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A purple soul fell with a huge World Source.

It was an avatar differentiated from Adier’s ontology. At this moment, with the breath of World Source, it fell directly into a region.

At the bottom of God World, a huge world began to emerge slowly.

The World is huge. If it is completely stretched, it is almost larger than the entire Material World. However, contrary to the Material World, it is full of all kinds of dirt and looks messy and dirty, far more chaotic than the Material World.

The life in it is also much more chaotic than that in the physical world.

Although the life in it is generally stronger than the material World, in terms of that unique wisdom and independence, it does not have the life perfection of the material World and does not possess the independent self of that kind of life.

In a way, this can be considered good or bad.

With Adier as Soul Source invested in this World, in this World, a wave slowly emerged.

Compared with other experiences of entering the World several times, this time Adier entering this World can be said to be extremely easy.

Haven’t waited for the difficult forward efforts, trying the barrier of breakthrough World, this World opened his arms spontaneously in front of him, forcibly kicked Adier into this World.

Not only does the attitude have no repulsion, but it appears to be impatient. It looks completely different from the normal World. There is no repulsion of external life at all.

If we say that when Adier goes to other worlds, the main experience is to break through layers of barriers and enter the other world with difficulty.

Well, when you come to this World, it is equivalent to take the initiative to enter a prison. It does not require you to work hard to break through. You only need to stop at the door to ensure that someone will catch you in immediately.

This is how Adier feels at the moment.

Relying on the strength of his own power, he entered this World, and then went directly to the deepest Source Land of this World under the package of World Source.

In the next moment, his eyes were black, and contact with the world around him was completely cut off. In this brief moment, he lost his consciousness.

A chaotic, powerful World Strength wrapped him up and took him into the world under his feet.

When he regained his consciousness again, he had come to another place.

The area in front of me looked dim, and the dim rays of light around him were constantly flashing.

It looks dazzling, but it doesn’t make people feel disgusted.

Indistinctly, a round of blood-colored moon could be seen in the sky. At this moment, the whole earth was quietly illuminated, bringing a little evil rays of light to the earth.


Looking at the blood moon in the sky, Adier’s thoughts emerged quietly in his heart.

At this moment, he had already felt his body again, and the feeling of having the entity again was so real that he instantly understood his situation at the moment.

He has been born successfully and came to this area.

The next moment, under Adier ’s gaze, the blood moon above the sky suddenly burst into rays of light, the kind of dazzling radiance illuminating everything, shining on the whole land.

Just in the blink of an eye, the whole earth turned into a blood color, and the whole looked like a night covered with a blood color, and it looked very strange.

Under this light bloody radiance, Adier only felt his body was itchy.

At this moment, there was a faint warm current flowing all over him, all around There seemed to be an invisible Strength approaching continuously, nourishing his body.

His body began to grow at the speed visible with naked eye, and in a short period of time, it quickly transformed from the size of the ordinary person’s palm, directly reaching the height of one meter or more.

Under his vigorous growth, the film that had bound him was pierced directly, allowing him to directly see the scene outside.

A brand new air came from the outside, with a disgusting smell, and that kind of blood-reeking qi, it was very disgusting.

If a normal person is here, I am afraid that he will faint before long, and he will be comatose directly in this place.

But for Adier, this place is actually not influential, even when it smells very fresh at first glance, it makes him feel a little comfortable.

The young body began to stretch slowly, next moment, Adier looked around.

He first looked behind him.

Behind him, there is a vast ocean.

The ocean is black, but there is also a blood color in it, which looks like blood, but it is different.

Among them, countless kinds of unfathomable mystery impurities are doped in it.

It was Seven Emotions and Six Desires, which developed to the extreme, all kinds of strong emotions, and all kinds of impurities derived from the soul, all fluttering in it at the moment.

Strong emotions brew in it, no matter what the strong emotions can be found in it.

Occasionally, Adier can also see in the wide black ocean, there are some unbroken soul fragments settled quietly in it, slowly turning into each and everyone cocoon.

These soul fragments will turn into one after another seed in this ocean, and they will be bred into the embryos of each and everyone like Adier’s before, incubating a new life.

Of course, with such a strong ocean of emotions, there is no need to expect these embryos to be normal.

No matter what kind of emotion, if it is too strong, it will cause various problems.

These soul fragments are floating in this ocean of emotions, conceived in it. In the end, even if it becomes a complete creature, most of it will be deformed once it is hatched. There will be strong defects in the congenital, and it will be affected by various strong emotions and become paranoid and terrifying.

In other words, the creatures bred in this ocean will eventually become distorted. Each and everyone is like a wild beast completely controlled by instinct. It is not as good as the life bred normally from the material World. It has a unique self. .

Perhaps to some extent, this is also the reason why the demons in the abyss are so confusing.

In addition to infections affected by acquired breath in the abyss, innate development is also a critical reason.

Of course, to another degree, the demon who can stand out in this environment must be extremely tenacious, far stronger than the normal growth of the physical world.

After all, just soaking in this abyssal sea can resist the erosion of the abyssal sea and absorb the energy to support it. This is already very powerful, and it cannot be done by simple soul fragments.

Anyone who can do this must be a character of extreme temperament and paranoia during his lifetime.

These people often have extremely outstanding achievements before they die. After death, they are surrounded by the abyssal sea and come to this hell to re-breed out. The essence of their souls is far stronger than that of normal people.

Moreover, this environment in the abyss also gave birth to cruel and bloodthirsty warriors.

Anyone who can fight in the abyss and finally succeed in going to the outside world is in ten-thousand does not have one. The soldiers selected after the brutal blood killing are far from ordinary people.

Standing quietly in the same place, looking at the sea of ​​abyss at the back, feeling the connection between his body and the sea of ​​the abyss at the moment, Adier’s face was calm, and he turned around silently looking towards other regions.

In front of his eyes, a beach stood quietly there.

The beach looks very unique. The grains of the sand are not golden-yellow, but are black. It looks very unique. It seems to carry a mysterious and breathtaking strength.

And on this beach, one after another bloody insect egg lies quietly in it.

These bloody insect eggs don’t look big. Each one is probably fist sized, and the appearance is a bloody color, with a little mysterious and unique pattern on it, it looks very mysterious.

On the insect egg, a faint abyssal force penetrated and was sensed by Adier.

At this moment, with the round of blood moon above the sky shining brightly, above these insect eggs, there were some new movements.

The blood-colored shell on the surface of the insect egg began to gradually break apart. Under Adier’s gaze, a variety of insects with different appearances continued to crawl out of it and began to spread to the outside world.

This is the demonic worm, and the initial form of the demon.

The demon worm is the initial form of the birth of the soul fragments. At the beginning, it will slowly breed in the sea of ​​the abyss. Only after it matures will it be washed on the beach and gradually hatch out.

After a while, the hell in front of us was full of large and small demonic bugs.

After the appearance of these demonic insects, not very long, they followed their instincts and began to fight each other.

A little blood began to bloom.

The demon worms fight each other, and the winner will eat the bodies of other demon worms directly, and then his body begins to grow.

The essence of these demonic insects is not the appearance of the outside, but the fragments of the soul.

To some extent, they are actually incomplete, just a soul that’s all reborn from a piece of soul.

And devouring other demonic worms is a complete process of their own soul fragments.

Only when enough demon worms have been devoured and enough Soul Power obtained from other demon worms to gradually improve their souls can they truly transform into a demon.

As for Adier, there are some exceptions.

To a certain extent, although he is also a piece of soul fragments differentiated from the ontology, in terms of his level, he is just a piece of soul fragments, which is much stronger than the entire soul of normal people and can maintain his integrity presence.

So when he was born, he had not devoured other demonic insects, it was already one meter long, comparable to some little demons.

In situ, with the demon worms fighting, bursts of bloody breath began to thicken.

That is the power of the abyss that is unique to the abyss. At this moment, with the advent of fighting, while the strength of these demon insects grows, it also makes the fighting here more intense.

Under the influence of the power of the abyss, even if some souls are instinctively powerful, they still maintain part of their own soul worms. At this moment, they cannot be affected, and they move towards other soul worms around them and start fighting.

This kind of fighting will last for a long time, and only after the demon worms have engulfed enough other soul fragments, so that they have conceived and perfected and born a preliminary self, will they initially end.

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