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The bones under the flesh appeared.

Under Adier’s own blow, his entire body exploded and almost collapsed.

At this moment, he looked extremely miserable, his entire body collapsed directly, and began to reorganize there.

Only this effect is really good.

In Adier’s body, the influx of golden Sun God force was directly consumed by more than half of this blow.

As for the remaining Golden Sun God power, under the control of Adier, it gradually spreads up and down towards the whole body.

In the front, I feel Adier’s movements, and feel the golden Sun God force that spreads throughout Adier within the body and gradually spreads towards Adier’s whole body. The old man’s face is a little surprised and seems a little puzzled.

Taking the initiative to spread Sun God’s power to the whole body, this is equivalent to suicide to some extent.

The old man didn’t understand why Adier did this.

But at the next moment, he understood the reason.

In Adier’s within the body, with the spread of Golden Sun God’s power, in his body, a glory began to flash.

One after another divinity began to recover spontaneously, under the stimulation of within the body Sun God, spontaneous boiling began.

The silent Strength began to recover, and under the impact of the Divine Force, the King of the Sun, the divinity that Adier had collected in the past began to boil spontaneously.

In the past, Adier collected many divinities and included those divinities one after another into his within the body, but to some extent, he did not at all use these divinities to the extreme.

The reason is very simple.

Because these divinities are not all active.

The gods of Adier within the body have different origins, some are extracted from other people, such as Mar, Blood Moon and the others, some are obtained from some remains …

The divinity obtained in different ways has a completely different level of activity.

Some divinities are derived from the remains of some ancient existence. The original owner of the divinity may have already fallen. There is only a sporadic divinity. How active is the natural impossible, and the Strength is close to it Exhausted.

Because the master of divinity is already dead, no matter how exciting Adier in the past, there is no way to make his divinity active, and to maximize the strength of it.

Therefore, in the past, Adier is probably less than half of the utilization rate of his own divinity.

But at this moment, under the stimulation of the Sun God’s power, Adier within the body’s deity was strongly oppressed and began to recover spontaneously.

The form of manifestation is that Adier has a huge divine glory.

The divinity of one after another began to recover in Adier within the body, and the brilliance of one after another began to spontaneously emerge, admiring the admirable radiance of Adier’s body, radiating a dazzling radiance above.

The huge divinity emerged spontaneously. At this moment, one after another divinity exuded a terrifying Strength, and spontaneously went towards the golden divine force, blocking the golden Sun God force within the body , Slowly consumed.

In the end, a crisis sufficient for Adier to wreak havoc disappeared.

He was covered with a huge divine glory, with the body a dozen divinities in this brief moment, a complete recovery, just standing opposite, looking at the old man calmly in front of him.

With the recovery of within the body divinity, Adier’s own strength began to explode again, and the strength that had fallen into stagnation continued to grow, and it was gradually advancing to the level 5 peak level.

Perhaps after the battle conclusion in front of him, after some time, he can enter the Peak 5 Peak, which is only one step away from the final realm of God.

At this moment, the changes brought about by the revival of divinity are also extremely obvious.

At least on the opposite side, the oppression caused by the golden Demi-God Artifact to Adier has weakened a lot.

The reason why the Golden Demi-God Artifact will suppress Adier is because the part that originated from the Sun King is too powerful in nature. For Adier at this moment, the difference is too wide.

But at this moment, with the continuous recovery and activity of within the body divinity, this essential gap has gradually been filled.

The essence of divinity is also a deity. When it comes to essence, although it is still not as good as that Demi-God Artifact, it is not too different from that Demi-God Artifact.

Therefore, under the circumstances that within the body’s divinity has recovered, the essential gap between the two has been narrowed a lot, and the original disparity distance has become closer.

Adier felt this keenly, so he raised the sword in his hand and moved on.

A new battle continues.

2 terrifying realms unfolded in situ, and at this moment the clashes started again.

In the eyes of others below, it looks different.

As the two strands of nature continue to collide, in place, everyone involuntarily lifts the head and looks into the air.

Under their gaze, in midair, the realm of 2 people unfolded separately, and the existence of 2 of them has changed completely.

At a glance, like a golden sun and a silver moon collide with each other, at this moment slowly approaching, an amazing momentum is about to erupt.

“Master’s strength has improved …”

Looking at the scene in the air, feeling the change in breath, Marl smiled on her face, and there was joy in her eyes.

As a waiter connected to Adier’s fate, she can feel the divine strength recovery of Adier within the body, and is very clear about Adier’s state at the moment.

Adier’s strength has already been close to Peak in the field of mythology, and it is only one step away to reach that limit.

At this moment, with the body’s complete recovery of the divinity, Adier will soon be able to take the last step and reach the Peak level in the field of mythology.

After reaching this stage, Adier really has the qualification to peep into the realm of God.

This is the so-called qualification to seal the gods.

After reaching the 5th-level Peak, as long as the Divine Fire is ignited again, and transforms its own mortal body into the body of God, it is the so-called Demi-God.

After reaching this point, within the entire world, there will be no restraint except for the gods of aloof and remote.

And at this moment when the gods are still in silence, and even the advent gods have not recovered to Peak, a Demi-God still in Peak is equivalent to invincible.

This occupies the first opportunity of this era, as long as step by step to the end, under Mar’s plan, God is very promising.

Even going one step further is not impossible.

After all, this big world in front of us is the most suitable time for the latecomers to make great strides forward.

At the beginning of this time, I do not know how many gods will fall, nor how many mortals will take advantage of the situation, and step into the gods in one step.

If Adier can be the first to ignite Divine Fire in this era and become the first place Demi-God where mortals will board, it will definitely occupy the greatest opportunity and have a great chance to harvest the most abundant fruit of this era.

And at that step, Marr himself has a great opportunity to stand out from the many callers of the god of destiny and become the one who finally wins.

In fact, not only her, but also others.

As the masters of the people present, if Adier can take advantage of this world, then as his partners, these people will also have a great chance to take that last step.

Like Mar side Angola and the blood moon, there is a great chance to take that last step and embark on the point of being a god.

At this time, in the air, the 2 breaths began to change slowly.

A silver long sword broke into the air, just for a moment, under the support of the huge divine force within the body, the sword energy of 1000 to 10000 silver began to wave in the air.

Every silver’s sword energy contains an extremely powerful strength. If it spreads out enough to cut off the mountain peaks, it will collapse a piece of earth, and the entire city will be destroyed.

At this moment, the silver sword energy of 1000 to 10000 is moving forward together in the midair arrangement, like a tightly arranged Wizard Array, rushing straight ahead.

The goal is the golden Demi-God Artifact, the golden dagger.

From 1000 to 10000 silver sword energy waved in midair, and then merged into 2 in an instant, turning into the most violent and most terrifying sword in its central area, straight down.

Silver Flower! !!

The brilliance of silver flickered in mid-air. At this moment, it seemed that there was a silver moon above the sky. It rose high, and then fell sharply.

At this moment, Adier within the body is shining, whether it is within the body of the majestic Life Energy, or the divine force contained in the countless divinities, at this moment, it begins to boil, all towards this sword At this moment, madness erupted outward.

There is no extra action, just the strength of this sword is enough to destroy everything, even if it is a mythological field of the same level, standing in front of Adier will be horrified by this sword.

In the front, I feel the strength of this sword, the old man complexion changed, and the golden Demi-God Artifact in my hand is blocked in front of my chest, slowly becoming a golden barrier, and wrapping his entire body.

Then, a golden Sun God slowly spread into the air, and under the urging of the Golden Demi-God Artifact, he went towards the silver word light.

boom! !

A violent noise erupted in place.

This place is brilliant and all the rules have been twisted.

In front of the old man, the golden Demi-God Artifact slowly bloomed. At this moment, the essence of the gods contained in it began to dim. Obviously, the huge Strength was lost under this blow.

But even so, Adier’s attack was still blocked, and was completely blocked under the strength of this Demi-God Artifact, and did not really fall on the old man.

It’s just that I didn’t wait for the old man to breathe a sigh of relief. In front of him, a fatal sense of danger rose from behind.

Feeling this feeling, he turned subconsciously and thought, looking behind him.

I saw that behind him, Adier’s face was calm, and he was standing behind him at the moment, with a pair of eyes looking at him quietly, which revealed a deep, unseen depth.

Subsequently, a silver long sword fell again.

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