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A touch of divine force converged in the front, and I saw that in the area in front of me, a piece of bright and sacred rays of light gradually descended. Under the traction of the infinite strength of Faith, it slowly came towards this place.

At this moment, in the sense of Adier, the whole church seemed to explode.

Under a mysterious unique Strength traction, the endless strength of Faith was gradually drawn to this place, where it began to slowly gather.

This is the strength of Faith that the Dim Church has accumulated for many years. At this moment, it is all erupted with the advent of the Dim Lord and gathered here.

The accumulation of the entire dark church over the past 1000 years has erupted at this moment, and the effect is extremely terrifying.

At this moment in the sense of Adier, the area in front of him was almost submerged by a strength of Faith.

The pure strength of Faith converges here, and eventually the entire church is flooded.

As these strengths of Faith continue to converge in front of them, a silhouette appears slowly in the infinite strength of Faith.

It was a man wearing a black robe and looking quaint.

In Adier’s reaction, this man was covered with a strong divine force all over his body. Every thread of aura leaked on his body was enough to make any existence below level 6 tremble and feel a fear from the heart.

That’s the fear caused by the absolute gap in Life Level. Even if you just watch and feel the breath of existence, you will subconsciously shake your body and mind, and involuntarily feel horrified.

This is the deity.

Even if the ontology has not really come, and has not recovered to at the peak period, just a silhouette gathered by strength of Faith is enough for Adier to feel such a reaction.

When I saw the silhouette, in Adier’s within the body, the original dim dimness began to boil. At this moment, it seemed that my master was about to recover, so he began to react.

In front, it seems to feel the pure dim power of Adier within the body as well. The illusory silhouette formed by strength of Faith began to move, slowly opening his eyes under the annotation of Adier’s sight.

He opened his eyes, and in one of his eyes, a dim sun and moon, and the scene of the dusk coming constantly appeared, just like the endless flow of the operation of the World Rule, which contained the essence of World operation.

Following the subconsciously traction, he looked at Adier standing in front of him, and gently nodded at him.

In this regard, feeling the gaze of the Dim Lord, Adier was a little surprised.

It wasn’t surprising that the dim Lord could find him.

After all, as a god, the Lord of Darkness, even once again, is also a strength of 7th grade or higher. Compared with Adier who is only only 5th level at this moment, it is too powerful.

What surprised him was that the dim lord had recovered his consciousness at this moment.

Although it was just a quick glance, Adier could feel that the Dark Lord’s consciousness had recovered.

Now that the consciousness of a 7th grade Spiritual God has recovered, why do they need them to guard?

Adier raised this thought in his heart, and couldn’t help but wonder.

Every level after level 4 will be the difference between Heaven and Earth.

With the essence of the Dark Lord up to 7th grade, even if only a little breath is revealed, it is not what the so-called Legendary can bear.

They do not need these so-called Legendary to guard.

After all, where does the ants go to guard a giant dragon?

“Dark Lord at this moment not at all how much Strength …”

Seemingly feeling Adier’s doubts, on the side, Marr walked in front of Adier and whispered to him.

“Although the consciousness of the Lord of Darkness has recovered, his body is not within the realm at the moment. The strength that can be mobilized today is only the strength of Faith that has been accumulated for countless years in the Church of Darkness. In terms of, but not at all advantages … “

She whispered and said softly to Adier.

“So that’s how it is …”

In place Adier gently nodded, this is a little clear comprehension.

This is in line with common sense.

If the Dim Lord can really call his own Strength at this moment, then they are not needed to guard it.

If it can mobilize its own strength, no one is his opponent at this moment when the gods have not yet recovered.

It’s the same even if it’s just an avatar.

However, if there is no way to mobilize the strength of its own body, it can only mobilize the strength of the dim church.

The strength that the Dark Church has learned over the past 1000 years is indeed very strong.

The majestic strength of Faith in front of him almost flooded the whole church, which surprised Adier in front of him.

However, after welcoming the arrival of the Dim Lord, how much of this magnificent strength of Faith is left in front of him, and it can support the strength of the Dim Lord to play strength, this is not necessarily true.

In the final analysis, the advent of the deity itself is an extremely consumption of strength.

If its own church is not powerful enough, in the past, there is no way to absorb the huge strength that is enough to lead the gods to come, then I am afraid that even the dim lord can not be treated at this moment.

Just like the blood moon next to Adier.

Blood Moon is the reincarnated body of the God of Blood Moon, but it is not at all such a good foundation for the Lord of Darkness.

The Church of the God of Blood Moon has already been destroyed in the past, and even a little bit of residual traces have not been left, completely drowned in the tide of history.

Because there is no own church to manage it, the current situation of the God of Blood Moon is also very miserable. If it were not in the past, there was a bloody jazz to collect her Divine Spark fragments and cultivate them to be cloned. I am afraid that there will be a trace of it now. not stay.

Even now, as the reincarnated body of the God of Blood Moon, Blood Moon still looks very miserable, and has not yet restored his will as a god.

It is completely incomparable with the dim lord in front of him.

But this is not the worst.

No matter how miserable the blood moon is, there is a reincarnated body anyway. If there is enough chance in the future, you can also board the divine throne again and have a certain chance to restore Peak.

Those spiritual churches that have completely disappeared, even Spirit God, whose descendants of Bloodline have completely disappeared, are called miserable.

His own church has completely disappeared, and the Bloodline descendants left over from the past have completely disappeared in the entire world, which means that no one can remember those gods.

No one remembers the former god, no one sacrifices and prays to the god, naturally no one will provide strength to the sleeping god.

The continuous strength cannot be obtained to supplement and restore. Those past gods can only slowly die in a deep sleep, and they cannot even recover their own consciousness.

Compared with these gods, the Blood Moon also had a very miserable life, but it was good luck anyway.

At least she can meet Adier who is willing to re-cultivate her, but does not want to seek her Divine Spark.

Countless thoughts in his mind circulated in his mind. In front of him, Adier’s face was calm and he looked up silently.

At this moment, as the advent of the ceremony continued, the endless strength of Faith in front of him began to burn slowly.

When the endless strength of Faith condensed into a piece, a bright flame began to appear in the center of the strength of Faith, directly igniting the large strength of Faith.

The blazing flames started to burn, and in front of me, that large piece of strength of Faith was completely ignited, and the strength in it was completely burned, turned into a pure essence, and drifted away into the distance.

With the supply of Strength, in the distance, the rays of light transformed by Divine Spark reacted somewhat, following the traction of strength of Faith, and slowly descended towards the bottom.

“that is……”

Feeling the flames in front of him in place, Adier was a little surprised and dignified in his heart.

In the burning flames, he felt a strong strength.

It is an extremely unique rule and essence that surpasses Adier’s level at the moment.

“Is this Divine Fire …”

Adier raised his head, sensing the burning flame in the midst of it, the thought flashed in his heart.

In his induction, the burning flame at this moment is not a real flame, but a condensate of rules and origins, representing a unique and unmatched essence.

And this essence, Adier has seen it elsewhere.

In the realm of the Misty World, Adier’s avatar, Red King, once devoured a Demi-God’s body.

The Demi-God originated from God World during his lifetime, and it also has the breath of God World on his body, and also has such a little flame.

In the memory of Demi-God, this flame is called Divine Fire, and it is a thing that can only be condensed by the existence of the 6th level or above, the existence of the road to the God.

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as highly condensed of the essence of its own strength, fused with the special rules of this World, and finally something born.

The function of this thing is also very simple. It is to burn the strength of Faith and supply the strength of its purification source to the gods themselves.

Strength of Faith itself is doped with impurities.

After all, the strength of Faith is derived from a self-confident disciple, which is extracted by the believer praying to the gods.

It is essentially a little Soul Power.

As a Soul Power supported by others, unless it is the so-called Holy Spirit, which is highly pure and perfect, it will inevitably carry some impurities and have the believer’s own Soul Seal.

One point or two is okay, but with this strength of Faith constantly acting on the gods, in the end, the gods will in turn be affected by these strength of Faith, under the accumulated over a long period of time, they will gradually move towards these The direction of strength of Faith is expected to change.

By that time, the deity is no longer the master of the believer, but has become a slave and a puppet of the believer.

Believers hope that their Spiritual God looks like, Spiritual God will slowly transform into that.

This is a drawback that is easy to see.

As the Spiritual God of aloof and remote, Spiritual God certainly does not want to be a slave to the strength of Faith, so he has been prepared for this.

That’s how I lit the Divine Fire.

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