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The conflict of priesthood caused everything.

In the past, the king of the sun did not care about the dim lord, because the gap between the two sides was too obvious.

The Dark Lord has no possibility to challenge the status of the Sun King.

But now, the situation is different.

The gods fell into silence, and most of their consciousness had not yet recovered at this moment.

As one of the Peak’s Supreme Gods, the Sun King is deeply trapped in Chaos World. At this moment, he has not yet awakened and is in eternal chaos. I don’t know when I will wake up.

At this time, the Lord of Darkness was one step ahead of the King of the Sun. Not only did he restore his consciousness, but he came first.

This is equivalent to having a first mover advantage.

At a moment when the Sun King is still silent, once the Dark Lord has recovered his power, the entire Sun King Church will have no way to stop the movement of the Dark God.

The divine priest’s priesthood was used as a scrap, and he was destined to have a chance to spy on the priesthood of the sun king.

This leads to conflict.

If the Lord of Darkness is taking advantage of the still and silent period of the Sun King to try to start with the Sun King, then it is undoubtedly a trouble for the Sun King.

Therefore, the church of the King of the Sun will come and try to stop the coming of the Dark Lord.

On the other hand, the coming of the Dark Lord itself is also good for the recovery of the Sun King.

After all, the Dim Lord is a Spiritual God who has some power of light, and his divine blood contains some rules of light.

If the descending body of the Dark Lord is sacrificed to the Sun King, with that part of the light rules flushed, the Sun King can recover earlier.

It is for these reasons that the church of the Sun King made up his mind and finally came to the church of the dim lord at this critical moment before the dim lord is about to recover.

The priests of the Sun King in front of him are obviously the confidence between the black robe woman and Eredo.

After all, as one of the World Supreme Gods, the church left by the Sun King is far from the two of them.

Legendary powerhouse is very rare for other churches, but for the church of the Sun King, it is nothing.

Despite the scarcity, if you want to find it, you can still find a lot.

Standing in place, Adier looked up at the old man behind him.

Behind the golden robe old man, a large group of people wearing golden robe stood quietly there.

About a dozen people, each wearing a golden sacrificial robe, with a strong divine force response all over him, each and everyone in Adier’s sense like a little sun.

There is no weak person in these people, and each person takes it out individually, and all of them are the existence of the third-order Peak.

This is the so-called king of this world.

A dozen or so equivalent to 3rd-level Peak Wizard wizards gathered at this moment. Once their strengths were added together, even the 4th-level Legendary did not dare to look directly. If they face each other directly, there is only one fleeing fate.

Moreover, these people are priests of the Sun King, and each other is full of the Divine Force of the Sun King. At this moment, there is a kind of communication between the faint, and the information of each other is connected in series, and the faint forms a whole.

Once these people shoot, they will not be singles alone, but the strength of a dozen people. The strengths of these people can even be compared to a Legendary Peak.

This is the so-called 4th order Peak.

In addition to these people, there is also an old man with a very deep and strong breath standing on the side.

The breath of this old man is extremely powerful, in addition to the divine force of the sun king, he also carries the power of the powerful True Spirit.

He Ran is also a Legendary.

And it is not an ordinary Legendary, but a Peak Legendary who is above Legendary and is about to enter another field.

This is the so-called 4th order Peak.

This lineup was taken out, not to mention those who were in the dim church, even when Adier saw it, he was silent for a moment and felt a burst of pressure.

“Kudoni, let go …”

Looking ahead, Kudoni holding the baby not far away, the old man said lightly: “Hand over the descending body of the Dim Lord, we guarantee that at most it will only distill the divine blood on his body, and will not harm the Dim Lord. Coming body … “

“Until my Lord truly recovers and comes to this World, the coming body of the Dark Lord can be restored to freedom …”

He said so, looking at it like this, he didn’t want to do everything completely.

The Dim Lord is also a deity.

The so-called weakness is relative to other gods.

For them, the deity is still a deity, and only one finger is needed to crush them to death.

Don’t look at the dim lord in front of you is just a coming body, a body of Strength disappears completely, it is not much stronger than a mortal at this moment.

But once the dim lord is made urgent, just give up this reincarnated body and don’t want it, I am afraid that the strength of the gods will immediately erupt.

By that time, the Lord of Darkness had certainly dropped this Reincarnation Body, but they would certainly not be pleased, and will definitely fall directly under the outbreak of the dark place.

There will be no surprises.

So at this moment, they seemed very polite, leaving room for it.

“If it were replaced by you, would you dedicate your own Lord?”

Kudoni looked cold, looking at the old man in the distance, and said coldly.

“Then there’s no way……”

The old man was lightly sighed, and his face looked a little sorry.

This question is doomed.

They are the priests who serve the gods. If there is no devotion and enthusiasm for the gods, it is impossible to come to this point.

The reason why old man asks is just to try that’s all.

Behind him, the priests of the King of the Sun started to move with the reply from Kordoni ahead.

The golden divine force of the king of the sun flickered in place, silently, the majestic divine force rose from these people’s bodies, and finally slowly condensed into a horrible divine magic.

In situ, a golden field began to appear, directly covering the entire church in an instant and continuously extending outward.

The realm of the sun shrouded here instantly. The area in front of me seemed to be illuminated by the sun, and it was extremely bright, with the brilliance of the sun, extremely bright, and extremely divine.

A golden sun slowly rose, under the control of those priests, slowly oppressed towards Kudoni and the others.

Majestic pressure also surged from the front, a pressure from the soul above the strength continued to rise and fall, almost anyone who could feel it suffocated and felt a terror.

That was the horror that seemed to burn the soul directly.

Even if the ordinary flame burns no matter how, it can only burn the human body to ashes.

But the fire of the sun gathered by the divine force of the sun is not the same, not only can burn your body into an ashes, but also burn your soul, completely burn into nothingness one slice.

From the roots, burn your existence completely, and even a little trace will not stay.

Incomparably overbearing, incomparable terror.

Feeling this scene, everyone present complexion greatly changed.

Gemula complexion ashen piece, at this moment the bow of the hand is clutching tightly, all the body is trembling gently, even if it is Legendary, but in this brief moment, he ca n’t even develop his own field, only in Under the majestic supreme strength of yang, the body slowly shivered.

As for Katy on the side, look pale at the moment, the array is constantly flashing, and the temperature of the supreme strength of yang is getting stronger. At this moment, there is a despair in the eyes.

Even on the altar in front, Kudoni holding the Reincarnation Body of the Dim Lord, his face looks very pale at the moment. Despite the firm face, there is still a subconsciously despair rising all over him.

This is the absolute gap above Strength.

The gap between the Church of the Lord of Darkness and the Church of the King of the Sun is too great.

In front of dozens of priests close to Legendary performing divine art together, the outbreak of Strength is beyond ordinary people’s imagination.

The ordinary Legendary will not be able to support it for a long time in the face of this blow, and will be suppressed in an instant, or even hit hard, and there will be no room for it.

But even so, someone can maintain his peace in the field.

Looking at the little sun rising slowly in front, Angola, Blood Moon, and Mar 3, their faces are also pale, but they seem to be calm, but they silently retreat backwards, gazing straight ahead. .

To be precise, it was Adier who was standing alone in front of him.

Standing in place, feeling the Sun God power rising in front, Adier’s face was still calm, and it looked the same as before.

He was wearing a black robe. At the moment, he was standing quietly in front of the crowd. His handsome and elegant face was very calm, and his long hair fell so freely. The whole person seemed to have a calm and peaceful temperament. The moment I saw him, I felt a firm strength involuntarily, and my mood slowly calmed down.

Just standing in the same place, under the gaze of three people in Angola, he did not step back, but walked forward slowly.


Looking at Adier’s movements in front, the old man’s face was a little surprised, and he seemed a little surprised.

Naturally, he didn’t just come to this place, but at the beginning, he always stood outside the church of the dim lord.

He naturally saw the performance of Adier before.

Judging from the performance of Adier’s clean and beheaded black robe woman, Adier’s strength is obviously not comparable to that of Legendary.

General Legendary does not have the slightest comparability with him.

But even so, the old man didn’t think he could block the blow.

After all, it was not one in front of him, but a dozen priests of the Sun King.

Each of the dozen or so priests of the Sun King was present, standing at the critical point of the Legendary realm, only one step away from the Legendary realm.

With the help of Sun God’s power, they will not be too far apart from the real Legendary powerhouse. To some extent, they can be regarded as a Legendary battle strength.

The dozens in front of me, even to some extent, are equivalent to dozens of Legendary battle strength.

More than a dozen Legendary Sun King priests jointly issued this Strength, not to mention Legendary, even Legendary Peak’s existence did not dare to face the head-on, and must be avoided.

Faced with this blow, the old man did not think Adier had the strength to deal with it.

However, next moment, something that surprised him happened.

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