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In front of me, a dazzling Divine Fire is burning, igniting the majestic strength of Faith, and turning it into pure Strength, supplying the dim god who is about to recover from the top, making it truly recover.

Adier observed the burning Divine Fire in front of him.

Compared with other divine runes engraved in the church in front of him, the burning Divine Fire in front of him is more worthy of his study.

Ignite Divine Fire is a process that cannot be avoided by any aspiring god.

Only when the Divine Fire is ignited can mortals cross the ultimate limit, transforming the body of the mortal into the body of Demi-God, and successfully transforming into Demi-God.

Only by this step can I be qualified to absorb the strength of Faith and absorb the strength of faith without fearing the strength backlash of faith.

For Adier, the Divine Fire in front of him is the goal of his first stage.

After all, he is about to reach Peak 5 and is only one step closer to the final limit.

After that step, he also has to face the problem of igniting Divine Fire. Only by igniting Divine Fire can he be transformed into the body of Demi-God, and he can barely be listed as a member of the gods.

Demi-God is also God.

Now that the gods are quiet and have not officially returned, a Demi-God is already Peak, even if the gods should face it.

After all, at the moment they and everyone are still in a period of weakness, and the gods of the overwhelming majority have not even recovered their consciousness at the moment.

Even if the dim lord in front of him is about to begin reincarnation, even if he successfully awakens his consciousness, he still has no idea how long it will be to return to his former strength.

Adier stood quietly, looking at the scene in front of him.

Under his gaze, the Divine Fire in front of it continued to spread, and finally ignited all strength of Faith.

The majestic Strength is surging, and the place is accompanied by the sound of prayers of many sacrifices, and a golden divine light rises in front of his eyes.

golden divine light flashes in this place.

Ahead, in front of Kudoni, a baby slowly appeared.

Unlike normal born babies, the babies in front of them are completely formed by a pure divine force. Although the body is a flesh and blood body, it is actually a regular highly condensed body.

Although it looks no different from ordinary babies, it is actually more than level 6 in nature.

This is a body condensed by the Lord of Darkness with his own origin, and at this moment finally began to officially come.

With the appearance of this baby’s body in front of him, Adier could feel that in the front, the consciousness belonging to the dim Lord began to slowly descend, and slowly descended on the baby following the traction of strength of Faith .

“My Lord is coming!”

As if feeling the consciousness of the Lord of Darkness was about to come, Kudoni’s expression was excited, and he worshipped with many priests behind him.

Their faces are excited and fanatical. At this moment, they are extremely excited. There is an inexplicable touch that fills the body and mind, giving them an urge to cry.

I do n’t know how many years it is.

Since the establishment of the Dim Church, the efforts of countless generations have finally brought about the final advent of the Dim Lord.

The wishes of the ancestors were fulfilled in their hands, and the mission of the Lord of Darkness was finally completed in this brief moment.

No matter who it is, all believers of the Dim Lord are so excited at the moment that they cannot feel themselves and feel an unprecedented fulfillment and movement.

As the will of the dim Lord gradually came, they could feel a warm, majestic sacredness, gradually approaching this place, and gradually moving towards the body of the baby.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier didn’t have any special feelings, on the contrary, he was still vigilant.

At this moment, with the advent of the ceremony coming to an end, the Lord of Darkness has successfully arrived.

And at this time, it is also the most dangerous time.

The Lord of Darkness has successfully arrived. Despite its powerful and transcendent nature, it is now extremely weak. Not to mention a god, even an ordinary Knight can easily kill him.

If someone really wants to start with the Dim Lord, then the best moment is right in front of him.

So, with the Ceremony of the Dim Lord successfully coming to an end, the real danger has just begun to come.

On the side of Adier, two people, Gmula and Katice, also seemed to think of this, standing at the moment, looking at all around with some vigilance.

They held the same thoughts as Adier. At this moment, they stared out, and their hearts became more vigilant.

To their surprise, however, until the real end of the ceremony, nothing abnormal appeared in front of them.

There was a very quiet surrounding, without any strange breath emerging, and the whole looked as if no one had ever been there.

This discovery made Gamula and Katis secretly relaxed.

In any case, it is naturally best not to be able to do anything.

It is certainly not a simple character who can try to find trouble when the Dim Lord recovers.

It is not the powerful Legendary who is trying to seize Divine Spark and embark on the road to the gods, but is also a high-level figure in other churches.

It’s nothing to deal with.

It is natural to be able to avoid a war.

“Perhaps it was the measures that the church had done that worked …”

Hilna is nodded and feels the calm atmosphere of the outside world, which is also relaxed at the moment.

For this time the Dim Lord came, the Dim Church also made many corresponding measures to prevent others from finding the real position of the Dim Lord and causing accidents.

The current situation may be that these measures have been effective.

Just when they felt relaxed in their hearts, a dao divine force began to appear in front.

A divine force full of desire, like a night, suddenly rose in front.

Then at all around, the large array of divine arrays originally arranged by the dim church to protect against external invasion was directly swallowed and completely disappeared.

The whole process did not even leave a little reaction time.

Suddenly, the sacrifice complexion of all the dim Lords in the field greatly changed.

“This divine force … is the strength of the king of the night …”

Above the altar in front, gently extend the hand, holding the carrier of the dim Lord, the bright baby in his arms, Kudoni turned around, looking at the outside with a dignified expression, so he said.

King of the night, this is the old rivals of the Lord of Darkness.

It can be seen from the name of God that there is an overlap in authority between the two, and there is fundamentally a fatal conflict.

The same is true in fact.

In the past countless years, the Lord of Darkness and the King of Night competed for power, and the two fought against each other for many years.

And at this critical moment when the Lord of Darkness began to come, the Church of the King of Night was finally killed.

The divine force of the king of the night oscillated outside.

Originally arranged in front of the church, the magic used to protect the entire church disappeared directly, eroded by the divine force of the night king, and completely lost its function.

Feeling all this, Kudoni is frowned.

The believer of the Night King strikes, and this matter itself is not as surprising as he expected.

The only thing that surprised him was that the divine force of the king of the night was so powerful that it was almost more terrifying than the high Priest of his dim church.

“Who is it?”

This thought flashed in his heart, and there was some doubt in his mind at this moment.

Without waiting for him to fully react, after the Divine Force of the Night King, another evil and dark Divine Force began to emerge.

Standing next to Adier, Angola was wearing a black robe. At this moment, the complexion greatly changed and it seemed to feel something.

In his within the body, the broken Divine Spark, which belongs to the god of the night watchman, spontaneously recovers. It seems to feel something at this moment, spreading a huge strength, so that everyone around can feel it.

“this is……”

In place, Adier frowned as he looked at the mutation in Angola in front of him and felt the evil divine force rising in the distance.

“Not only the king of the night, but also the god of the night watchman?”

Like the night king, the night watch god also has the supremacy with the dim lord.

The 3 are rivals to some extent, not only between the Lord of Darkness and the 2nd, but also between the King of the Night and the God of the Night Watch.

Even to some extent, the contradiction between the night king and the night watch god is even greater.

But at the juncture of this dark Lord’s recovery, about to really land on the earth, the two of the two, the King of the Night and the God of the Night Watch, joined forces.

“At least 2 churches with true gods …”

In place, Adier raised his head and looked at the distance, and his heart was a little dignified at this moment.

The Strength of the Divine Church cannot be underestimated.

As a church handed down by true gods, no one dares to imagine what kind of strength they possess and what means they will possess.

After all, it is the church left by the true gods, and even if there is a residue of Divine Item, it is not impossible.

Not to mention that at the moment it is not just a church, but two whole.

The next moment, accompanied by a burst of crisp footsteps, came from outside. Outside the church in front of me, the door was pushed open, and then a silhouette came in from the outside.

The first person who walked in was a very thick woman in a black robe and covered all over.

It can be seen that the woman’s figure is very tall. At the moment, a black robe is wrapped all over her body. Even a face scarf is on her face. Only a pair of beautiful eyes are exposed. It looks very mysterious and full of exotic charm. .

On her body, a divine force from King of Darkness slowly spread out, rippling on her body, while bringing her great majesty, it also brought her an incomparable charm.

This is the priest of King of Darkness, the divine force of the King of Darkness is extremely obvious.

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