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A faint golden radiance rose in front.

A little golden warm sun gradually came from the front, at a glance it looked like a small sun, slowly rising from the edge of World, descending to the center of World, shining rays of light in the entire world.

Wei An is sacred and unpredictable

This is the divine force of the king of the sun. At this moment, the golden robe priests are constantly pouring out, and at this moment, the horrific magic that condenses into the eyes.

Under the gaze of the old man in front, Adier slowly raised his head.

His face was calm, and a black robe was dancing in the wind. At this moment, he felt the huge divine force surging forward. His face did not seem to change, but he moved forward silently.

Under the staring look of the opposite old man, he slowly walked forward and faced the huge golden sun.

Subsequently, he pulled out the silver long sword hanging from his waist.

Silver’s long sword is sharp, with silver shining on it, and it looks very beautiful.

At this moment, along with the boiling of the body Life Energy, the long sword of silver slowly emits rays of light, with the breath of Extremely Dangerous on it.

Adier walked slowly forward.

At the next moment, a sound of light sound suddenly exploded in place.

In an instant, the rays of light of incomparable will drown in place.

The huge Strength of Domain threatens everything in an instant.

In the sky, when the huge golden sun fell, Adier’s own field was unfolding, colliding fiercely with all around the huge solar field.

boom! !

A clear muffled sound came from all around.

A silver long sword broke into the air, with an incomparable Battle Qi Strength. It broke through the isolation of the space in an instant and cut a sword towards the golden sun in midair.

With the sword falling, a mutation suddenly appeared in mid-air.

The space began to shatter, everything in front of me began to change, and in the blink of an eye, the surrounding World was affected by a strength, and began to distort and change constantly.

In situ, the terrifying solar field was reversed by forcibly, at this moment a fissure suddenly appeared, directly cut by the silver long sword, and a gap appeared.

Subsequently, the most critical point in the golden sun was captured by Adier.


At the next moment, the horrible explosion sounds violently around.

In midair, with Adier’s sword swinging out, the golden sun exploded violently, the divine force of which dispersed to the four sides, in this brief moment, the Strength of which broke out completely.

The divine force of golden diffused to all around, but was finally carried by another powerful Strength of Domain, disappeared invisible, without causing any movement.

Just invisible, this powerful and terrifying divine art disappeared completely, and was directly cut by Adier.

Nothing happened.

When the golden divine light slowly disappeared, the silhouette of Adier appeared in front.

His face was calm, holding the silver long sword in his hand, standing in that place, looking at the old man in front quietly at the moment.

There seems to be no change at all.

The expression on the old man’s face was dull.

“How can it be……”

He looked at Adier standing in front of him, and he couldn’t believe it.

As a priest of the Supreme Sun Cult, no one knows better than him, just the huge strength contained in that divine art.

That was enough to overwhelm any terrorist strength in the Legendary field. Even if it was Legendary Peak, in the face of that spell, it only had to step back and try to avoid this path.

Like Adier, he directly walked up and responded positively, fundamentally impossible.

The Adier in front of him not only did it, not only collided with that horrible divine spell positively, but also cut off that divine spell with a sword. The whole process seemed almost effortless.

This move alone is definitely not what the so-called Legendary field can do.

“You are not Legendary!”

The old man’s face was horrified, looking at Adier in front of him, and at this moment his eyes were fixed on him.

If you want to slash the magical skill, Legendary realm is absolutely impossible.

Adier can do all this, which can only explain one thing.

He is no longer the so-called Legendary field, but is placed above Legendary, and has really promoted the high-end Legendary.

This is the so-called mythological realm.

The 5th order, also known as the higher order Legendary, is called the mythological realm in this world.

This is because the 5th order is incomparably close to the so-called Realm of God.

After level 5, as long as the Divine Fire is lit again, you can become a Demi-God and become a recognized god above this World.

Therefore, the level 5 between Legendary and Demi-God is also called the field of mythology.

The field of mythology means that the sublimation of mortals is also the closest to the god.

Compared to Legendary, these kinds of existence are extremely rare, and each one is enough to suppress an era, even if it is a church of gods, it is not easy to provoke it.

“You have been promoted to myth?”

Old man can think of things that other people can naturally think of.

After thinking about these keys in an instant, Eredo sucked in a cold breath in front, and at the moment Adier’s eyes looked terrified at the front.

A field of mythology.

In an era where the gods are quiet and Demi-God has long disappeared from the mainland, a mythological field almost means invincibility.

With the exception of a handful of monsters that lived from ancient times to today, almost no one can match it.

But in front of me, it was Adier’s age that really shocked everyone present.

As the closest to the existence of gods in the field of mythology, each is an Old Monster with a long history of inheritance for many years.

Under normal circumstances, mortals want to be promoted to Legendary, it is no easy thing, even if it is a genius, it will take several hundred years.

And if you want to be promoted to the field of mythology, it will take longer.

At least in the current World records, except for some special cases, it seems that there are no successful cases of promotion in less than 1000 years among normal mortals.

How long did the Adier in front of him take?

But that’s all for nearly 100 years.

He was promoted to Legendary less than 30 years old, and at the moment 6 70 years passed, now it is only just over 100 years old.

For a mortal, 100 years is already the time of several generations, enough for future generations to forget the ancestors, and let the deceased’s bones bury in the earth, and gradually rot.

But for Transcender, although 100 years is not short, it is not a long time.

For the people in the Legendary field, it is just a deep sleep, or a time to travel that’s all.

In front of me, someone at the age of 100 broke the boundaries of the Legendary field and was promoted to the field of mythology.

This is a true myth.

If it is spread, it is enough to be recorded in World’s epic, remembered by all the latecomers.

“who are you?”

Looking at Adier ahead, the old man’s face was dignified.

“It is impossible for ordinary mortals to be promoted to myth in this era …”

He stared quietly at Adier, and at this moment his eyes were full of dignity: “Which god are you reincarnating, or who is the god’s caller?”

In front of him, he asked so.

It is absolutely impossible for mortals to advance into the field of mythology at the age of Adier.

In the past historical records of the mainland, there are also several cases of promotion to the field of mythology less than 500 years.

But behind those few examples, there is no doubt that they are related to the gods.

Either it is the reincarnation of the deity, or it is the child of God, within the body has the divine Bloodline of the deity, so it has a terrifying strength from birth.

Adier in front of him can do this, and obviously it is certainly not an ordinary person. There is definitely a Divine Strength behind him.

In place, Adier’s face was calm, he didn’t speak, and looked a little silent.

“Don’t want to say …”

The old man frowned, thinking that Adier didn’t want to explain it.

But at the next moment, he was shocked.

I saw in front of me, above Adier’s body, one after another rays of light began to blink.

It was pure divine light, flashing on Adier’s body at this moment, and at a glance was extremely bright, extremely divine.

These rays of light are not ordinary rays of light, but rays of light emanating from the divinity of one after another. At this moment there is a powerful divine force reaction on it, which is full of sacredness.

The Lord of Darkness, the God of Blood Moon, the God of Night Watch, the King of Night …

each and everyone The divinity of the gods flashed on Adier, and the breath of them escaped, leaving many priests in the field stunned.

“This is … what a huge divinity …”

The old man was stunned in place. At this moment, looking at the divine light flashing on Adier in front of him, feeling the different divine breath in it, his face was horrified at this moment: “You have so much divinity integrated into yourself within the body … and even got the recognition of these divinities !! “

He was a little shocked, with a disbelief on his face at this moment, looking at Adier, as if hell.

Divinity is not the more the better.

As priests who serve Spiritual God, they often come to their point, within the body also has its own deity to serve gods.

This is part of the feedback they received as a serving god.

But if they want to acquire the divinity of other gods, it is absolutely impossible.

There is no other reason because it does not fit.

They can gain the divinity of serving their gods and control them into their own strength, because they have served their gods for countless years, they have already tempered their bodies thoroughly, and they are in perfect harmony with the gods they serve So that we can control the divinity and use divine strength.

If it is not the divine priest who wants to obtain the strength of the divinity, then he must use his own will to control the divine force contained in the divinity.

It is equivalent to fighting the strength of God with one’s own will.

within the body For each additional divinity, the more difficult it is to control, the stronger the will required.

Like Adier in front of him, he not only controlled one, but a dozen or so divine beings. Even if they had seen it, they had n’t even heard it.

To some extent, this can only explain some things sideways.

On the one hand, Adier itself is extremely powerful.

This is inevitable, otherwise, by forcibly implanting so many divinities within the body, the final result can only be an ending.

That is the essence that the body can’t bear the divinity, the origin is oppressed by the divinity, and it collapses directly.

On the other hand, it also shows that Adier’s own will is extremely powerful, even enough to suppress the will of God contained in that huge divinity.

The two are indispensable.

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