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In the early morning, the sun shines on the ground, shining the ground into a golden.

At this time, Adier came to the long-separated kingdom of Tamru and returned to this place.

If you think about it for a long time, it has been fifty-sixty years before he left Tamru Kingdom.

The time of fifty-sixty years has changed a lot.

Above Desert, in this fifty-sixty year, Adier started from scratch and little by little established his own empire.

However, within the Tamru Kingdom, the time of fifty-sixty years has also changed greatly.

Gruul had already passed away at that time, and died about a dozen years ago, dying from a sudden assassination.

This incident caused a lot of waves in this neighborhood.

Even when Adier heard the news, he could not help being silent for a long time.

In fact, it is not just Gruul. After fifty-sixty years, most of the people that Adier met in the Kingdom of Tamru are now disappeared.

Either died because of various accidents, or left the country for various reasons and went to other places.

“how are you feeling?”

Walking in the border city of this country, walking quietly on the street, looking at Angola on the side, Adier asked gently.

“How else?”

Angola laughed gently, and the expression on his face looked calm, without any waves.

“Maybe there were some feelings at the beginning, but now the time of fifty-sixty years has passed. The scenery and the emotions that should be seen are almost over.

He shook the head, saying so.

In fact, compared to Adier, he feels more deeply about the Tamru Kingdom.

This is after all his home country.

Angola was the former Prince of the Kingdom of Tamru and the younger brother of Gruul.

When Gruell died, he represented Adier and went here to attend Gruul’s funeral in person.

But now decades have passed, and his memories of the kingdom of Tamlu were disappearing in little by little.

Some things in the world are like this. When you stand motionless in place, the time around you will not wait for you, and will continue to move forward and change constantly.

The same is true of the kingdom of Tamru.

When the new change of little by little comes into being, the city and environment in the past will eventually become little by little, and finally become a look you don’t know at all.

For today’s Angola, this former homeland has already become a foreign country.

Instead, the Adier Empire in the wilderness became his second hometown in a sense.

After all, compared to the Tamru Kingdom that has not been in contact for decades, the Adier Empire was personally participated by Angola and it took a long time to build with Adier and the others.

To a certain extent, it is more meaningful than the Tamru Kingdom.

“In the end is the hometown of the past …”

Adier lightly sighed, looking at Angola in front of him and saying.

“If you have a chance, go back and visit.”

“If some people don’t see them now, they may never see them again in the future …”

Listening to Adier’s words in place, Angola did not speak, but was silently nodded.

They continued to move forward, and soon came to a small church.

In the church, Hilna was already waiting with people inside.

“Welcome to you, Dear Adier …”

Looking at Adier coming from a distance, Hilna smiled gently and said softly.

Compared with the previous meeting, at this moment, she was wearing a silver sacrificial robe, and also had a silver crown on her head, with a gray mark engraved on it, which was very gorgeous.

It looks like a sacrificial dress.

Behind Hilna, there are several rituals standing there, but the face is very strange, and does not match the rituals in Adier’s memory.

It looks much younger.

Seemingly aware of Adier’s gaze, Hilna smiled on her face and offered to introduce Adier.

As expected by Adier, these are the youngsters, the cults that have been cultivated in the dim church for the past 20 years.

It is also normal for him not to know.

As for the priests he used to know, he had already retired at this moment, and he spent his days in the headquarters of the dim church.

After all, although the rituals are more powerful than ordinary person, they are far less than Adier. Lifespan is far less than Adier’s.

For Adier, fifty-sixty years is just a blink of an eye, but for those, it is probably half of his life.

The sacrifices that Adier knew at the time, even if there is no old death at this moment, have already entered old age.

Thinking of this, Adier is still slightly sighed despite being used to it.

Under the leadership of Hilna, they continued to move forward.

Soon they came to a brand new church.

The church looks very magnificent and spacious, in which no one is standing at the moment, it looks very deserted, and there is no popularity at all.

In it, Adier felt a familiar and strange divine force.

That was the divine force of the dim lord, and it was now flooded in the church in front of him, almost everywhere in his induction.

The reason why Adier feels extremely familiar is because this dim force of the dim Lord, Adier also owns it.

Through communication with the Dim Church, as early as many years ago, Adier acquired the divinity of the Dim Lord, and through the transformation of the Slaughter Land’s strength of Slaughter, his own divinity continued to grow and successfully acquired the Dim Lord Divine force.

It is for this reason that he is so familiar with the divine force full of dim lord in front of him.

“It seems that you have already arranged …”

Standing in the spacious church, Adier looked around and said so.

The church in front of me seems to be not guarded by anyone, but in fact, at this moment it is already full of densely packed rune.

That is the rune of Divine Art, which is inscribed here at this moment. Although it looks calm, it is heaven-shaking, earth-shattering once it breaks out.

Even if there is no one around, it is enough to resist any strength under the Legendary.

If you cooperate with the sacrifice of the Lord of Darkness, I am afraid that even a Legendary will be able to block it for a while.

Of course, for true powerhouse, this has little effect.

That ’s why Adier and the others are needed.

Only when the Legendary powerhouse like Adier sits here, this place can be as stable as Mount Tai, and finally succeeded to support the moment when the dim lord came.

“This place is secretly furnished …”

Hilna glanced at Adier quietly, then spoke.

“In order to prevent the time and place of our Lord’s coming from being noticed by others, we specifically did not choose the place in the main church, but chose this remote place.”

“The purpose is to make it impossible for others to figure out where our Lord is coming …”

“And to ensure this, this place has been emptied before, and only a few of us exist at this moment …”

“So that’s how it is …” In place, Adier’s face was calm and quietly nodded.

“When the advent of my Lord’s ceremony officially begins, I hope you will not leave this place for a while …”

Hilna glanced at Adier, first sighed, and then explained to him.

“We not at all don’t believe you, but in this world, some strengths are very unique. You may be able to be noticed by others as long as you go out from here and do nothing.”

“Only by hiding in this place and sheltered by our Lord’s divine force can we be truly concealed from being noticed by outsiders …”

“Understandable …”

Adier was gently nodded, and his face looked calm as before, without any mood swings.

“That’s good……”

Seeing Adier’s reaction, Hilna was gently nodded and secretly relaxed.

“The past few days before the official start of the Ceremony, you and your entourage can live in this place.”

“Everything here is perfect, if you have any need, you can call the servants here and let them prepare for you …”

She said so, after seeing Adier nodded, she said to Adier, then turned and walked out.

Seeing her like this, it seems very busy.

In place, looking at the back of Hilna hurriedly leaving, Adier shook the head, he didn’t care.

“Go and prepare …”

He turned around and spoke to several people in Angola standing beside him.

This time came to participate in the advent of the Dark Lord Ceremony, he did not just come alone, but brought several people.

In addition to Angola and Mar, he also brought a blood moon.

These 3 players are basically the strongest 3 players in his team, and they are the most luxurious lineup in the entire Adier Empire.

For decades, even the weakest of these 3 people, Angola, now has the strength close to Legendary, and the remaining 2 people have become Legendary.

The combination of 3 people, plus the Adier at the moment, is equivalent to the strength of 4 Legendary.

No matter where it is, it is luxurious enough.

In the following days, several people of Adier stayed quietly in this place.

Taking advantage of this time’s close encounter with the dim church, Adier is also actively sensing the surrounding layout.

The layout in front of the church is very interesting.

In the all around of the church, densely packed divine runes are arranged, forming a whole between faintly, constituting an extremely powerful defense strength.

This mode is somewhat similar to Wizard Array of Wizard World, but it is very different.

During his time in the church, Adier was devoted to studying these magical runes.

After all, he is going to take the Spiritual Road of this World in the future.

The rune in front of him contains the knowledge of Spiritual God level. If he walks on the road with Spiritual God, he will be able to use it sooner or later.

Studying now is also preparing for the future.

With this idea in mind, while staying in the church, he took Mar and several people to start research here, taking advantage of this rare opportunity to watch.

In this kind of research, time slowly passed, and soon after half a month.

After half a month, the ceremony is almost at the beginning.

Adier also saw other people who participated in this time coming to the ceremony.

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