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“The ancient wizards headed by the mother of emeralds were now suppressed by the Scourge World.”

In a desolate and quiet area, in front of Adier, the mother of the earth slowly said: They have already fallen, but they can also be said to be alive at this moment, and the last breath remains, the tenacious has not been destroyed … … “

“As a direct descendant of the Mother of Emerald, you should be able to feel this.”

He looked at Adier in front of him and said slowly.

In place, Adier was silent for a while before being nodded: “Really.”

“Here, we want to give you a suggestion.”

On the side, the goblin lord also spoke, and a beautiful face with some seriousness: “If possible, it is best to find the coordinates of Jadeite World, go to Jadeite World.”

“There, as your son of Emerald and Bloodline, maybe you can get some unexpected gains …”

He looked at Adier in front of him, and said with a finger.

In place, Adier moved.

This is the second time someone has emphasized the importance of Jadeite World in front of him.

Earlier, when he inherited the inheritance of the Emerald Son, he got a message in the inheritance and asked him to go to Jadeite World as much as possible.

In front of him, the Mother of the Earth and the Lord of the Fairies also let him go to Jadeite World.

This is obviously not a coincidence.

“Unfortunately, after the ancient war, Jadeite World disappeared into the boundary sea.”

Mother Earth said, “This not only saves it from being captured by Scourge World, but it also makes the trace of Jadeite World erratic and cannot be easily found.”

“Of course, as the son of your emerald, as long as you look carefully, you should be rewarded. The probability of finding Jadeite World is much greater than that of our two Old Guys.”

Adier didn’t speak, his face calm and nodded.

He already has the coordinates of Jadeite World.

That was what happened when he was a formal wizard.

But at this point, there is no need to come up with it.

In place, they continue to talk.

For the descendant of Adier, the mother of elf, the mother of the earth and the goblin lord are very enthusiastic, and there are many homework popularized for Adier there.

From the history of the ancient World to the road after the 7th grade, all kinds of things, they all gave a detailed explanation to Adier one after another, just like him as his own generation.

Perhaps at the time of Ancient Era, the relationship between these two people and the mother of jade was indeed very good, so that in the face of Adier, a direct descendant of the mother of jade, it seemed very friendly.

After spending half a year in this area, Adier turned around and left the place.

He returned to the Emerald Tower.

In half a year, there have been some changes in today’s Jade Tower.

At the beginning, the influence of Adier began to become prominent.

A large number of elf wizards poured into the Emerald Tower, and brought a new atmosphere to the Emerald Tower, but also brought a little confusion to its management.

After Adier returned to the Emerald Tower, he began to assist Simal and Hemuk to manage the entire Emerald Tower together.

It took another whole ten years to complete. When the Emerald Tower began to stabilize, Adier was ready to set off again.

He is going to take a look at Jadeite World.

With his current strength, he no longer needs to consider the curse of the Scourge existing in Jadeite World, even if a living Disaster Lord comes, he is not afraid.

The factors that prevented him from exploring Jadeite World have disappeared.

Adier simply dealt with the surrounding things, and gave the Emerald Tower the power to Simal 2 people, and then walked alone into his own wizard tower.

Along with a flash of World Light, Adier’s silhouette gradually disappeared and began to slowly disappear into the Emerald Tower.

In the next moment, in another large and magnificent World exuding emerald light, Adier’s silhouette slowly appeared.

There was a lawn in front of me, and fresh air came slowly from all around.

Adier looked up, and with his eyesight, he could clearly see the movement of grass and trees in the distance, as well as many of the lives hidden in it, all emitting their own voices at the moment.

World started cheering.

With the arrival of Adier, in this World, a silent change began to take place.

Adier can feel that in this place, in this World, with his appearance, World has undergone violent changes.

The majestic World Strength came to him, and obviously he hadn’t done anything yet, and a lot of World Strength spontaneously rolled towards him, as if he didn’t want money, and kept pouring on him.

If this kind of scene is seen by other wizards, it is estimated to be jealous and crazy.

This is the treatment of the so-called son of World.

Bloodline, the son of Emerald, has never been so fit for this World.

At least at this moment, Adier could feel that in this World, his every move could lead the strength of the entire world, as if he were the master of the entire world.

This feeling in the past, he only experienced in one World.

That is the 3 gods World under his control.

3 The unique treatment in God World is due to the disappearance of its own World consciousness, giving up the authority of World to Adier.

In the 3 God World within the realm, Adier is equivalent to the ruler of World.

But in the Jadeite World in front of him, Adier apparently did nothing and already received this treatment.

Jadeite’s affinity for Jadeite World is generally visible.

It can only be said that this is worthy of the World born of the mother of jade, and the kind of closeness to the jade Bloodline has already been portrayed in the entire world.

“Trace of the power of natural disasters …”

In place, feeling the breath of the world around him, this idea flashed through Adier’s heart.

In front of him, along with his arrival, in addition to World consciousness began to surge, there was a Strength around him that was attracted to him, and spontaneously rushed to him.

That is the power of the natural disaster that spreads over the world and entangles within the entire world.

At this moment, with the arrival of Adier, it seemed that he felt the pure elf Bloodline within the body of him. These remaining forces of the Scourge began to flow to him in an attempt to infect him and turn him into a Scourge Lord.

In place, Adier looked calm, but just looked up.

A little jadeite’s power began to spread and instantly connected to the World World in front of the world, passing to all directions.

In an area invisible to ordinary people, the immense power of emeralds and the power of natural disasters collided with each other. In an instant, the constantly gathered power of natural disasters was directly defeated without any stalemate.

The whole process is easier than eating and drinking.

The power of the Scourge in front of him is indeed terrifying, but after all it is just a little remnant of Strength that’s all from the Disaster Lord.

Compared with Adier, who was only a formal wizard in the past, this strength is indeed huge, and a little infection will have various terrifying consequences.

But for Adier today, this is also the case.

In terms of his current strength, even if the original Disaster Lord stood in front of him, he might not be afraid, let alone the Disaster Lord.

Adier walked all the way.

On the way, the strength in him slowly spread to all around.

A little bit of the power of the jadeite continues to circulate in 4 directions and heads towards 4 directions.

The power of the natural disasters that permeated in the world in front of me began to boil. At this moment, it seemed to meet natural enemies. It was constantly purified and began to gradually disappear.

This is an inevitable result.

In the past, the reason why the power of these natural disasters can be entrenched in Jadeite World has not subsided for countless years, just because there is no powerhouse in Jadeite World, and there is no wizard to purify it.

At this moment, a real emerald son came, and naturally these things will not be left.

Adier purged the power of natural disasters that enveloped World all the way, and then slowly entered a region.

It was a desert desert.

In the desert, strong storms are roaring continuously, and there is a terrifying radiation Strength continuously escaping.

Indistinctly, it seems that many silhouettes of ancient beasts can be seen here one by one, the breath of each body is extremely scary.

If it is an ordinary situation, even if a Tier 4 wizard arrives at this place, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in.

Adier went straight in.

As his silhouette walked in, some changes began to take place around him.

The violent wind and sand began to calm down, and the horror storm that had originally roared around spontaneously stopped. It looked calm and tranquil, and there was no slight fluctuation.

Within the remains of the blockbuster, each and everyone withdrew a silhouette of terrifying aura spontaneously, seeming to feel something, and all of them retreated into the corner, hiding there with their heads in their hands, looking like they were afraid of being discovered by others.

Unlike the magic beast that survived in ancient times, it looks like a poor little white rabbit.

For other wizards, what is called Danger Land is like Adier’s backyard, so he walked in easily.

Then he saw what he wanted to see.

In the ruined Central Region, an ancient emerald tree stands quietly.

The ancient tree is huge and has a height of several thousand meters. At this moment, it stands quietly in the center of the ruins, exuding a light of emerald light all over.

In the body of the ancient tree, a jadeite power exactly the same as Adier within the body flowed through it, and Adier’s blood boiled faintly, feeling a little throbbing.

Walking alone to the shade of the emerald tree, and looking quietly at the ancient tree in front of him, Adier was a little stunned.

The ancient tree in front of him made him feel familiar.

In the past, when he accepted the inheritance of the jadeite mark, he had seen the body of the mother of jadeite, the great and huge World Tree.

And this ancient tree in front of him, although it can not be compared with the body of the mother of jade on the great shore of the body, that aura and charm are almost exactly the same as the tree of jade made by the mother of jade.

“Mother of Emerald … and the breath of Disaster Lord …”

Standing on the spot, looking at the ancient tree in front of him, Adier muttered to himself.

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