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“you you……”

Recovering from a pool of flesh and blood, black robe woman gnashing teeth, looking at Adier in the distance, her face at this moment looks both a little fear and some hatred of gnashing teeth.

Two emotions are mixed on her face, which makes her face look very wonderful at the moment.

If you ignore her deformed face.

Adier’s face was calm, and there was no reaction in the face of the hatred of the black robe woman, indifferent.

World is like that.

The weak will hate the powerhouse, but in the face of the hatred of the weak, what is the need for the powerhouse to care?

But it’s a sword thing that’s all.

Not to mention the black robe woman in front of her is not a good thing.

The King of Darkness itself is an Evil God, whose realm is related to darkness, and many believers are derived from dark creatures.

Its own hobbies and canons are also very dark, chaotic and ruthless, and notorious on the mainland.

The black robe woman in front of him is the High Priest of the Night of the Night, which is not a good thing in itself.

You know, the priests have the same hobbies as the gods. Since the black robe woman in front of him is the High Priest of the night king, and can be favored by the night king, then it must be in line with the preferences of the night king.

And what kind of good things can meet the preferences of the god of the night?

Therefore, Adier has no psychological burden for the black robe woman in front of her.

“Don’t do it yet?”

In situ, looking at the black robe woman and Ereduo in front, Adier said lightly: “If there are only you two, you can now consider your own death.”

“If there is a helper, call it out early.”

His implication is that if there is no other person to help, the two people in front of him are already the same as the dead.

Although it is true, his remark still made the 2 people in front of him angry.

Black robe Women and Eredo are not unusual figures.

As the High Priest of their respective churches, they are distinguished and respected. Normally, wherever they go, they are admired everywhere. In a single thought, they can determine the lives and deaths of countless people.

When are people like them treated like this by others?

But the facts in front of them are indeed true.

The Adier in front of him is too powerful.

The other party’s strength is almost not like an individual.

The black robe woman is the High Priest of the Night of the Night, with the Divine Force of the Night of the Night, plus the strength of her own Legendary, the two add up, even if other Legendary powerhouse encounters, it will feel very tricky , Fundamentally impossible is her opponent.

But even such a person can be regarded as a powerhouse in Legendary. When facing Adier in front of him, he was killed neatly and cleanly, and even a little fluctuation did not emerge.

The whole process is almost as easy as slicing and chopping vegetables.

It is even more desperate.

As the other party said, if there are no other unexpected factors, the black robe woman and Kudoni in front of me may not be enough for Adier to cut more swords.

But obviously, they dare to walk into this church, and obviously have their own strength.

The 2 Legendary are powerful, but impossible is qualified to shake the Church of the Dark Lord.

After all, it ’s just the dim church itself, so there is a person Legendary powerhouse and a Divine Item.

Not to mention that there are other Legendary powerhouses invited.

A slight sound of footsteps came slowly in the distance, and it was very clear in the quiet church in front of you, making people hear clearly.

Adier slowly looked up outside the church.

I saw there, a group of people slowly came in from the outside.

It was a group of priests with divine force on their bodies. Everyone was wearing a golden robe embroidered with a mysterious pattern. It looked like a golden sun was burning, and it was like an incomparable gigantic golden eye. , Incomparably mysterious.

Among them is an old man with gray hair and a thin figure.

The old man wore the same golden sacrificial robe as the others, but the pattern on the sacrificial robe was much more complicated than the others. At this moment, he walked slowly into the church from the outside, and his face looked a little cold. Silently walked to the center of the church.

Above his body, a faint divine force wave slowly spread out, just like the new sun, it looked extremely bright, extremely divine, with a strong heat.

Looking at the people who appeared in front of them, they suddenly calmed down.

“Supreme Sun Cult will !!”

At all around, I saw the appearance of the robes worn by this group of people, and felt the faint divine force coming from them.

Supreme Sun Cult, which is one of the most powerful churches on the mainland. Behind it is the Sun King who is one of the World Supreme Gods.

Even if it is a god, it is divided into third, sixth and ninth rank.

Whether a deity is powerful can be seen in the history of the deity and related traces of faith.

Generally speaking, the more widespread the belief of a god is, the more believers there are, and the deeper the imprint in Myths and Legends, the stronger it becomes.

In addition to these, the priesthood of the deity is also a sign of whether the deity is strong.

The Sun King is one of the 3 Supreme Gods in the world’s ancient legendary. Its beliefs are widely spread across the entire continent. Even if he hates the divine dark life, he also knows the existence of the Sun King.

Its history has a long history, and when it comes to belief, it is also among the best among all gods.

The same is true of priesthood.

The priesthood of the sun, no matter what age within the realm, is extremely important and extremely powerful priesthood.

From this point, it can be seen that the power of the Sun King is completely two extremes with the Dark Lord.

Compared with the King of the Sun, the Lord of Darkness is just a junior that’s all who has just climbed to the altar without how many years. Not only is the strength in a weak position among the gods, not even the clergy.

The Lord of Darkness, this clergy sounds like a name, but it is actually not as good as the King of the Sun, even the King of the Night.

At this juncture, the priest of the Sun King arrived at this juncture.

Even looking at the appearance in front of me, he was still with the black robe woman and Kudoni.

what does this mean?

Everyone on the scene immediately wanted to understand the key to this, and suddenly sucked in a cold breath.

In situ, looking at the Sun King priest in front of him, Adier didn’t respond much, but at the moment, he frowned, feeling a little tricky.

The name of the Sun King is well-known in this World in front of him, even though Adier has been able to feel the ubiquitous influence of this god in these years.

In terms of strength, compared with other churches, the church of the Sun King is not at the same level.

Even if there are more than ten churches like the King of Night and the God of Night Watchers, I am afraid that there is not enough church for the King of Suns to fight.

This is an absolute strength gap.

“The church of the Sun King … should I stop my Lord’s recovery …”

In the center of the church, looking at the Sun King priest who slowly walked into the distance, Kudoni barely recovered after the previous shock, and finally spoke slowly.

“I’m very sorry……”

In front, the old man in the golden robe looked cold, looking at Kudoni at the moment and said, “The recovery of your Lord will cause a strong obstacle to our Lord …”

“For this, I had to come here this time and come over to stop it myself …”


Kudoni scolded loudly: “My Lord’s recovery will not hinder anyone!”


The old man looked cold and said lightly: “The dim god is indeed a good god, but in the face of the silent my lord, what will he do, we don’t know …”

“But we will not give you this opportunity …”

He raised his head and looked at the baby held in Kudoni ’s arms. At this moment, there was also a certain desire in his eyes: “Sacrifice with the divine blood of the dim god, my Lord will definitely speed up the recovery Recovered from that eternal darkness … “

“Hugh think!”

Kudoni hugged the baby in his arms and yelled at the old man in the distance.

On one side, listening to the conversation between the two, Adier’s face was calm, but there was a clear comprehension in his heart.

In the final analysis, it was caused by the conflict of the priesthood.

The priesthood of the Lord of Darkness is between dark and dark, which can be interpreted as either the junction of light and dark or chaotic.

This kind of priesthood involves both darkness and light. It sounds good, and can participate in everything.

But in fact, this kind of priesthood is a 10000 gold oil, which seems to be able to participate in everything, but in fact it does not do anything, it can only be regarded as leftovers.

This is also because the Dim Lord did not take long to reach the altar.

It didn’t take long to visit the altar. Some other superior priests have long been occupied by other Spiritual Gods. As a latecomer, they can only obtain such priestly priests.

And this kind of priesthood problem is also great.

This undefined choice will on the one hand appear to be very 10000 gold oil, on the other hand, it will extend many fields at the same time.

This has led to conflicts in all aspects.

Judging from the situation in front of me, the priesthood of dimness not only conflicts with a large number of priests in the dark direction, such as the king of the night, the god of the night watch, but also conflicts with the priests of the light, such as the king of the sun.

Equivalent to 2 sides conflict, 2 sides are not pleased.

In fact, the conflict of the priesthood is also the cause of the constant conflict between the past Dim Lord and the Church of the God of the Night Watchman.

As for the king of the sun in the past, it was seldom in conflict with the dim lord.

After all, there is a huge difference between the two. The King of the Sun is too powerful for the Dim Lord, and he does not care about the dim Lord.

But at this moment, the situation is different.

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