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In place, looking at the Disaster Lord who turned and ran away in the distance, Adier smiled on his face, then waved his hand.

Then in the next moment, a change happened quietly in place.

The faint purple World Strength began to blink, and the abilities on Adier began to activate.

Space began to blur, the concept of space and time began to change, and under the influence of abilities, everything around it began to change.

Ahead, when the Disaster Lord reacted incorrectly, he had come to another place.

In the majestic world shadow.

“Unfamiliar World Breath … Where is this?”

Disaster Lord appeared in the same place, feeling the atmosphere of the world that was completely different from Jadeite World. This moment was beyond doubt and a little unbelievable.

Crossing the World, this is not a simple matter.

Even if the 7th grade exists, and you want to go from one World to another within the realm, although it is not so complicated to arrange the World Gate, it is not a simple matter.

After all, World itself has a barrier, even if it exists in the 7th grade, when entering the world with the realm, it is impossible to completely conceal the World consciousness, and it must face the rejection and oppression of the World consciousness.

Therefore, even if it is 7th grade, it is also very cautious and cautious when entering other worlds, it is difficult to easily enter a world within the realm.

And now, there is no sign, just a short moment, he will be transferred from Jadeite World to another world within the realm.

This change made him a little unbelievable.

Before he could completely calm down, around him, the majestic World Strength began to flow.

The World consciousness of this World began to recover, and at this moment it began to vibrate, just like a thunderbolt, it began to riot and ushered in here.

The sky began to vibrate, the sky began to twist, and on the earth, one after another crack continued to emerge …

The moment the Disaster Lord appeared, the entire world began to change.

World consciousness emerged spontaneously and came here, spontaneously suppressed the strength of Disaster Lord.

One after another thunderbolt falls from the sky and continues to strike towards the Disaster Lord. The strength contained in each thunderbolt is enough to kill a Tier 4 wizard if it is placed outside.


Disaster Lord roared, and the doubt in his mind was temporarily suppressed, replaced by a thick rage.

His face was ugly, looking at the constantly changing sky in front of him, the power of the natural disasters roaring all over him, rushing straight into the sky, resisting the world consciousness emerging at the moment.

However, in just a moment, the more vigorous Strength came out in this World, and the terrifying Strength erupted, almost destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, making people tremble from the heart.

In an instant, the Disaster Lord was completely suppressed in front of him. No matter how much he roared, he could not change the fact that he was drowned.

His Strength is rapidly becoming weak. Although his own natural disaster power is still surging and horrifying, he is unable to completely block the World Strength from the continuously transmitted World Strength.

After all, this is a struggle with the strength of the entire world.

Direct confrontation with the strength of the entire world, this kind of thing, even if it exists in the 7th grade, will not do it.

The reason is very simple.

A person’s strength is very limited in the end. Even if the 7th grade exists in essence, it is equivalent to a world, which can be compared with the world. However, if you directly fight against the world within the world, you will also suffer greatly.

What’s more, the World in front of it is not an ordinary World.

This is the 3 God World held by Adier.

The 3 God World is the World formed by the fusion of the original 3 God World and the Ancient World. On the essence, it definitely belongs to the Great World. If the Strength can be fully used, even the 7th grade is not as good.

The Disaster Lord in front of him is 7th grade in essence, but has been sealed in Jadeite World for countless years, and has already become extremely weak. At this moment, only the last breath is left hanging, and its strength is probably not as good as 10% of the Peak period.

With such strength, against a complete Great World, fundamentally impossible will be the opponent.

In the distance, Adier stood quietly on an open area, watching the Disaster Lord in the distance to fight against the entire world, gradually being overwhelmed by the Strength of the World.

Finally, he waved his hand. In a flash, one after another World Strength turned into a chain spreading far away, and gradually wrapped around the Disaster Lord.

The chains transformed by World Strength continue to spread one by one, and finally, as time goes by, the Disaster Lord is wrapped around and around, looking like he is tying the dumplings.

By the end, the voice made by the Disaster Lord had gradually disappeared.

In the realm in which Adier lives, he was completely suppressed by the strength of the entire world, and was confined to the central area of ​​this world, firmly suppressed with World Strength as the chain.

“It’s almost …”

Standing on the spot, looking at the Disaster Lord that was gradually submerged in the distance, feeling the extremely weak breath of the Disaster Lord, Adier gently nodded.

This is enough.

Taking a Great World as a seal, and Disaster Lord’s Strength at the moment, I want to break away from the seal of the whole 3 God World. Without external cooperation, it is simply impossible.

3 God World is not Jadeite World after all.

After Jadeite World experienced the fall of Ancient Era, the mother of emeralds, and the destruction of the elf family, Strength has long been weak to the extreme.

But even so, without anyone controlling it, with the power of the weak Jadeite World, it is still enough to suppress a Disaster Lord.

The 3 God World controlled by Adier is much stronger than the Jadeite World at the moment. There is no suspense in suppressing a weak Disaster Lord with a 7th grade wizard sitting in town.

If in this case he can still escape, it is really a ghost.

But obviously, this kind of thing does not happen at all.

In situ, Adier shook the head, and then the power of within the body was instantly activated, transmitting the information of this place to the Red King.

Unlike the path taken by the ontology, the road of the Red King is based on Bloodline Secret Art, devouring all the Bloodline that can be devoured, and thus continuously promoted upward.

For the Red King who walks on the Bloodline path, the Disaster Lord in front of him is the best nourishment.

After swallowing the Disaster Lord in front of him, the strength of the Red King will usher in a substantial increase, and may soon be close to the 7th grade level.

“There are still many things to do …”

In place, Adier shook his head, recalling everything in front of him, and could not help saying so.

After inheriting the legacy of the Mother of Emerald and inheriting the entire Jadeite World, his strength at this moment of course has risen sharply and is already close to the Peak level of the 7th grade.

But similarly, after inheriting all the strengths of the mother of jade, some of the mess left by the mother of jade was also handed over to him.

This is how Jadeite World is now.

At this moment, after inheriting this World, Adier has cleared the situation of Jadeite World.

After Ancient Era, the mother of jadeite, Jadeite World fell to the bottom of the valley with the mother of jadeite.

If this is the case, then Jadeite World is just being hit hard, and it will recover sooner or later after a long time.

But with the fall of the Mother of Emerald, a series of blows came one after another.

After the Mother of Emerald fell, the Strength of the Scourge World spread along the origin of the Emerald Lord and gradually spread to the entire elf family.

The elf family, which originally occupied most of the strength of Jadeite World, was instantly wiped out.

This is another serious blow.

After that, there is a person Disaster Lord quietly came to Jadeite World, attempting to take advantage of the fall of the mother of emeralds, the point where the elf family was completely destroyed to occupy the entire Jadeite World.

Although the Disaster Lord’s final attempt was not at all, the part of Strength left behind by the Mother of Jade was directly suppressed in the center of Jadeite World.

However, the actions of this Disaster Lord also once again hit the already weak and extremely extreme Jadeite World, making the world consciousness of Jadeite World start to be spontaneously silent, and began to gradually recover after the arrival of Adier.

Even after it was suppressed, the body of the Disaster Lord was continuously spreading out the power of horrible natural disasters, slowly eroding the entire Jadeite World, making the already weak and extreme Jadeite World even weaker. There is no room for breath.

Because of this, when Adier entered Jadeite World for the first time, Jadeite World was so weak that even a wizard above level 4 could not be found.

That is the sign of Jadeite World ’s weakness to the extreme. Otherwise, in the former person of Jadeite World, even if the entire elf family is destroyed, the living strength of the world is completely erased. Only the strength of its own world is still enough The wizard inside is constantly promoted and gradually reaches the level that Jadeite World should have.

It is not as hard to see even a formal wizard as it once was, and it is a rare creature.

After inheriting Jadeite World, this situation of Jadeite World will also be handed over to Adier.

To restore the extremely weak Jadeite World, this is destined to be a huge project.

Even for Adier, it will take a long time to slowly adjust to make Jadeite World recover slowly.

Of course, during this time, Adier didn’t mean to do nothing.

In the process of Jadeite World’s recovery, he himself needs to be suppressed in Jadeite World, slowly adjusting World’s rules.

But besides himself, there are huge forces to call under his command.

For example, the Emerald Tower, for example, the entire elf family, or even the entire 3 God World …

In many times within the realm that Adier had been to in the past, he left one after another fire, and at this moment all bear lush fruits.

By now at this time, the fruit that had been harvested was also time for harvest.

With these forces, even if Adier’s body cannot temporarily leave, his progress will not slow down.

And taking advantage of this time, it is time to do some things that should be done before.

Thinking of this, Adier slowly raised his head and looked into the distance. His eyes seemed to penetrate the isolation of multiple worlds, and saw another huge and boundless world, not inferior to the wizarding World Pang Great World.

God World!

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