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In a quiet and spacious church, everything is changing.

The majestic power of the night enveloped everything, and at this moment the entire church was covered, making the church in front of him look nothing.

Everything is gone.

Under the shadow of a deep and terrifying night field, the church in front of it turned into nothingness.

The scene in front of me was completely gone, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t see the slightest light.

As if returning to the beginning of World, World is in a state of chaos.

Imperceptible, the feeling of being unable to see, there is nothing.

Adier stood quietly, looking at the front.

Next moment, a strong collision sound came from the spot.

A crisp sound rang in place, slowly reaching other people’s ears.

At the moment when the shadow in front rushed, Adier raised his hand, and the sword in his hand waved forward, cutting out a little sword energy.

The Battle Qi in this brief moment within the body is turbulent, and it is directly converted into pure Life Energy.

In midair, the long sword collided with a black dagger and made a clear muffled noise.


The voice of the black robe woman in front of me sounded a little hurried and seemed a little panicked.

After confronting Adier with a blow, the black robe woman’s entire body continued to recede. At this moment, the dive force of the whole body was rippling, but it could not bear the strength from the front.

At this moment in her induction, Adier in front of her seemed to be incarnation into a Great Desolate Giant Beast. It was terrifyingly terrifying, and the breath all over her body was extremely dangerous.

Even if only a leak of Strength hit her, it made her unbearable.

The whole night field was shaking.

“What strength is this?”

After a blow, she was so dignified in her heart that she felt a huge pressure.

When she was just there, it seemed that she and Adier just touched it briefly.

But in the dark, the two huge Legendary fields have begun to collide between silently.

The final result was that she was completely undermined. Even the night field with the aid of night divine force could not resist the strength of the other person, and she could not resist at all.

This is extremely incredible.

A Legendary powerhouse’s own field, coupled with the assistance of the night divine force, can’t even beat Adier’s strength.

This only shows that Adier’s Strength level has exceeded the limit of Legendary, far above her.

Thinking of this, her scalp felt numb and felt a horror.

Before she calmed down, a sharp sky-splitting sound came from behind.

Black robe A very strong sense of danger rises in the woman’s heart. It seems that something terrible is about to happen. If you don’t do anything, you will immediately be injured enough to be fatal.

Feeling this, she didn’t have much time to think about it, and she subconsciously stepped back, pushing her right arm back.

The majestic night divine force pushed back heavily, turning silently into a barrier, covering the range of the universal meters of the black robe woman.

Then next moment a silver long sword suddenly broke into the air, with the extremely sharp and extremely powerful Battle Qi rushing forward.

There are hundreds of silver’s sword energy surging on the spot, and Silver’s Battle Qi continues to rise on the spot, directly covering the area in front of you, making the entire dim church appear extremely bright.

In the end, the silver energy of these 100 silvers was so fierce that they turned into an extremely sharp and terrifying sword, slashing forward.

Silver Flower! !!

The powerful secret of life erupted again.

In front of me, the powerful barrier condensed by the divine force of the night was instantly cut, just like a blank piece of paper with no difficulty, and there was no obstacle at all.


Feeling that the dark night divine force was broken, the black robe woman was subconsciously stunned, and she hadn’t reacted yet, so she only felt a pain in her chest.

A violent pain came slowly from her chest, slowly reaching her entire body.

She looked down subconsciously, but saw a little blushing blood flowing out of her chest.

An extremely fierce sword mark was traversed on her chest, and an incision was made directly on her chest.

The remaining Life Energy exploded violently in her within the body, and the strength of terrifying directly exploded with the previous sword.


black robe The woman looked at the wound on her chest with a stunned face, and at this moment there was some reaction.

The divine force of the night swept down in an instant, trying to suppress the upcoming Life Energy within the body.

However, it has not yet waited for this to end, and a mutation has begun.


A clear muffled sound erupted in place.

There was no slight accident. In front of her, the black robe’s whole body exploded directly, and was detonated by the remaining Life Energy within the body.

Pieces of flesh and blood spattered all around, and a drop of blood kept flowing in place. The scene looked very bloody at one time.

A touch of blood-reeking qi fluid came from the front.

As the body of the black robe woman exploded directly, the dark night area that originally enveloped the entire church gradually dispersed.

The place was instantly calm.

Under the eyes of everyone, Adier stood calmly on the spot, waved his hand silently, and took back the silver long sword in his hand.

Looking at this scene, everyone’s eyes gradually became a little weird, and some of them could not respond.

A Legendary just fell like this?

The black robe woman is not only Legendary itself, but also the High Priest of the night king. Her divine force is strong all her life, even if she is in Legendary, it can be regarded as a powerhouse.

And it is such a powerhouse when facing Adier, how long has it been since the blunt fell?

It hasn’t even been a long time since.

For this fact, the people present suddenly felt a dream.

“His strength has changed again …”

Not far away standing beside Kudoni, looking at Adier standing calmly there in front, Hilna lightly sighed.

Relative to others, although she was surprised at Adier’s strength, she did not feel so surprised.

After all, this is a 30-year-old person who has been promoted to the existence of the Legendary field.

At that time, the opponent was promoted to Legendary less than 30 years old, and forcibly broke the bloody jazz, saving the entire Tamru Kingdom from the opponent.

And now, 6 70 years have passed. With the innate talent of the other party, it should be stronger now.

It is surprising to have the strength of today, but it does not surprise her.

But for others, this is unacceptable.

On the opposite side, Eredo stared at Adier with a stunned face, some scalp tingling at this moment.

As a character who has competed with Adier for decades, he certainly knows that Adier is strong enough to overwhelm other Legendary powerhouse.

But even if he didn’t expect, Adier’s strength could be so strong.

A High Priest who can’t be considered a weak in the Legendary field, was directly beheaded by the opponent before it had been long before he faced each other.

If such strength is spoken, I am afraid it will be enough to frighten a large group of people and feel fear.

At this moment, he was even fortunate in his heart. In the past, they did not directly shoot this one.

Otherwise, I’m afraid it hasn’t caused any trouble to the other party, so I’ll be killed by the other party like clean vegetables and watermelons.

Quitting his long sword quietly on the spot, looking at Eredo in front, Adier was a little surprised.

On the other side, he not at all felt what one’s head out of fear.

After seeing his companion die, according to common sense, the other party should not be so calm at the moment.

After all, they only have 2 Legendary in total, and at the moment one of them was also neatly killed by Adier.

With only him alone, why is he so calm?

Soon Adier understood the answer.

In place, in front, a faint night divine force is slowly condensing.


In place, Adier was a little surprised, feeling the breath of the divine force of the night, and looked forward along that aura.

In front, where the dark divine force gathers is the body of the black robe woman.

At this moment, under the shadow of the dark divine force, the flesh and blood in that place began to slowly gather.

The broken flesh reunited, and the broken body reappeared with the help of divine force.

Under Adier’s gaze, a faint flame lit in front.

A clear muffled sound came from the front, like a strong heart beat, making people feel a majestic life force.

In front, with the mysterious flame burning, the black robe woman recovered from flesh and blood, and her body re-condensed in flesh and blood.

Come back to life!

This amazing thing happened forcibly in front of me.

Under the mysterious shroud of the power of the night, the black robe woman who was killed by Adier’s sword was revived. This moment stood up again.

Her breath is still strong. Although it is slightly weaker than before, it still maintains its Legendary level unchanged, and it is still very powerful in the induction.

But compared to the beginning, her face looked pale at the moment, her fair skin didn’t have the slightest blood color, and she didn’t seem to fully recover.

Similarly, after being resurrected from a pool of flesh and blood, the black robe whose entire body was wrapped in layers in this General at this moment has also been broken, revealing her original appearance.

It was a terrifying face.

The face is composed of 2 parts. The left face is completely asymmetrical with the right face. It looks like two different faces have been drawn in half and re-integrated above her face.

It looks very strange and terrifying.

It’s no wonder that she used black robe to completely cover her appearance, otherwise this respect, I am afraid that people will not be able to eat.

Adier’s face was calm, and he was not surprised, so he looked at him quietly.

For him, the opposite party would be like that even if it didn’t die.

But it’s a problem with an extra sword.

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