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Looking at Adier, old man heart startled, who subconsciously wanted to say something.

In situ, a long sword of silver swayed straightly, and issued an inspiring sword energy in an instant.

The light of one after another silver shone in place, and a piece of silver of light enveloped everything.

This place is enveloped by silver’s sword energy, everything around is invisible, only a piece of pure Life Energy is flashing, directly wrapping the old man in front of him.

The majestic sword energy is exploding, the endless strength is here, this place is shot out of a hole, in an instant It seems that everything has disappeared, only the power of the pure True Spirit is rippling and moving forward Washed away.

The breath of the old man disappeared completely in an instant, and was covered by the breath of the golden Demi-God Artifact.

At the most critical moment of Adier’s offensive, the old man took the opportunity to make up his mind, covering up himself with the strength of Golden Demi-God Artifact, and covering all the strengths exposed by Adier.

Then everything in front of him began to become nothing.

The regular strength is distorted, and all matter is destroyed under the sharp sword energy layer by layer. From the most basic structure, it collapses directly, and no traces can be left.

This is the direct offensive of the origin. Under the sword of Adier, no matter how strong you are, no matter how tenacious you are, they will be directly crushed from the most basic structure. Cut down, can not leave any traces.

It can be said that, in terms of the formidable power of this sword alone, no one in the field can take it forward.

The old man in front of him is undoubtedly impossible.

The strength of the golden Demi-God Artifact is roaring. At this moment, the golden Demi-God Artifact is roaring, and it seems to feel the horror strength contained in this sword. The spirit essence in it is recovering and roaring.

The majestic Strength is recovering, and the horrible divine force emerges on that golden Demi-God Artifact.

A golden silhouette vaguely emerged, turning into a strongest barrier, blocking Adier’s sword.

Then 2 shares of Strength began to collide.

Everything is close to nothingness.

In front of this place, this place became a void, and there was a gap in space around it. It was the node that was cut by this sword. At this moment, it appeared directly, continuously spreading to all around.

“Did you make it?”

Kudoni and the others looked a little swayed, looking at the sword revealed by Adier in front of him, with some concern in his eyes.

There is no doubt that this sword is very important.

As the leader of the Sun King sacrifice, the importance of the old man is self-evident.

He is not only the most powerful powerhouse except Adier on the battlefield, but also the leader of the Sun King sacrifice, both in terms of status and strength, it is undoubtedly the first.

It can be said that as long as the opponent is resolved, most of this battle will be resolved.

If the opponent’s control is lost, the Sun God device in the void will also lose the manipulator, and this battle can be ended directly.

As for the subsequent counterattack of the Church of the Sun King, that is what happened afterwards.

With the power accumulated by the dark church over the years, they hide at the worst in the old forest of the mountains, relying on the divine force of the dark master. Even if the other party’s strength is strong, can they still find them fail?

Can’t beat you, can’t you hide?

In front of him, under the eyes of everyone, the faint fluorescence gradually disappeared, and the existence of it gradually revealed.

In the eyes of everyone, the silhouette of the old man gradually revealed.

He still exists, and after surviving Adier’s blow, he still didn’t die, and his life force was extremely tenacious.

But there is no doubt that even if he did not die at the moment, after eating the sword Adier in the front, the state of his body at the moment is also very bad.

His body began to crack, and his whole body was filled with densely packed wounds, like being chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades in an instant, and there was no place on his body that was intact.

The pale-gold’s divine blood continued to flow from his body, and at this moment his breath fell to the extreme, from the original close to the mythical field Peak, and fell back to the Legendary field.

Strength, which was originally blessed by Demi-God Artifact and barely promoted, was completely broken into its original form. At the moment, it can still maintain Strength that’s all of Legendary Peak.

Although this strength is still strong, it can be said that even if it is hit hard now, it can still suppress 99% of the people present.

But in the face of Adier in front of him, this strength is just striking a stone with an egg that’s all, and then impossible to do the confrontation as before.

In front of him, the old man clearly understood the truth.

He gasped for breath and raised his head to look at Adier in front of him. This one had deep eyes, and I did n’t know what he wanted to say: “You actually …

A hoarse and weak voice appeared on the spot.

The old man’s state at this moment looks very weak. At this moment, his voice has become extremely hoarse, and there is no more confidence like before.

On his face, there was still a thick disbelief.

Perhaps he did not expect that Adier could do this, forcibly knocked him out of the air into what he is today.

The achievements of this time have been passed down, which is destined to make Adier famous on the mainland.

A priest of the sun, whose strength reached the peak of the mythical realm, was actually shot down by Adier forcibly in the frontal confrontation, and fell directly onto the earth.

Even if this thing is since ancient times, it is also a major event that is enough to be recorded on the epic.

It can be said that after this night, Adier’s statement on the mainland will inevitably spread further.

“Leave now, with room to maneuver …”

On the other side, Kudoni slowly walked forward, looking at the old man with a weak breath at the moment and said.

He didn’t want to do anything.

This is not because he doesn’t want to, but because of intellectual considerations.

The old man in front of me is the sacrifice of the church of the king of the sun. Once the other party is killed, it means irreconcilable with the church of the king of the sun.

Although the current situation does not seem to be the same, it is different.

Even if it is also irreconcilable, there is a difference.

As a church left by Supreme God, Supreme Sun Cult will exist on the mainland for a long time, and the enemies it establishes are also huge, not only a dim church.

If the old man in front of him is not killed, the Sun King Church will be hostile to the dim church, but under the current circumstances, it is also possible to send too many Strengths to suppress it.

But if the old man in front of him is killed, the situation is different.

The sacrifice to kill the king of the sun is the biggest challenge.

The Sun King ’s church will be irreconcilable to the dim church even for its own statement. At that time, the strength sent will be as different as heaven and earth.

At this juncture where the Lord of Darkness has successfully recovered, Kudoni cannot take this risk.

In the final analysis, at this juncture where the Lord of Darkness has successfully recovered, the most important thing now is to let the Lord of Darkness grow up again and restore his past strength.

After the Dim Lord fully recovers and restores his past strength, it is natural to say everything.

At that time, a True God came, and naturally there was no need to worry about the attitude of the Sun King Church.

But now, we still need to worry about it.

The old man raised his head slowly.

He looked at Kudoni in the distance, listening to the other’s words for a long time without saying a word.

Intellectually, he understands that I have to leave at this moment to be the best choice.

At this moment, as he was defeated positively by Adier, the strength of the Sun King sacrifice party has been reduced to the limit.

After losing the control of his High Priest, the strength of the Sun God device will be further reduced, and in the end it may be suppressed by the dark eyes that are constantly recovering.

On the battlefield below, the same is true.

He is not an opponent of Adier in front of him. This was the case when he received all kinds of blessings before, not to mention that his breath has reached the limit.

Behind him, although there are more than a dozen sun sacrifices directly to Legendary, that side is nothing to Adier.

It doesn’t take much time to kill these sun sacrifices with the strength of the other party.

I’m afraid it will be much easier than chopping vegetables and chopping watermelon.

At least if you go to cut a watermelon and cut vegetables, you will also need a kitchen knife.

The Adier in front of him wants to kill them without having to be so troublesome, but it’s the thing that’s all moving his fingers.

“it is good……”

At the moment when his face was calm, he sighed, and finally said so: “Let’s go …”

When the old man’s words fell, there were some changes in the dozen solar sacrifices.

But good training made them not at all say something, just looked at the old man in silence, silently following his decision.

A young man wearing a golden robe, who looks no different from other sacrificial walks, stepped forward and helped the old man.

“This time, I lost …”

The old man looked at the front, at the Kudoni in front, and the baby held in Hilna’s arms. At this moment, he sighed deeply and was somewhat lost.

The reincarnated body of the Dark Lord is very important to the Church of the Sun King.

This is not only the god who really came to the first place in this era, but also a god who involved Light Domain.

Originally, if the reincarnated body of the dim lord in front of him was obtained, the recovery process of the King of the Sun could be improved a lot at once.

Now, with the intervention of the mythical Knight, this plan is undoubtedly defeated.

Not even in the future.

A strong Great Knight who has reached the level of the mythical Peak is placed there. Anyone who wants to come up to find the dim church will have to poke their claws enough.

Thinking of this, the old man could not help but sigh in his heart, and at this moment there was a powerful loss.


A light sound came out in situ, that sound like the crisp sound of a long sword piercing into flesh and blood.

The old man was stunned, subconsciously looking at his chest.

I saw on his chest a golden long sword pierced his chest, stained with pale-gold blood.

“this is……”

A faint pain came from his chest.

Feeling this kind of pain, and the continuation of Strength in his body, the old man turned a little confidently and looked away.

Standing at his side at the moment, it was the golden robe sacrifice that came from behind and helped him.

“Kaido, you …”

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