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“The original promise, I still remember …”

In the quiet and spacious room, looking at Selna opposite, Adier was silent for a while, then spoke softly.

“If necessary, just tell me the specific things.”

“it is good……”

Hearing Adier’s answer, Hilna’s face suddenly appeared bright.

For her, this time Da Lao Yuan ran into this Desert, for nothing else, it was Adier’s promise.

As long as she got this promise from Adier, she didn’t make a trip this time.

the thoughts got to this point, she stood up from the spot, saluted deeply towards Adier in front of her, and performed a complicated etiquette.

“On behalf of the entire dim church, I thank you.”

She looked at Adier in front of her, and at this moment her expression was extremely sincere, and she said.

The recovery of the Lord of Darkness is self-evident for the Church of Darkness.

The deity was also the most dangerous when it first recovered.

Although he was once a god, at the beginning of his birth, even if it was Spiritual God, there is no way to immediately restore Peak’s Strength, there will be a short period of weakness.

And at this time, it is the most dangerous time for the gods.

On the one hand, the gods are not without any enemies, they will also have enemies and adversaries.

The dark church has been established on the earth for many years, and there are also hostile churches and believers of other gods.

these all are potentially dangerous.

In addition to these people, there are also wild ambitions, ambitions to obtain Divine Spark’s ambitions by killing gods, which are also potential risk factors.

Therefore, for the dim church at this moment, it is the most important thing to draw enough powerhouse to protect the dim lord who was just born and let it pass the initial weak period smoothly.

Of course, the dim church is a church founded by a deity. It has been standing on the earth for many years. If you really want to find it, you can naturally find a lot of powerhouses.

But if you can find it, you can find it.

After all, it was a weak deity. When faced with the dim lord who was just born, it is difficult to ensure that no one would be tempted by Divine Spark of the deity, and finally start.

Once this happens, it is the most dangerous time.

Like Adier in front of him, it has enough strength and reliability, so that the dim church can trust the powerhouse, and the number is not large.

It is precisely because of this that Sylna sees Adier so seriously.

Adier didn’t think so much.

He promised to protect the Lord of Darkness and help the Lord of Darkness come successfully. This was something he promised good decades ago.

In the last few decades, when he established the Adier Empire, the Dim Church also gave him a lot of help.

Now, it’s time to give back.

In addition, to help the Dim Lord come smoothly, this matter also has certain benefits for him.

Being in this World, since it has been decided to be ascended to peak in this World way, then for Adier, sealing God is an inevitable process.

And if you want to successfully conquer the gods and go to the altar, you will need the help of other gods.

Compared with other unfathomable mystery gods with strange characters, the Dim Lord can be regarded as a rare friendly god.

Helping the Lord of Darkness come at this moment. In the future, when he is a god, he will be an extra helper, which can make his future path smoother.

In fact, not only for the Dim Lord, but for other gods, Adier’s attitude is also general.

This can be seen from his attitude towards Angola and Blood Moon.

Angola, as Prince of the Kingdom of Tarum, is one of the advent carriers of the night watch king, with the body bearing part of the divinity of the night watch king.

If there is no accident, with the strong support of Adier, if you can defeat the remaining competitors in the future and gather all the divinities of the Night Watch King, there will be a certain opportunity to usurp the power of the Night Watch King Make yourself embark on the road of God.

The same is true for Blood Moon.

As the reincarnation of the God of Blood Moon, Blood Moon carries the remaining Divine Spark of the God of Blood Moon, as long as he can slowly improve his Divine Spark Strength, he will have the opportunity to resurrect in the future and return to divine throne.

There is also Mar who has been with him and assisted him. He has also inherited part of the authority of the god of fate, mastered part of the power of fate, and has the opportunity to inherit part of Divine Spark in the future.

These three people undoubtedly have the potential to seal the gods.

Once these 3 people successfully board the divine throne, in the future they can become a potential ally of Adier and one of his helpers.

At the moment, Adier promised to help the dim church, and the same is true for the arrival of the dim lord.

In front of him, after receiving Adier’s reply, Hilna hurried away with someone, and it seemed that she would go to the next location.

Sitting there quietly, Adier silently picked up a cup of tea and fell into contemplation.

“Lord, what are you thinking?”

Behind him, Mar’s voice slowly came.

She was wearing a black robe, and her figure was as light as before. At this moment, her black hair slowly fell down, and she walked forward slowly.

Afterwards, she sat in the position where Hilna was sitting, just sitting face-to-face with Adier, looking at him quietly there.

“Dark Lord is coming, I believe that other gods are not far away …”

He quietly took the tea cup and drank the tea in his hand. Adier looked calm and said softly.


Marl lightly sighed, facing Adier in front of him, gently nodded.

“At recently, the power of destiny reminded me frequently, telling me that in the near future, there will be many obstacles ahead …”

“The silent gods are about to recover. In the next days, several gods may be coming back …”

“Aside from the Lord of Darkness, who else is there?”

Adier looked calm and asked.

“Not clear yet.”

Mar gently shook the head: “When it comes to the level of gods, with the power of fate that I have so far, it is unpredictable …”

“However, according to common sense, the gods who recover first are generally the weaker ones …”

“Like the Lord of Darkness, when he arrived at Divine Throne, the new Spirit God who didn’t have many years, he often started to recover first …”


Adier frowned, puzzled and puzzled.

“Shouldn’t it be the first recovery with strong power?”

He asked gently.

According to common sense, the same deep sleep, the stronger the general strength, the sooner the recovery can be.

At the moment, according to what Marr said, it was completely reversed.

“This was caused by the impact of the catastrophe that year …”

Marl lightly sighed and said finally.

“There was a catastrophe in the realm that affected everything …”

“After that catastrophe happened, the gods were hit hard and had to fall asleep …”

“And because of the closeness of the gods and World, the stronger the relationship between Spiritual God and World is, the stronger the damage will be in the catastrophe that year …”

“Because of this, so now, the stronger the gods want to recover, the more difficult it is, but some of the weaker ones, the losses in the catastrophe of the year are slightly lighter, but they can Faster recovery. “

“So that’s how it is …”

Adier nodded, a little suddenly.

“But this is not absolute …”

Mare gave Adier a light glance before continuing to speak.

“In addition to their own damage, the recovery of the gods is also related to the church they left behind …”

“The believer’s faith can provide Spirit to Strength and accelerate the restoration of the gods, so the more prosperous and powerful the church, the sooner the gods they believe can be restored …”

“The Lord of Darkness can recover quickly. In addition to his relatively minor damage in the past, it is also inseparable from the development of the Dark Church in recent years …”

“In addition to these, before that catastrophe happened in that year, there was also a part of the powerful Spiritual God who had foreseen this situation early and accordingly made various measures to allow himself to return as soon as possible … “

Speaking of which, she was paused and then glanced at Adier.

“For example, Lord Slaughter, this is so …”

“Master of slaughter …”

Hearing this familiar name, Adier was silent for a while.

His within the body still has the divinity of the Lord of Slaughter.

That was the blood of the slaver injected by the believer of the slaver.

At that time, the believer of the Slaughter Lord injected the blood of the Slaughter into Adier’s within the body, in order to continue to start the Slaughter through the Adier medium, thereby providing strength for the Slaughter Master’s recovery.

Above the earth, many children of the Slaughter continue to unfold the Slaughter on the earth. While improving their Strength, they are also providing Strength for the recovery of the Slaughter Lord.

This is the means of recovery set by the Lord of Slaughter for himself before the silence.

From the means of the Slaughter Master, we can see that some of the gods have already had a hunch about the things behind them, so they have deployed various means early to prepare for their future recovery.

“Just don’t know, what other gods left behind … what will it look like …”

In place, Adier gently shook the head, looking at Mar in front of him, and finally the thought flashed in his heart.

“In a few months, I am going to go south to the dark church …”

He looked at Mar in front of him and said slowly.

“When the time comes, come with me.”

“it is good.”

In front of him, looking at Adier in front of him, Marl had a smile on his face and was gently nodded.

“The resurgence of the gods, I haven’t seen it in my life, this time just took this opportunity to take a good look …”

She laughed and said softly.

“The days to come are long …”

Adier got up from the spot and looked at Mar in front of him, with a smile on his face.

“The days when the gods one after another come back from recovery, similar scenes in the future, you will continue to see after all.”

“Even if you have a chance in the future, you may have such a day yourself.”

“I hope so.”

With a smile on her face, Marr looked at Adier in front of her, gently nodded, and filled her eyes with trust and expectation.

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