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The strength of the old man in front of him surpassed Adier’s imagination.

The other party has originally reached the existence of Peak 4 Peak, which is only one step away from the field of mythology.

At this moment, under the blessing of the Golden Demi-God Artifact, the opponent not only possessed a strength comparable to that of level 5, but also possessed part of the essence of the deity.

Standing there at the moment, as if a god incarnation came, the incomparably powerful and terrifying makes people feel fear from the heart.

This is also that’s all.

But in the following, there are more than a dozen High Priests who are close to Legendary to provide strength for them, and gather their own strength together, so that the strength of the old man reaches a limit.

At the moment, the old man cooperates with his own Strength, plus that Demi-God Artifact, and there are more than a dozen High Priest Strengths, which have reached the Peak level of level 5 with Adier.

If that’s all, that’s all.

Adier has been struggling all his life, struggling to fight in the realm in countless lifetimes, and has gone all the way from the weak to the present. Not only is his Strength strong, but his fighting experience is extremely rich.

If a fellow is standing in front of him, Adier is confident that he will not be weaker than anyone.

But the old man in front of him is an exception.

The opponent’s combat experience is not strong, at least compared to Adier, far from Adier.

But the essence of the gods carried in the other party was extremely tenacious and disgusting.

With the essence of the deity on his body, this means that he has a higher level of strength and has some of the characteristics of the deity.

Sometimes, Adier slashed the opponent with a sword. Although he slashed the opponent’s territory and really slashed the opponent, he only left a slight scar that’s all on the opponent, which could not cause any damage.

On the contrary, if the opponent hit Adier with a single blow, under the strength of the Golden Demi-God Artifact, Adier’s body will be immediately hit.

There are many aspects similar to this.

The combination of these disadvantages in all aspects immediately made up for the huge fighting experience between the two, and allowed the two to stand in the same horizontal line again.

“You can do this …”

In situ, after a blow, looking at Adier standing in front of the void, a surprised expression appeared on the old man’s face.

He really should be surprised.

After taking out the Golden Demi-God Artifact and getting many High Priest blessings, he thought he could easily beat Adier at the moment.

But in the end it was not.

The two of them stalemate here along the way, seeing this way they don’t know when they will hit.

The battles between the mythological realms are terrifying, and it is by no means easy to tell the difference between victory and defeat.

If the difference between the two is quite disparate, it is easy to say, but in the case of the old man and Adier in front of me, I do n’t know when I can hit it.

If there is no accident, according to the rhythm in front of me, I am afraid that the two Divine Items in the void will be the winners and losers. The two of them have not ended this battle.

Thinking of it here in the original place, old man shook the head, this moment was very unexpected.

However, the more tenacious and strong Adier is, the more murderous intention he raises in his heart.

Such a powerful Knight is not his own person in the Church of the King of the Sun, but is standing on the side of the enemy.

To a certain extent, the more powerful Adier is, the more transcendent the potential, the more the murderous intention emerges in the mind, and the involuntarily wants to stifle and solve it here.

the thoughts got to this point, in the hands of the old man, the golden dagger was trembling lightly, among which the golden divine force was exploding, covering the old man, making the breath of the old man stronger. Too.

In an instant, the scars on the old man quickly recovered, and the wounds he had suffered in the battle completely disappeared. At this moment, he recovered to Peak. There was a golden flame burning all over his body. Set off extremely sacred.

Like a god, the incarnation is coming, bright and powerful, deep and not straight.

In his current state, even if the mortal glanced at him more, I am afraid that he would be stabbed by the huge divine force shrouded in him, and he could not directly look at his body and appearance.

Adier felt a huge pressure.

The oppression force of the essence of the gods gradually spread out.

With the battle between the two, in the other hand, the golden Demi-God Artifact is gradually recovering, and the essence of the gods is gradually blooming, which has caused Adier to suppress all aspects.

This repression is absolute, and it stems from the gap above the life essence. The resulting oppression force cannot be imagined by ordinary people. Only by standing in it can you feel it.

To some extent, Adier is not just fighting against the old man in front of him at this moment, but is fighting against the essence of part of the Sun King.

However, this confrontation is not without any benefits for Adier.

In this fierce confrontation, a little divine radiance spontaneously appeared in Adier’s body.

His within the body’s divine force is boiling spontaneously. At this moment, the divine force contained in it is constantly emerging, blessing him, allowing him to continue to fight against the golden Sun God.

At this moment, with the oppression of the Demi-God Artifact, the divinity of Adier within the body began to gradually become active and began to gradually recover, so that the strength of Adier within the body continued to climb.

The strength between the two is rising.

In the next moment, 2 people move forward at the same time, and they both shot.

The silhouette of the old man disappeared. At this moment, it was like a golden sun. The golden dagger in his hand suddenly spurted out, stabting towards Adier’s heart.

A silver long sword broke through the air and cut through the space in an instant. It seemed to have broken through all the obstacles and came to the front of the golden dagger in an instant, colliding with the golden dagger in an instant .

boom! !

As if two Worlds collided in an instant, everything in the place became nothingness.

2 terror strengths collided in place, in this brief moment hit a point of nothingness, in which all the rules have failed within a short time, all that can be left is pure strength.

The strengths between the fields collide with each other, and at this moment the terrifying strength rushes outward.

The scenery of World suddenly became strange. At the moment, in the eyes of two people, the surrounding World began to lose color. The color of the surface after one another was constantly stripped away, leaving only the pure essence, one after another. The source of rules.

The next moment, with the explosion of 2 Strengths, the surrounding rules are momentarily distorted, and everything is destroyed.

Time, space, elements, matter … everything in this brief moment loses its meaning.

In the end, even 2 strengths themselves lost their meaning.

On two people, two pure divine forces began to spew out, each with their own will, and began to confront each other in an area invisible to ordinary people.

Above Adier’s body, a golden True Spirit emerged, and the presence in front of him began to fight.

But across from him, what emerged at this moment was not the True Spirit of the old man, but a blurry face, bathed in divine might, and a golden silhouette that looked dazzling like a god.

This is not the True Spirit of the old man itself, but the Spiritual God essence contained in the Demi-God Artifact. At this moment, with the battle between the two people to an extremely fierce point, it began to appear spontaneously, and Adier The power of True Spirit began to compete.

To some extent, this also illustrates an objective fact.

It is not the old man itself that is fighting against Adier at this moment, but the god essence in the Golden Demi-God Artifact.


The essence of 2 powerful detachments began to fight in the air.

The silent ripples began to spread toward all around. Although they were invisible, they did exist, which caused a subtle effect on the world around them.

In an instant, the rules of the surrounding World began to be distorted. Under the influence of the 2 True Spirit forces, they began to change towards their respective properties, were forcibly twisted and infected, and reversed towards their respective fields.

Unlike the previous head-on confrontation, this time is just in an instant. At the moment of the confrontation, Adier fell into the wind.

Earlier, although the strength of the old man’s strength was strong, it was still able to see the boundary after all, which belonged to Adier and could deal with level.

But at the moment, as the essence of Spiritual God appeared in front of me, the power of 2 True Spirits confronted in midair, Adier’s True Spirit was immediately suppressed.

This is after all the essence of Spiritual God.

Even though the essence of Spiritual God has been weakened by countless times, only the weak point is left, which is by no means provocative by any existence below 7th grade.

With the power of True Spirit in this avatar of Adier, wanting to challenge the essence of a Spiritual God is just striking a stone with an egg.

Feeling this, Adier immediately withdrew and returned, and True Spirit returned to his body in an instant, and began to return.

Then in the next moment, a golden dagger rushed out of the air, towards Adier’s chest in an instant, leaving a scar on it.

boom! !

The golden Sun God’s power was roaring. At that moment when the Golden Demi-God Artifact hit Adier, the golden Sun God power instantly entered Adier’s body, and broke out completely in Adier’s body.

At this moment, in Adier’s within the body, countless flesh and blood cells began to spontaneously boil, and the strength contained therein was continuously detonated by the golden Sun God force, and gradually moved towards the whole body.

If there is no accident, just this blow can directly detonate Adier’s entire body and let him completely fall here.

Feeling all this, Adier expression was calm, and the right hand was lifted directly, punching fiercely towards the chest.

boom! !

A clear sound rang in place.

At the next moment, Adier’s chest exploded directly, and it looked like blood was dripping on it, and the bones under the flesh could be seen faintly.

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