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A vast sea of ​​abyss is on the side.

Adier stood quietly on the black sand, looking at the demonic insects fighting in the distance, his face calmly turned slowly.

He didn’t want to step forward and fight.

This demon worm fight is meaningless to him.

For other demonic insects, this kind of fighting is inevitable and an inevitable process of perfecting his own soul fragments, but for Adier, his soul is originally complete, and does not need to fight with other demonic insects. To supplement their Soul Power and devour other soul fragments to perfect their own existence.

Although doing so can supplement your Soul Power, it will also affect your own soul, making it no longer pure and doped with many impurities.

By that time, even if Strength is stronger, it is hard to say whether he is still himself.

If he was still weak, Adier had no choice, but now that he has reached this level, he naturally does not need to do such low-level things.

He turned and walked to one side, slowly walking along the beach in front of him to another area.

It was a vast black forest.

The forest in front of me is huge, and there are tall trees standing in it. Each big tree is at least several hundred meters tall, comparable to skyscrapers. If it is put in Adier ’s previous life, it can make countless people. Surprised.

But in front of me, such big trees like skyscrapers are everywhere, not so strange.

Even if you look for it in 4 places, you can still find some bigger trees from it, and each one just stands there, which is enough to make you look out of sight and look scary.

Further ahead, the thick blood-reeking qi smell kept coming, and there was a faint snickering sound, which made people feel a bit bored.

There seemed to be some unique magic in the voice, which made people feel involuntarily when he heard the voice, and there was some confusion in his mind. It seemed to be affected by the voice, and he could not help raising a slaughter impulse Want to rush forward and fight with the unknown existence.

This is the influence of the power of the abyss. In it, any normal creature will be affected, so that the desire to rise one after another slaughter involuntarily.

Adier looked up and looked forward.

Compared with other creatures, he was not affected much.

Above the body, a light purple World Source sheltered his soul and protected him from external abyss forces.

But standing on the spot, looking at the scene of fighting in front. He hesitated for a while, and finally took his steps and walked forward.

Before long, he saw the scene ahead.

It was the middle of the forest, and it looked like a slaughterhouse at the moment.

In it, each and everyone silhouette keeps tumbling and fighting, entangled with each other 2 2 and fighting there continuously.

Compared to the previous beach, compared with the young demon worms, the silhouette standing in this place is very tall, with a height of at least one meter, and there is a strong sense of confusion on the body. It is a demon who is not weak.

Compared with the demon worms on the beach before, those standing here at this moment are undoubtedly the demons who have successfully born themselves, transformation successful.

Under an inexplicable strength, they came to the woods in front of them, and started their own hunting in the woods, fighting each other.

Adier stood outside the black forest, stood there for a while, and finally hesitated, then walked in slowly.

Came into the abyss, in order to achieve the purpose of his trip, the slaughter is inevitable.

Even if it can be avoided at this moment, it will not be avoided sooner or later.

Whether he likes it or not, it’s the same.

In this case, it is better to calmly accept the coming when you have to face it when you have to face it in the future.

And in the abyss, the fastest way to improve one’s own strength is to continuously launch a slaughter in the abyss.

The will of the abyss naturally loves the slaughter, and the fighting between demons will make the will of the abyss feel happy, thus giving back a little strength blessing to the killer, so that the strength of the killer is continuously enhanced.

The slaughterer is constantly becoming stronger, and the killer can only be transformed into a corpse, which is coldly poured on the ground and becomes the nourishment of other creatures.

Any war evader and cowardly person cannot survive in this place. Sooner or later, they will be swallowed up by the powerhouse without any room.

The only way to gain a foothold in this place is to keep fighting forward until you reach the top of your line of sight.

In this environment, the most fierce and terrible life must be able to rise.

Adier walked forward quietly.

In front of a big tree, a small figure, only the little demon in front of one meter noticed the arrival of Adier.

He hid behind the big tree, quietly approaching Adier’s back, quietly extended his paw quietly, ready to start.


The next moment, a clear voice sounded.

Adier waved his hand, a burst of Spirit force exploded, and rushed towards the little demon in an instant, directly crushing his whole body into pieces, leaving only a place of blood.

A disgusting and strong blood-reeking qi kept coming out of the place, the smell was very obvious.

If you do not leave this place in time, this bloody smell will attract some other demons, causing this place to become a battlefield.

So for other demons, after a slaughter, the most important thing is to leave immediately, or hide your body well to avoid being discovered by other demons.

But Adier didn’t move at the moment, just stood there so quietly.

He stood there, feeling the change in his body.

With the slaughter’s progress, after he easily killed the little devil, a silent strength began to come.

A thin abyssal force fell on him, and with the advent of his slaveter, there was some change in his body.

“Strength seems to have improved a little …”

Feeling the changes in the whole body, Adier flashed this thought in his heart.

Overall, his body has changed a little bit, and his Strength has increased, but his strength has not increased too much.

This may be because Adier itself is too powerful.

After all, although it is just a reincarnation, Adier this time’s purpose is very clear, and it also brings a lot of strength.

Above this avatar, there is a strong World Source.

With the asylum and support of World Source, his avatar has just been bred, and he has saved most of the strength he has left before.

Although impossible is comparable to the body, the strength at the moment must be converted to the standard of the material world, which is equivalent to a Level 2 wizard.

The little demon he just killed, if converted to the wizard world standard, is at most a third-class apprentice that’s all.

2 The difference in strength is so great that the little devil can bring Adier a small increase, which is quite normal.

the thoughts got to this point, Adier turned around, looking for the next goal.

At this moment, a buzz of unfathomable mystery kept coming from all around.

Adier turned to look, and saw it in the distance, with wings in the midair, an insect-like demon flying from in midair, and now a pair of bloody eyes was looking at Adier, with a cold and cruel slaughter desire.

Compared with the little demon that was erased by Adier before, the strength of this insect demon is much stronger. In Adier’s opinion, the strength is fully the standard of a formal wizard, and it is extremely powerful in this area.

Without the slightest words, nor the slightest hesitation, at the moment of contact, a ruthless fight began again.

Adier didn’t hesitate, looking at the insect demon in the distance, and greeted him directly.

It didn’t take long for the battle to end.

The insect demon was torn by Adier, the wings were directly opened, the whole body was also disconnected, and was directly torn by Adier’s scratch.

The battle is over.

Then a more vigorous abyssal force descended, adier’s body was further strengthened.

By this time, the demons attracted by the blood-reeking qi around them began to increase, but there were only a few in sight.

However, after coming here, they didn’t go to Adier’s trouble, but opposed each other, and slayed there first.

Looking at this scene, Adier shook the head, then stepped forward.

In the abyss world, within the realm, there is no obvious alternation of the sun and moon in the material world.

Time is very inconspicuous in this place. If you don’t pay much attention, you can hardly feel the ebbing of time.

Adier doesn’t know how long he has been fighting in this place.

At this moment, his appearance has changed a lot compared with when he just walked out of the abyss.

Originally, only the height of only one meter began to change, and now it has reached the point of nearly 2 meters.

The skin on and off the whole body began to change, and the original delicate skin began to become rough, and some scales grew on it.

Of course, in addition to these subtle changes, his body contours also began to change, and gradually began to change towards the shape of the person.

This is the result of Adier’s own will.

From the former abyss of the sea, where the fragments of souls are floating everywhere, it can be seen that the creature like the devil is more of a spiritual life than a materialistic one.

Compared to the influence of Bloodline, the influence of the soul has a greater influence on the devil.

So during the evolution of demons, their form will also become all kinds of strange things, constantly changing with their ideas.

It may be that the two demons at the beginning are exactly the same. After several evolutions, they will become completely different with different ideas.

At the moment, in the process of evolution, the subconsciously thought in Adier’s mind is the body of elf in the previous life, or other humanoid life.

Therefore, his own form gradually began to change towards this aspect, and did not start to develop in the direction of other kinds of strange things.

Of course, for this result, Adier himself is happy to see the results.

After going through many different worlds, although he does not have any repulsive ideas about other forms of life, he is still very happy if he can still maintain his own human body.

After all, compared with all kinds of strange things, all kinds of appearances, besides being more in line with Adier’s own aesthetics, the humanoid body is also more convenient to use.

Overall, the practicality is very strong.

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