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In situ, the two mythological realms are facing each other.

Standing in front of Adier, the old man’s face was cold, and he was holding the golden dagger at this moment. Under the blessing of the Demi-God Artifact, the breath under his body had quietly crossed the boundary, Reached the level of mythology.

This is not a real mythological field, but through the blessing of Demi-God Artifact, through which the Spirit of Spiritual God only reached the level, once Demi-God Artifact is not on the body, it will immediately be returned to its original form.

However, at this moment of holding Demi-God Artifact, his Strength is undoubtedly extremely scary, even in the field of mythology, it is not a weak person.

To some extent, what Adier is facing at this moment is actually not the old man in front of him, but more like an incarnation of the Sun King.

This situation is far from over.

Behind him, as the old man walked forward, the dozen or so sun priests wearing golden robe stepped forward, with solemn faces, and began to move forward silently.


In place, Adier looked up into the distance, and this moment was not owned by frowned.

Under his induction, the divine force of the golden robe priests in the distance is rapidly pouring out.

A golden field of sun emerged in situ, and then the majestic divine force continued to emerge from the golden robe priests, following a mysterious connection, through the golden Demi-God Artifact, and rushing toward the old man. go with.

What stands here is not simply a few priests, but a dozen or so high Priest who are close to Legendary.

It can be said that if the King of the Sun has not yet arrived, the strength of the faith channel feedback is limited. I am afraid that each of the dozens of people present will be promoted to Legendary.

And even if they have not been promoted to Legendary at the moment, but at the same time with the assistance of more than a dozen High Priest at the same time, a field of the sun opens, under the blessing of this Strength of Domain, they and the real Legendary powerhouse are not At all, like 2, it will not be much weaker than a Legendary.

At this moment, under the pulling of the golden dagger, their strength within the body slowly poured out, and through some mysterious connection, all poured into the old man in front.

In the sense of Adier, the breath of the old man is increasing, and the strength that has already reached the mythological field has once again climbed, and has gradually approached the level of Adier at the moment.

“God, really terrifying existence …”

Feeling the rising breath of the old man in front of him, Adier lightly sighed.

To some extent, Adier was not surprised that the sun priests in front could do this step in front of them.

The god level is above 7th grade.

For this existence, just leaving a little means is enough to cause this kind of result.

What’s more, the Sun King is not an ordinary 7th grade, but Supreme God who is far above the ordinary 7th grade.

The method is even more terrifying than normal gods.

“Sorry for the waitting……”

In front, feeling the strength flowing into the body with the body at the moment, the old man slowly lifts the head, looking at Adier in front of him.

With the constant influx of within the body Strength, his body has changed slightly.

His eyes gradually became golden, and it looked like there were 2 suns burning in it, exuding infinite divine light.

On top of his body, a little mysterious sun texture interweaves, it seems to have a mysterious charm, it looks complicated and mysterious.

The whole person no longer looks like a mortal, with a diof aura of aloof and remote.

In fact, it is true.

At this moment, under the huge Sun God blessing, that golden dagger is also exerting its strength, and the essence of the gods is blessed on the old man as much as possible, so that the essence of the old man gradually changes to a higher level. Step forward.

At this moment, he is not so much a mortal, but rather an incarnation of the King of the Sun to a certain degree, and naturally brings a little bit of the gods that belong to the King of the Sun.

This is an extremely horrible thing.

The Divine Force of the Sun King is naturally a strong restraint for mortals, and I am afraid the state of the old man at this moment is even more so.

Against the old man in front of you, even if it is Adier, it must be restrained by the essence of the gods contained in it, and the Strength will be weakened in silence.

However, there was no fear in his heart, and his face was still calm, but he went silently to the front and greeted the old man who exuded breath.

A long sword of silver slowly lifted up, next moment, a little light shining in place was flashing.

Two extremely powerful fields, each with a transcendent essence, collided in a flash.

The majestic light was shining. In situ, the solar field collided with Adier’s Knight field, spreading in front of the eyes and gradually spreading to the outside world.

The area in Fangyuan Hundreds of thousands was instantly covered.

It was only a moment that the surrounding area was covered with a golden, and it seemed that the sun’s radiance was spreading, illuminating these areas completely.

And above the earth, a deeper change is taking place, the gap between one after another silver is constantly circling on the ground, it seems to be fighting against the light of the sun everywhere.

The powerful and pure essence in this brief moment collided madly, and finally gradually climbed up, rushing toward deeper levels.

In this brief moment, the surrounding World changed instantly.

The space is broken, the earth is cracked, and there is a silver word energy flashing on the boundless sky, fighting against and fighting against the sun light everywhere.

2 giving tit for tat, in this brief moment completely exploded, as if the world-destroying scene in the mythical epic is reappearing at this moment, and the horrible strength emerges madly.

The earth in hundreds of thousands began to crack, the sky began to change, and above the sky, each and everyone, the sun from the golden Sun God condense continued to rise, and finally was continuously cut down by the silver long sword.

Occasionally, it can be seen that in the sky, the word energy of one after another silver converges, but it is finally dissipated by a golden sun, leaving only the pure silver Battle Qi slowly dissipating in the air.

2 The two are competing against each other here, each raising their own breath to Peak.

Not to mention the ordinary mortals, the Legendary who were on the scene, after seeing this scene, had to numb their scalp.

The battlefield in front of them is beyond their capabilities.

In the deeper nihility, two Divine Items are fighting against each other, and the brilliance of the gods is constantly spreading, dispersing the pieces of void.

The glory of 2 Divine Item covers everything.

Above the earth, two mythical realms are being given by giving tit for tat, and the terrifying realm of the air pervades the four sides, covering everything.

Compared with the two Divine Items that are fighting in the void, the confrontation between these two is more noticeable.

Although the Strength of Divine Item is powerful and its essence is transcendent, it surpasses them too much at the level, so that the confrontation between the two is not so big.

Like the aloof and remote sun in the sky, although powerful, it is equally distant, so that it does not feel too intuitive about its formidable power.

But the two mythical realms in front of me are not.

At this moment, they can feel the horror strength between the two in front of them. The strength is so huge and terrifying, but any leak of one point is enough to kill any of them directly, and they will fall on the spot. .

There will be no accidents.

“We should do something …”

Feeling the two fields that are constantly colliding in front, behind him, Gamula took a deep breath, and his face looked very determined at this moment.

He picked up the seemingly old hunting bow, and slowly walked forward to meet the black robe woman before, giving him a tit for tat.

Two Legendary made a big move at this moment, their respective fields unfolded, and there was a big battle here.

As for the other side, Kudoni handed the reincarnated body of Dark Lord in his arms to Hilna, and then stepped forward to meet Eredo in front.

As for the others, they stared at the golden robe priests in front of them and kept vigilant.

Although most of the divine force of themselves was given to the old man in front, these golden robe priests, after all, each and everyone are Legendary-level battle strength.

Even at this moment they handed over most of the strength within the body to the old man in front, they are also kings close to Legendary, but strength is weaker than that before.

But the gap in quantity is enough to make up for everything.

The golden robe offering close to Legendary in front of me is not two, but a dozen or so!

A dozen Legendary priests add up, and any Legendary will have to hate when they meet.

Under the circumstances in front of them, if they join the battle, I am afraid that the battle will be reversed at once.

Mar and the others stared at the opposite golden robe priests. On the opposite side, those golden robe sun priests also stared at mar and and others.

2 The parties are opposed to each other, and begin to stir in their hearts, but none of them move.

They just stalemate here, neither side has moved, so they look at each other, big eyes staring at small eyes, no movement at all.

Standing silently on the spot, confirming that the golden robe priests on the opposite side didn’t mean to do anything. Mar on the spot raised his head and looked at Adier who was confronting the old man in midair, with a little worry in his eyes.

In the front, in the central area shrouded in 2 strands.

A silver long sword broke into the air, and ran forward suddenly, and finally collided with a golden dagger.

2 In the midair, a clear sound of peng peng is made.

Then, under the collision of 2 shares of Strength, the two silhouettes retreated respectively.

Adier looked at the old man in front of him and felt the strength from his hand, his face gradually dignified.

The old man in front of him was harder to deal with than he thought.

His strength is close to that of the Peak 5th. According to common sense, few people in the 5th level can match him.

But the old man in front of him is an exception.

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