strength is stronger.

The strength of the rules in the Wizarding World has many advantages over other worlds.

You can even say one heaven one earth.

Once the Witcher World is completely fallen, then he can only leave the Witcher World, go to other world, and return again impossible.

On the other hand, the benefits of fighting for countless Worlds are obvious.

Not to mention the possible feedback from Wizard World, it is the care of World consciousness, which is very precious.

The Wizard World is one of the highest level Worlds.

This level of World, even if it is just a little care of World consciousness, is very precious.

For Adier, it is definitely worth his shot.

I believe that other wizards are also average.

Otherwise, in the spirit of the wizard, if only to defend the world of the wizard, impossible, there are so many ancient wizards fighting for this, and he will not hesitate to fight with the Scourge Lord.

You know, the wizard is synonymous with knowledge and interests.

If there are not enough benefits, Adier feels that instead of believing that they will defend the Witcher World spontaneously, it is more reliable to believe that they will actively take refuge in natural disasters.

“How much remains of Ancient Era until now, like the ancient wizards like you?”

He raised a question.

This question is very important.

After the battle of Ancient Era, how many ancient wizards are still alive like the Mother of the Earth and the Lord of the Fairies in the World of Witchers today?

This represents the future strength of Wizard World.

If there are only two mothers of the earth and the goblin lord, the future war situation will be extremely pessimistic.

The Mother Earth and the Goblin Lord glanced at each other.

Around the ancient wizard who survived from the ancients to the present day, both of them are elites and naturally understand Adier’s ideas.

“Please rest assured of this.”

The fairy lord opened his mouth gently, with a smile on his face: “After the battle of Ancient Era, the era of the ancient wizards was ended. The original group of ancient wizards of ours also lost more than half, but many people survived. . “

“There are two people like us, in the realm, within the realm, there are at least a few digits.”

“But most of them are still asleep at the moment and have not fully awoke …”

Aside, the Mother of the Earth socket said: “In fact, in today’s Wizarding World, our shadows are everywhere.”

“Most of the forces that exist within the realm of the wizarding world today are mostly influenced by us, and the core of them is our avatar.”

“So that’s how it is …”

Adier nodded, some surprises in my heart, but also relaxed at the same time.

He believed that Mother Earth and Goblin Lord would not deceive him in such matters.

After all, in the World War of the Witcher and the World War of Heaven and Heaven, the position of the two of them is the same as Adier.

If the Witcher World really differs too much from the Scourge World, then the two people in front of them may not necessarily stick to the Witcher ’s camp.

At the moment, the two of them are still insisting that they are still on the side of the wizard world, which means that even if the wizard world falls down, it will not be much different from the natural disaster world.

“In fact, even the batch of ancient wizards who had expeditions to the Scourge World still have many people still surviving …”

In front of me, the eyes of the earth turned sharply: “It’s like your ancestor … Your Majesty Emerald.”


Listening to the one-eyed mother in place, Adier’s thoughts circulated in his mind, but this time he was not surprised.

For the fact that the mother of jadeite is still alive, Adier has already clearly felt it.

As long as he had not yet become a Tier 4 wizard, he had just been transformed into Moon Elf blood, he felt the existence of the mother of emeralds.

In order to suppress the Scourge curse of his within the body, the Mother of Emerald specially sent a little Strength to become the emerald imprint on his within the body inheritance.

The emerald mark had given Adier a lot of help when he was weak, and it still exists on his body to this day.

“So indeed Mother of Emerald … what is his condition today?”

In place, after being silent for a while, Adier looked at the two people in front of him and spoke like this.

“She is in the crackdown of Scourge World …”

The mother of the earth blinked in one eye, and a little brilliance radiated in it, soaking up the unique characteristics of the light of the world: “The ancient wizards were defeated, and a large number of wizards were suppressed by the Disaster Lord.”

“But life level has reached our this step, every existence is equivalent to a Small World, and its essence is noble, as long as there is still one breath to survive …”

“Although the ancient wizards represented by the mother of emeralds were defeated, the Disaster Lords were unable to kill them completely, they could only suppress them within the realm, and slowly wipe them out in the world of the natural disaster …”

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