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“You … really a monster …”

In the church of the Dim Lord, looking at Adier in front, I feel that the dozen or so strengths of Adier within the body are of different natures, but they are full of the dignity of Strength. The old man took a deep breath and thought Can’t calm for a long time.

After Adier revealed such a huge divine strength, he already knew where Adier’s horrific strength came from.

The existence of divinity will certainly cause some oppression for the carrier itself, but if it can withstand it, it is also the best Catalyst.

Adier can accommodate more than a dozen divinities, and can contain a dozen kinds of divinities in one body, then his own Strength will advance rapidly under the impetus of divinity.

It is not impossible to be able to reach the realm of myth at this age.

“Is this the monster spawned by this era …”

Looking at Adier in front, the idea flashed through the old man’s heart.

As the priest of the Sun King, he naturally knew many secrets.

With the gods coming back one after another, this World in front of us will recover.

The connection between the gods and World is extremely close. In the past, because World suffered a catastrophe, the gods had to fall asleep, and each and everyone was severely hit, causing the gods to wither and fall.

At this moment, with the imminent return and recovery of the gods, World will also gradually become active due to the recovery of the gods, and resume the prosperity of the past.

The prosperity of World will inevitably bring about changes within World.

In the recent several decades, many powerhouses have risen in the world. Within a short period of several decades, he has completed the road of his number 100 years.

These all are the stars of the times that were born due to the changes of the times. The times when each and everyone put in the past are undoubtedly monsters.

The Adier in front of him seems to be such a monster in the view of the old man.

However, compared with other monsters, this monster is too much.

At the age of 100 years old, it is already in the field of mythology. If this matter is put in the past, even the gods might not dare to think about it.

Now the monster in this monster stands in front of them.

Thinking of this, the old man took a deep breath. Although he had been prepared for a long time, he still felt numb at this moment.

He felt a little tricky.

A living mythical field stands in front of anyone, and no matter who it is, it will feel extremely tricky.

But for himself, he is still very confident.

After all, they are the priests of the Sun King, representing the strength of the Sun King. Even if the Sun King has not recovered at this moment, it is just a little means left behind, which is not imaginable by others.

Although a field of mythology is beyond their expectations, it is still within the scope of their response.

But looking at Adier in front of him, he still took a deep breath and made his final efforts.

“Why are you hostile to us?”

He said, his words sounded much calmer, not as indifferent as before.

“People like you, no matter where you are, are eligible to embark on the road to God …”

He said this, and persuaded to Adier in front of him: “Your Excellency is standing here at this moment, standing in front of the dim lord. It is nothing more than hoping for the support of dim cessation in order to embark on the road to the god.

“But not to mention that the Lord of Darkness is hostile to our Lord, and whether he can successfully recover in the future is the Lord of Darkness itself, and how much help the Impossible has brought to you.”

As he said, he helped Adier analyze the pros and cons seriously, and looked very serious in this way: “The Lord of Darkness is just a weak divine force that’s all that is less than tens of thousands of years in the altar. Even if he restores Peak, it will be good for you in the future The road to the gods ca n’t help much. “

“On the contrary, my Lord is different”

With a serious face and a fanatical look, he said at the moment: “The history of my Lord is profound, it is the Great Supreme God that has existed since ancient times, and the divine force is far from comparable to the gods such as the dim Lord …”

“With the strength of my lord, when my lord recovers, if you want to be a god, will you still be afraid of not having a chance?”

He was so persuaded, looking at it, he intended for Adier wholeheartedly.

To some extent, what he said is indeed true.

The Dim Lord is only a weak divine force among the gods.

For mortals, he is indeed a god, Strength is unimaginable, but for other gods, he belongs to the weak one.

If Adier is going to embark on the road to the gods in the future, the help of the Dark Lord is destined to be extremely limited, impossible has given him too much help.

After all, even the Lord of Darkness itself is just a weak divine force that’s all that can reach the Spirit Sect threshold of God, how can it help others become gods.

But if it is the king of the sun, it will be different.

The King of the Sun is one of the highest gods in the world. As a great deity circulated in ancient times, it is at least a high deity.

For this kind of existence, the Lord of Darkness is probably nothing in front of his eyes.

Relative to the Lord of Darkness, the King of the Sun is no doubt more helpful to Adier.

It can even be said that as long as the Sun King is willing to support Adier, Adier’s chance to become a god in the future will increase by at least half.

This gap can be imagined by anyone.

In situ, accompanied by the opening of the old man, there was a moment of silence in the scene, and there was no sound around him, which seemed extremely calm.

Everyone’s eyes slowly gathered to Adier in front of him.

The difference is that the priests of the dim Lord, such as Hilna and Kordoni, looked at Adier with some hesitation and anxiety in their eyes.

The temptation to seal the gods is extremely huge. As priests of the Dim Lord, they have had a good relationship with Adier during the several decades in the past. Friends.

But in the face of the temptation to seal the gods, they dare not guarantee what kind of choice Adier will make.

After all, this is not a simple temptation, but a god.

The temptation to seal the gods is enough for people to give up everything, willing to abandon their wives and children, willing to slaughter souls, just in exchange for such a faint hope.

In the past history, there is no shortage of powerhouse records to do all kinds of crazy things in order to ascend to the altar.

The so-called abandoning wife and child, killing friends, and slaughtering souls, compared with the huge temptation to seal the god, simply is a pediatric thing.

Compared with the disturbed eyes of Kudoni Hilna, on the opposite side, the eyes of the black robe woman and Kudoni 2 are naked jealousy.

This is a god.

Fengshen, what a beautiful word, and how many people yearn for something even in dreams.

In the past, I do not know how many people are willing to do all kinds of crazy things to seal the gods, for a ray of hope to seal the gods, wandering around, struggling for countless years, just for that little hope.

But at this moment, Adier does n’t even need to do much more. He does n’t need to struggle for countless years. He only needs to promise the sun priest in front of him and turn around to start with the dim lord. Support.

As a realm of mythology, if Adier has the full support of the Sun King Church, and the help of the Sun King who will recover in the future, the hope of the God of Success will be far greater than others.

What a jealous thing this is.

In situ, the only person at this moment who was calm about the matter was Marr and the others standing behind Adier.

their three people are Adier’s loyal subordinates and partners.

No matter what choice Adier makes, they are willing to follow behind Adier.

Under the eyes of everyone, Adier looked calm and slowly raised his head.

He looked at the sun priest in front of him, did not speak, but slowly lifted the long sword in his hand. A powerful Battle Qi spewed out of the long sword, expressing his attitude silently.


The presence of the place, everyone suddenly stunned.

“He refused, he refused !!”

Kudoni and the black robe woman only felt this world insane.

It was an opportunity to seal the gods, an opportunity to get support from the Sun King.

If it were them, I am afraid they would agree without thinking.

The Adier in front of him refused, so he refused the hard-won opportunity and rejected the priest of the Sun King.

the thoughts got to this point, both of them have something strange in their hearts, and some kind of inexplicable complexity.

“Is this your choice …”

Looking at Adier who made the choice in the front, not far away, the old man lightly sighed, with some regrets.

A great Great Knight who has been promoted to the field of mythology just after he turned 100.

This kind of existence can be said that even without the help of anyone, there is hope that they can explore the realm of the gods and be promoted to God alone.

At the moment when the gods have not returned and there is only Legendary on the earth, the meaning of a mythological field is self-evident.

That is enough strength to be invincible. At this moment when the gods have not returned, it is enough to help any force take the lead.

It can be said that if Adier promised to fall into the church of the Sun King, then the church of the Sun King would take the lead in this time.

Even if it is for the role of the resuming sun in the future, Adier, a Knight who is likely to be a god in the future, is also very helpful. He is qualified to become his own god and help the Sun ’s god system become stronger.

Unfortunately, he refused.

For Adier’s rejection, the old man was not surprised.

The temptation to seal God is indeed enormous, but it also depends on whom.

For those who struggled hard, but in the end they couldn’t even reach the Legendary field, of course, the God is an unimaginable temptation, in order to seal the God at all, only for that little hope.

But for the one in front of him, by virtue of his promotion to the great Knight in the field of mythology at this moment, the result is different.

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