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Within the quiet church, several silhouettes slowly approached from a distance and came to Adier.

Under Adier’s gaze, Hilna slowly walked into the church with a few silhouettes.

“Please let me introduce you.”

Slowly walking to Adier, Hilna wore a sacrificial robe with a faint smile on her face and introduced to them.

“This is an ancient legendary goblin hunter, Gmula …”

She pointed at a middle-aged man and introduced it.

Adier followed his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man in front of him looked very simple and determined. He wore a stale body, just a coat of animal skin. At first glance, it looked very common, just like an ordinary Orion, not at all.

At the moment, when he saw Adier looking at him, his face was firm, and at the moment there was also a somewhat stiff smile, facing Adier nodded.

“This is the master of the original master capital, Katie Young Lady …”

In front of Adier, Hilna pointed at another woman and introduced.

The woman is handsome and looks very beautiful. Wearing a mage robe, it looks very special at first glance and has a unique charm.

She looked at Adier in front of her, a little nodded, and said a hello.

Compared with Gamula on the side, this Katie Young Lady looks much more indifferent.

But this is also a common problem with the mage.

Although the wizard of this World is equivalent to the castration version of the wizard, some common problems in the wizard are also found in the wizard.

Because wizards are hiding in their laboratories for a long time to do various experiments, they are not good at things like interpersonal communication, so their characters often appear very rigid and indifferent.

As a profession similar to the wizard, the wizard also has similar characteristics, and the young Lady Katie is a typical example.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this is the natural character of the other party.

“This is the King of Adier Empire, Legendary Knight, Lord Yasuo …”

At the end, Hilna went to Adier and introduced to the 2 people in front of her.

Suddenly, with her voice falling, the eyes of the two people suddenly changed.

Legendary Knight Yasuo, the name has spread to many regions through word of mouth of the minstrel during these decades.

According to legend, this is an unprecedented Knight genius, who was promoted to Legendary when it was less than 30 years old.

Not only that, he personally beheaded the evil bloody jazz and saved the entire Tamru Kingdom from the opponent.

apart from this, the other party is also a founder of the Great Empire.

Regardless of strength or character, it is admirable.

“I have heard your story, and your character is admirable …”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Gamula said seriously.

Aside, Katis, who was originally indifferent, also changed a little at the moment, and her eyes seemed to change a lot when she looked at Adier.

The atmosphere at the place instantly became more harmonious.

Feeling this change, Hilna lightly relaxed.

The three people in front of me are all the powerhouses she and the entire dim church can find.

It is not impossible to find out more, but if there are too many people to find, the greater the risk of things leaking out.

The strength and character of the three people in front of them are enough to be trusted, so they can be invited here in advance and stay in this church where the dim Lord is coming.

“Our High Priest will come over soon and you will be able to see in a few days …”

She looked at the Adier 3 in front of her and said so.

In addition to Adier being invited to the powerhouse, the dim church itself also has a powerhouse.

This generation’s High Priest of the Dim Church, Adier’s Old Friend Kudoni is close to the Legendary powerhouse.

Although it is only close to Legendary, not at all really stands in the field of Legendary, but in this dim Lord ’s church, with divine force assistance in the dim place, it is enough to be with a real Legendary in a short time. contend.

With such a High Priest, plus 3 Adier, this is their true strength.

“Still weak …”

Looking at the silhouette of Hilna away, feeling the breath of 2 others, Adier secretly shook the head.

Strictly speaking, although the strength prepared by the dim church this time is not weak, in Adier’s view, it is still somewhat weak.

Excluding Adier itself, the two in front of Gamula and Katith are not true Legendary.

Although Gemula has reached the field of Legendary, it has just been promoted that’s all, and even its own Legendary level has not been fully mastered, which is far less powerful than a real Legendary.

As for the Cathy Young Lady, it is more than just a mage king at the moment, equivalent to Wizard World ’s Tier 3 Peak that’s all. Although it has good strength, it is still weak compared to the equivalent to Tier 4 Legendary. a lot of.

2 There is no comparability between the two.

If it is just this kind of strength, with Adier alone, he is confident that he can directly break this place.

But in the end he had promised Hilna and the others, and Divine Spark, the Dim Lord, did not match his expected goal.

Therefore, he does not at all other thoughts, just staying here quietly, preparing to begin the advent of the ceremony.

In the process, he also started a conversation with Gamula and Katis.

Facing Adier, the two of them looked very restrained, and did not feel the ease of the first meeting.

Think about it too, when facing a Legendary Knight who is far more powerful than themselves, it is not surprising that they will have such an attitude.

Adier didn’t care about it, so he talked to them silently.

Occasionally, he will give 2 people some pointers to tell them some problems they will encounter on the road ahead.

Gemula is known as the Legendary hunter, but in fact he is walking on the Knight’s road, not any other unfathomable mystery system.

As for Katith, the path taken is naturally the path of the wizard, and the path of the wizard of common origins.

On these two roads, Adier has extremely rich experience, so they just casually give pointers, which are huge gains for the two people in front of them.

In this way, in just a few days, his relationship with the two quickly increased, and he soon reached the familiar level.

In this regard, Adier is happy to see success.

Coming to this World, in this World, after all, he needs some teamwork.

The two people in front of us are all powerful and outstanding innate talents. In the absence of guidance, they have already explored the Legendary field, which is definitely a genius.

If it is possible, Adier also wants to recruit these two people to his own hands to prepare for the future.

Time is slowly passing.

On the 2rd day of the arrival of the 3 people in Gamula, the dark church law High Priest, Kudoni also arrived.

I have n’t seen him for many years. He still looks the same as before, but his breath is a little weaker, and he looks ready not far from the final limit.

However, at this moment, his Strength was still strong, almost reaching its zenith at the moment of the coming of the Dim Lord.

Although it has not yet reached the Legendary level, it is already not far from that level.

Perhaps after the Dark Lord officially came, he could reach that level.

After some careful preparation, the advent of ceremony officially began.

Under the eyes of Adier and several people, the dolls were young and the pure child was specially selected, came to the church in front of them, and prayed in it.

They recite the holy scriptures of the Lord of Darkness, and their pristine and pure faces are full of piety.

One after another voice continued to come out of them, slowly forming an echo in the surrounding church, and finally slowly gathered together, forming a huge voice.

In the surroundings, a little mysterious light slowly flickered. Among them, the densely packed divine rune began to emit rays of light, which seemed to start a spontaneous recovery.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier turned around with some surprise on his face.

In his within the body, a wisp of divinity began to be active at this moment, and a faint divine force was boiling spontaneously, as if he wanted to rush out of his body directly and unite with the surroundings.

It is from the divinity of the dim lord. At this moment, it seems to feel the strength of the dim lord around him, spontaneously wanting to rush out of Adier’s within the body, and the dim force of the dim lord of everywhere everywhere.

Adier stopped this urge in time, and then looked towards the children in front of him.

Through the divinity of the Dim Lord, his vision at this moment is not the same as the others around him, and he can see things that others cannot see.

At this moment, he saw the bodies of these children in front of him, as they continued to recite the holy scriptures of the Dim Lord, one after another pure strength of Faith rose continuously from them and rushed forward.

The strength of Faith is very pure, and slowly gathers forward in the sense of Adier, converging into a very bright and extremely majestic light group.

In Adier’s induction, the rays of light are very magnificent, which reveals an essence that he can not look directly at this moment, which also contains the divine force of the dim lord, which makes Adier within the body dim divine There was some resonance.

Dim Lord!

That rays of light is nothing other than Divine Spark, the Lord of Darkness, which is now slowly coming under the traction of the church.

In front of him, Kudoni wore a solemn and ceremonial sacrificial robe, leading Shirna and many other priests, praying religiously.

There is also an extremely pure strength of Faith from them, and there is some resonance between the faint lord in front of them, and they begin to try to draw the dark lord.

Pure strength of Faith gathers here, at this moment Adier ’s induction is extremely large and pure, so quietly gathers here, through some unique connection, slowly gathers to the dim Lord in front of Divine Spark.

Afterwards, as everything in front of you continued to progress, as the advent of the ceremony began, a change in front of you slowly occurred.

Under Adier’s gaze, the light of a little divine force in front gradually came and converged in front.

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