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Adier felt the collision between Divine Item in front.

Two huge divine forces meet at this moment, and the horrible Strength roars at this moment.

It seems that the two Great Worlds collided suddenly, in front of them, all the existence has disappeared.

Under the influence of these two huge divine forces, everything around Adier is disappearing.

Space and time have lost their meaning, and all the rules of the whole body are briefly distorted by the effect of 2 divine forces.

This place was struck into nothingness, there was nothing around it that could exist, and it was directly swallowed by 2 roaring divine forces.

The original place was originally located here. The beautiful and sturdy church was gone, and the two divine forces completely disappeared at the moment when they collided with each other. There was no trace of it.

There was nothing but nothingness around.

But other than that, there was no damage to other things. The priests of several churches were still standing there at the moment, with no scars on their bodies and no damage.

This is not because they are strong, but because at the moment when the two Divine Items collide in front, two different divine forces will go over to the two sides respectively, sheltering their priests from each other and protecting them from death.

Otherwise, the Strength that broke out at the moment of the collision of these two Divine Item, in the field, except for a few people including Adier, I am afraid that no one can survive.

This is the Strength of Divine Item. It is extremely powerful and extremely brilliant. It contains part of the essence of the gods. Once it breaks out, it is earth shattering, which is frightening.

In a way, this is enough strength.

Once the Strength of Divine Item is urged to the extreme, it is equivalent to a complete recovery of a good Spirit God to some extent, and the entire continent can be destroyed under one blow.

If there is no other class to prevent it, one blow is enough to destroy the world, and a random blow is enough to destroy some Small World directly, leaving no trace.

This is the power of the gods, terrifying and brilliant.

In situ, feeling the two divine forces in front of him, Adier looked calm and raised his head silently.

Through his realm of induction, he saw that in the distance, the two Divine Items were intertwined with each other, and they were colliding together at the moment.

On 2 Divine Items, 2 silhouette faintly discernable, emerged at this moment.

What emerged behind the dim eyes was a young man with a determined face wrapped in black robe.

As for what appeared on the Sun God, it was a man dressed in a golden robe, full of terror and majesty.

As soon as the two silhouettes appeared, a terrifying Strength broke out.

The breath of God continued to diffuse towards all around, sweeping everything in an instant, and the area in the surroundings of thousands was affected and felt horrified.

The two silhouettes are the dim Lord and the sun king. Of course, it is only the part of the mark left in the Divine Item, not the real god itself.

At this moment, with the complete outbreak of 2 Divine Items, the huge strength of Faith contained in the 2 Divine Items is sweeping, at the moment blessing on the 2 Divine Items, so that there is some kind of Divine Item The traces recovered completely.

That was the trace left by the gods on the Divine Item. It was extremely powerful and extremely profound. At the moment, with the support of strength of Faith, it was completely revived and reproduced the power of the once god.

Powerful, brilliant and honorable.

It ’s no exaggeration to use any imaginable words of praise on those two silhouettes.

At this time, these two silhouettes seemed to be the masters of between Heaven and Earth, and a little breath from all over them spread out, all of which were terrifying enough to crush a Small World.

“Dark Lord and Sun King …”

In place, I feel the brand of the two gods in front, Adier frowned.

The battle situation has already been upgraded at this moment.

Things have developed to this point, two Divine Items have completely recovered, and the Strength level has been raised at once.

Ordinary Legendary can’t even plug in at this moment. If you dare to step forward and interfere with the situation, you will be immediately wiped out by the strength contained in those 2 Divine Items, and there will be no accidents.

Even if it was Adier, under the pressure of 2 Divine Items at the moment, I felt a horror.

The essence of the deity is too much for him at the moment.

Although his strength is strong, he is now close to the 5th-level Peak, but after all, there is still a long distance from the 7th grade.

At this moment, if faced with a Divine Item that has been restored to Peak, it will be lost and will be wiped out directly.

Compared with other people, the difference is the most struggling.

“The dim eye has completely recovered …”

After watching the spot for a while and feeling the battle ahead, Adier’s thought flashed in his mind.

He felt the divine force of the Dim Lord gradually recovering, and gradually overwhelmed that Sun God device.

The same as Divine Item, to a certain extent, the dim eye is definitely not as good as the Sun God artifact left by the Sun King.

Under normal circumstances, even if 2 Divine Items are recovered at the same time, it should be that the Sun God device has pressed through the dark eyes.

But at this moment, the situation is completely reversed.

The dim eye pressed against the Sun God device. Although it was still glued at the moment, that aura was undoubtedly gradually rising. At this moment, it had gradually pressed the strength in the Sun God device and gradually gained the upper hand.

This situation is obviously not in line with common sense.

An external force interfered with the battle, leading to a drastic change in the immediate results, which completely restored the dark eye, directly overwhelmed the Sun God device, and temporarily sheltered the dark side.

And that external force is nothing but the dim lord himself.

In Adier’s reaction at this moment, in Kudoni’s arms, the baby did not know when he had opened his eyes.

He opened his eyes, and his eyes looked extremely pure, as beautiful as a pair of black pearls, which faintly showed the madness of the world’s death.

It was a pure world-destroying scene, and all of it emerged in these eyes at this moment. Even if there is no strength coming out from it, just feeling the scene conveyed in it is enough to make people feel a palpitate.

This is the instinct of the dim god recovering and blooming.

At this moment, the God of Darkness has come completely. Even if he has just been reincarnated at this moment, he has not been able to restore his original Strength and will, but it is only that detached instinct that can still interfere with the immediate situation.

In front of him, the dim eye felt the master’s recovery, and began to move forward spontaneously, and the Strength on it continuously climbed up and rushed to a higher level.

The dim eye began to become more active, in which the essence of the Spiritual God level was fully exerted, and the huge strength of Faith was burning in flames, supplying its Strength.

On the contrary, on the opposite side, the Sun God device appeared very quiet. Although it opposed each other with the dim eye in front of it, it was more an instinctive confrontation than a spontaneous forward.

The owner of the Sun God device, the Sun King, is still in silence at the moment, and even his own will has not been fully restored, let alone came.

Although his essence is powerful, at the moment under the control of a group of priests of the Sun King, his recovery level is not as good as the dim eye in front of him, and the strength he can exert is also far less than the dim eye.

Even relying on the transcendental nature, at the moment it is just holding that’s all with the dim eye, and it cannot completely prevail.

This is the difference between is Master and recovery.

Also known as Divine Item, under normal circumstances, the Sun God device is far better than the dim eye.

But at the moment it was the dark eyes that in turn suppressed the Sun God device.

The gap is nothing but the reason for the recovery of the owner of Divine Item.

In fact, it is not only relative to Divine Item, but also relative to normal priests.

In the same place, with the advent of the Dark Lord, the breath of the priests of the Dark Lord began to rise.

The silent divine force began to change, and the strength that had been trapped in the bottleneck already began to grow again.

With the recovery of the Dim Lord, the strength of the priests of the Dim Lord, such as Kordoni and Hilna, began to increase. At this moment, they generally increased by one order.

This is the benefit of Spiritual God’s recovery.

For priests, the benefit of Spiritual God’s recovery is that the connection between God and priest is closer, and the strength that could have been feedback is also stronger.

This is just when it just came. When the coming body of the Dark Lord grows to Peak and fully restores his will, the priests of the Dark Lord will also as the tide rises, the boat floats, and become even more terrifying. .

When the time comes not only Legendary may appear between the priests, but Legendary Peak and even the mythical field are not impossible.

Adier stood silently.

He looked at the 2 Divine Item of the former target forward, turned around silently, and continued to look at the old man in front.

On the opposite side, the moment the Adier turned around, the old man on the opposite side also turned around, and a pair of eyes shot at Adier in front of him.

At the moment, with two Divine Items in a stalemate, everything is back to its original beginning.

“It seems that in the end we still have to decide between us …”

The old man was lightly sighed, looking at Adier in front of him with some sighs, and then silently took out a golden dagger from his arms.

Golden’s dagger is brilliant and shining, the whole looks like it is made of gold, but with a little shimmer on it, it looks very dazzling and very bright.

At a glance, people feel out of the ordinary.

Above this golden dagger, Adier felt a mysterious breath originating from the king of the sun, and that detached essence.

This is also a Divine Item, but compared to the previous Sun God device, this golden dagger, which contains the Spiritual God is not very powerful, far less than the Sun God device and the dim eye 2 pieces. Divine Item comes powerful.

This should not be called Divine Item, maybe Demi-God Artifact will be more accurate.

But although it is Demi-God Artifact, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

At this moment, holding the golden dagger, the breath of the old man’s body rose again, and the strength that had reached Legendary Peak climbed upward again, gradually reaching an unknown field.


The majestic breath came from the front, where a ray of the sun shone on the spot.

In the front, the old man was wearing a golden robe, and the golden dagger in his hand was dazzling. At the moment, he was covered by golden divine light, his face was cold, and he slowly walked forward.

Opposite Adier in front.

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