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Under the sacred old tree of Wei An, Adier stood there silently, silently lifts the head.

“Mother of Emerald … and the breath of Disaster Lord …”

Standing under the ancient tree of Wei An, Adier looked calm and muttered to the scene in front of him.

In the area in front of him, he felt the immense breath of the mother of jade, and that kind of shroud underneath this place, although covered by the breath of the mother of jade, was still extremely obvious the power of natural disasters.

In front of this place, there is the breath of Disaster Lord.

And it’s very obvious.

A huge force of natural disasters shrouded here, and the horrible strength was brewing in situ.

In situ, Adier can feel that at the moment, Jadeite World is shrouded in the whole world. The almost endless curse of Strength is rooted in the immediate area.

Feeling this, Adier’s face remained unchanged, and he turned around silently and walked aside.

Following the induction in his heart, his silhouette disappeared in place, and the next moment appeared in the corner of the ancient tree World.

Then he saw everything he wanted to see.

I saw in front of me, in a deep and dark area, an old corpse was splayed, quietly floating in this place.

The corpse is huge and immense. If you show your body to your heart’s content, there are probably ten thousand meters tall.

Only in this place, the meaning of space is infinitely condensed, and this corpse is also suppressed here, sealed heavily.

Standing on the spot, Adier could clearly see that there was a jade-green long spear floating and floating quietly on the corpse, directly penetrating the entire chest of the corpse and inserting it directly on the ancient tree.

Obviously, this jade-green’s long spear is the direct killer of the corpse’s fall.

On top of this corpse, the power of the natural disaster flashed on the corpse, and the horrifying strength emerged, which made people feel horrified and frightened.

This is the Lord of Scourge.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Adier already understood everything.

Obviously, the Disaster Lord in front of him was the one who had invaded Jadeite World.

He successfully came under the ancient tree in front of him, but in the end he fell.

But after all, Disaster Lord is Disaster Lord, the essence is noble, but it is up to 7th grade.

7th grade existence, the strength and essence of this existence, even if a little blood spreads out, is enough to contaminate a piece of earth and transform a piece of earth into its own domain.

In front of him, the Disaster Lord fell, and his body fell in the center of this World. The breath of the whole body spread out, which caused the terrifying natural disaster power that covered the entire Jadeite World.

Even in the past countless years, the power of these natural disasters has not disappeared and is still entrenched in this World.

This is the source of the essence of the natural disaster in Jadeite World.

If the corpse is not resolved, even if Adier thoroughly purges and expels Jadeite World’s natural disaster power, but after a while, those natural disaster powers will still return again, spreading out continuously from the corpse in front of them.

Thinking of this, Adier took a deep breath.

He walked forward and came to the corpse.

Standing in front of the body, he could feel the great shore and terror of the body in front of him.

The strength of Disaster Lord in front of him is as high as 7th grade, and its essence is not weaker than that of Adier at the moment, and even stronger.

After all, Adier has just just been promoted at this moment, reaching the limit of 7th grade that’s all, and has not yet reached a very sophisticated level in this field.

Standing in front of the body, he silently extended the hand and held the jade-green long spear.

Silently, a change began to take place.

The majestic jadeite force boiled and was directly injected into the long spear by Adier.

In the next moment, Demon God in front of him suddenly opened his eyes.


He looked at Adier’s face in front of him, and his eyes were open, as if there was a scene of destruction in the world. At this moment, a huge face looked extremely fierce, and it looked like a devil from hell, extremely terrifying.

With the recovery of Demon God, the power of horrible natural disasters roared and gathered here, as long as they were contaminated with a little bit, they would be instantly transformed and become puppets driven by the power of natural disasters.

“You don’t think … I’m stupid enough to pull out this long spear?”

Adier looked cold and looked at Demon God coldly smiled with eyes opened in front of him.

The 7th grade exists, and Adier knows the dangers of this existence.

For this kind of existence, not to mention just inserting a long spear, even if it was killed countless times, or even the body was cremated to ashes, it is possible to recover again and jump out of the grave to give you cruelty.

Take the Mother of Emerald, for example, even if it was defeated by Scourge World and suppressed at the center of Scourge World, it had fallen for many years.

But now, countless years have passed. Even the mother of jadeite, which has long fallen, still has the power to communicate with Adier even under the heavy suppression of Disaster Lord, and even gives him the mark of jadeite, and his death is very incomplete. .

This is enough to show the tenacity of the 7th grade.

The Demon God in front is the same.

Even after spending countless years in this place, the Demon God in front of him still has a breath, and he still has not fallen at the moment.

Only then, if Adier did n’t prepare, would he pull out the long spear hurriedly, maybe one was bad, and he would be directly escaped by the Disaster Lord in front of him.

“Descendants of the Mother of Emerald …”

Looking at the Adier in front of him, Disaster Lord’s face was grim, and the most terrifying killing intent appeared between his eyes.

He looked a little irritable and a little scary, and the strength all over his body was erupting. He stretched out his hands and held the long spear, as if trying to pull it out.

Under his efforts, the long spear of jade-green was trembling gently, and the strength contained in it was on the verge of collapse, which seemed to be unable to withstand the strength of Demon God in front of him.

In fact, without Adier’s arrival, in a few years’ time, the Demon God in front of him may really come out.

In the past years, because of the lack of guarding, the long spear that was used to seal the Demon God in the past has been eroded by the natural disaster power of the Disaster Lord, and it is about to corrode and clean.

If this long spear is completely eroded by the power of natural disasters, and the seal is completely invalid, then Demon God will break out of the seal, and the entire Jadeite World will be washed by blood.

But now that Adier is here, it is naturally another ending.

Holding the tail section of the long spear lightly, looking at Demon God’s movements in front of him, Adier’s face remained unchanged, but his hand was a little hard.

He didn’t say much, just the strength of the whole body spewed out. At this moment, the strength of the jadeite within the body was desperately rushing forward without the money, and immediately poured into the long spear in front of him.

boom! !

The violent rattle began to spread continuously.

The long spear was trembling constantly, and the faint emerald rays of light kept coming out.

The part that was originally eroded by the power of natural disasters and turned to another nature began to reverse and re-emerge the emerald light.

With all this happening, the seal in front of him is continuously reinforced.

“Ah … I want to kill you!”

Feeling the increasing strength of the Seal Strength in front of him, the Scourge Lord’s face in front of him was more and more dire, and his eyes were full of madness, with a bloodthirsty desire, as if to wash the entire world.

“This sentence, wait until you come out …”

Adier sneered, the last arm is hard, insert the jade-green long spear into the heart of Disaster Lord.

Then everything was over.

With a clear muffled sound, a little pure emerald power surged forward, echoing the strength of the ancient tree in front of him, and together submerging the essence of the Scourge Lord in front of him, and suppressing it heavily here.

There was no accident at all.

A Disaster Lord up to the 7th grade is suppressed by Adier.

If it is normal, it will certainly not be so easy.

But the Demon God in front of him was originally sealed by the town of Strength of the Emerald Mother.

What Adier has done at this moment is just to strengthen the past seals, which is enough.

Of course, if only the Disaster Lord in front of him is sealed here, then with the passage of time, in the absence of guards, this Disaster Lord will thoroughly erode the sealed Strength sooner or later, and finally get out of the trap.

Therefore, Adier is prepared to deal with it next, and find a more suitable place to throw him away, so as not to come out to trouble again in a few years.

But in front of him, he has more important things to do.

The ancient jade tree in front of him radiated bright light.

It seems to feel the familiar and intimate strength in Adier. On the ancient jade tree in front of him, a strength similar to Adier echoed.

Along with the feeling in his heart, and the faint cries, Adier slowly moved forward.

He walked into the center of the ancient jade tree.

A little strength slowly came from the body of the surrounding ancient trees, and then a scene emerged in his mind.

Many tombstones stood on the abandoned ruins.

Unlike the tombstones in other places, in this place, each tombstone carries a terrifying Strength. If it is about its nature, I am afraid that no one will be lower than level 4.

In the middle of this group of tombstones, several tall tombstones stood quietly.

In it, a jade-colored tombstone glowed lightly, and the sacred Strength with Adier have the same origin slowly emerged.

“Strength of the Mother of Emerald …”

Feeling the familiar Strength in front of him, Adier muttered to himself, flashing this thought in his heart.

In front of this scene, he is actually not new, and has experienced it several times before.

in the past When he was just transformed into Moon Elf, he experienced such a scene, and even personally saw the true face of the mother of emerald.

However, Adier knew clearly that compared to the times he had seen before, the time he saw in front of him was probably the true situation of the mother of jadeite.

The former glory is long gone, and the once powerful and glorious ancient wizard is long gone.

As the source of the elf family, the existence known as the mother of emeralds, there is only one tombstone left at this moment.

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