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Blea … Bella …

A heavy rain kept falling on the spot, and it looked like it was raining heavily and wet the whole ground.

“It’s such rain again …”

Angola lifts the head, looking at the heavy rain in front of him, and raised his head and said something.

At this moment, he was hiding in an abandoned hut, beside him beside him was standing a young girl who looked young.

The girl’s age is not old, it looks about 15-16 years old, but her appearance is absolutely beautiful. A piece of face is exquisitely exquisite and incomparably perfect, which makes all the people you see move.

That is the beauty that comes from life, and it is also an absolute view of Life Level.

The life essence of the girl in front of her is far more than that of others, so that just looking at her, she can feel that unique charm, which has a strong attraction to others like poison.

At this moment, listening to the words of Angola, the girl didn’t say anything, but just looked quietly at the heavy rain in front of her, her face was calm, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Standing on the side, watching Angola’s reaction, Angola had already been surprised.

“What are you thinking about?” He asked, looking at the young girl.

“It’s nothing……”

The girl spoke quietly, her face calm and indifferent, her bloody hair fluttering in the wind, and she looked extremely beautiful.

In this regard, Angola shrugged, not at all concerned.

They stood there for a while, and they did not walk away until the rain outside gradually stopped.

Of course, with their current strength, even if the rain is ten times more violent, it will not affect them.

The reason why I stand there, in addition to the subconsciously habit, is just to appreciate the rare beauty that’s all.

In the eyes of the world, this place is often very barren, a dangerous, savage, backward place.

This place is full of various barbarian tribes, among which there are orcs and various other races. There are even legends about ogres who like to eat people, and they are entrenched here.

To a certain extent, this is a forbidden place. As long as anyone enters, most likely cannot go out.

However, before this several decades ago, this deserted area, which terrified the world and regarded it as a backward land, also gradually had a breath of civilization.

A huge empire was erected here, rising in a short span of several decades and rising rapidly.

In the wilderness, a large number of wilderness tribes have been unified, and a large number of dangerous zones have been developed, making this area gradually populated, and there are gradually more and more merchants.

This is the Adier Empire.

Because of the difference in time, when the Wizard World was nearly 200 years in the past, in God World, only 6 70 years passed.

6 During 70 years, Adier built in this wilderness and began to build the foundation of an empire.

Although the barren land is barren and full of dangers, it is nothing to Adier.

Although this hell is dangerous, as long as the dangerous races on which it lives are ruled out, then people from various places will be moved over, and it will multiply slowly in this place, and sooner or later it will become a fertile ground.

During these decades, Adier actively attracted people, continuously absorbed the barbarian tribes in the wilderness itself, and then issued policies to actively encourage childbirth and multiply the population.

After so many decades, the vast expanse of wasteland has gradually become populated, and some of these cities are now prosperous, comparable to the rest of the country.

Even compared with some prosperous cities, it is not inferior.

After all, the time of 6 70 years, for Adier, may be just an ordinary kung fu that’s all, but for mortals, it has been the time of several generations.

Generations of time can change everything.

The vast expanse of the wilderness has gradually become popular.

At this moment, in the central area of ​​the Adier Empire, Adier raised his head quietly, looking at the sudden heavy rain in front of him.

For decades, for mortals, it has been a change of generations, but for him, it seems to be a snap, and nothing has changed at all.

He was the same as he was in the past, with a handsome face and long hair falling down, and the whole person looked like a teenager, with no change at all.

Compared with Adier, who is in the wizard world, the only difference is that he does not have those traits that belong to the elf family alone, and he has gained more popularity.

2 The race is different.

“It’s raining again……”

Standing on the spot, looking at the heavy rain in the distance, Adier raised his head quietly and muttered to himself.

After spending decades in the wasteland, even if I didn’t pay attention to the weather, I could gradually understand the four seasons of the wasteland.

The area of ​​the barren land is vast, but the rainfall in it is far inferior to those in the south, and the climate is relatively dry.

Normally, it is estimated that it will not rain a few times a year. Adier needs to do everything possible to avoid drought to avoid loss of farmland.

But this year the situation is very abnormal.

Like this heavy rain today, in the past years, it has not been possible for several years, but this year it has continued. Until now, it has been played more than ten times.

This abnormal situation is obviously different from the ordinary, which makes Adier care.

“World began to react spontaneously …” A voice slowly came behind Adier.

Mar is wearing a black robe, holding a scepter in her hand. With a smile on her face, she walked quietly to Adier.

“Several decades have passed, and this battle from the gods has finally begun …”

He looked at Adier in front of him and said seriously: “The next time, the originally silent gods will appear one by one. Lord, you need to be prepared.”

“I know……”

In place Adier is quietly nodded, his face looks very calm, no accident.

The ancient silent gods are about to return, and he has already expected this.

At this moment, Mar is reminded that’s all again.

In fact, in these decades, apart from building his own empire, he did nothing.

Through Mar’s fate and ability, he sent people to search all around, and even walked through the Ancient Vestige in person to explore the secrets of the gods and gained a lot from it.

6 In 70 years, his strength has already surpassed when he was in the past or at level 4.

Promoted to level 5.

Level 5, in this World is in an extremely special state, in an obvious dividing line.

In this World, level 4 can already be called Legendary, the pinnacle of mortal promotion.

The 5th order has reached the limit of Legendary, surpassed Legendary, and truly reached the limit of mortals.

Above level 5, one step further is the realm of God.

Tier 6 is called Demi-God in this World, and only those who ignite Divine Fire are eligible to achieve it.

Of course, for Adier, he doesn’t need to be so troublesome.

Through World Strength, plus his own Bloodline Secret Art, as long as there is enough time, he can also try to reach level 6, which is the Demi-God level of this World.

But then, his attribute from other world was completely exposed in this world.

Since then, it will not only be targeted by World consciousness, but will also be completely exposed to the eyes of the gods about to recover.

When the time comes the end will not be very wonderful.

So if it can, Adier decides that it is better to rely on this World’s approach, trying not to expose his unique existence.

With this idea in mind, for so many years, he searched the remains of the gods and explored in many Danger Lands.

Perhaps due to luck, he not at all found what Divine Item, or broken Divine Spark shards and the like, but found a lot of other things about Spiritual God.

For example, some broken divine fragments.

The so-called Divine Fragment is actually a simplification of Divine Spark, which has the characteristics of Divine Spark, and is a kind of thing formed by mixing the law with the World Strength of this World.

It contains not only the strength of the rules once held by the gods, but also the World Strength of this World, which represents a key to this World to some extent.

Only with this key can we truly enter the realm of the gods.

Of course, this thing says that precious is also precious, but it is really worthless to say that it is not valuable.

Compared to the complete Divine Spark shard, this divinity is extremely thin, and the strength and world strength of the rules are very rare.

It may be very precious for mortals, but for the existence of Tier 4 and above, the increase is not large.

Unless you can have a lot of divinity, in this way gather more and less, and continue to superimpose to produce a qualitative change in quantity.

But for Adier, these fragments are really useful.

The blood of his slaver within the body still plays a role in these years.

Transform the strength of Slaughter through the blood of the slaughter, and then transform it into a strength for other body shapes with a unique secret method. Enough to make the divinity continue to grow and bear the fruit of each and everyone.

Up to now, in the body of Adier, in addition to the strength of Slaughter of God of Slaughter and the power of blood moon of the God of Blood Moon, it is also full of Strength of Spiritual Other God.

Even the divinity of the Lord of Darkness and the God of the Night Watchman was acquired by him through Angola and Shirna.

At this moment, all kinds of disordered strengths are mixed in his within the body, each of which represents an extremely powerful essence, which is above level 7.

The whole person is like a mix-up.

Of course, to a certain extent, this also represents a strong strength.

At this moment, Adier belongs to Peak even in level 5, even if he has not entered Peak yet, it is not far from that level.

With only one opportunity, he could walk up to the Peak 5 Peak and approach the seemingly unreachable god realm.

At this moment, this opportunity seems to have arrived.

The silent gods are about to recover formally. At that time, with the continuous development of time, Divine Spark of the gods will appear again and again.

With the strength of Adier at the moment, he only needs to obtain a broken Divine Spark shard, and he can surely ignite the fire and truly enter the realm of the gods.

Of course, that is what happened afterwards.

At this moment, quietly standing in place, Adier looked up into the distance.

In an area invisible to ordinary people, a pure purple soul is coming, slowly falling into a hell, the whole body flashing the same breath as Adier.

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