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“Kaido, you …”

Feeling the pain that came from him constantly, looking at the golden long sword that pierced his chest, the old man’s face at this moment was very wonderful, full of disbelief.

“Kaido? No, I’m not …”

Beside him, the sacrificial priest in the golden robe looked up, revealing a somewhat pale, handsome, and infectious face: “Compared to Kaido, I hope you call me Doron …”

He looked at the old man in front of him and said lightly.

“You are not Kaido …”

Old man complexion ashen, struggling backwards 2 steps, looking at the youth in front of him and asking, “Who the hell are you?”

“As you can see……”

A smile appeared on Doron’s face, and at this moment his breath changed.

The golden robe on him was torn in a flash, and the divine force of the source Sun King was disappearing.

The camouflage on the surface is constantly disappearing, and finally the pure essence gradually emerges.

A bloody divine force appeared on his body. At this moment, his body was rendered into a bloody color, which looked like a bloody field.

In the distance, feeling the bloody field, Adier frowned, and felt a familiar strength coming from it.

At this moment on Adier, a divine force was spontaneously emerging. At this moment, it was quickly rushing up and down the body. At this moment, it seemed to feel the strength of the young people in the distance, and began to spontaneously boil.

And this Strength is nothing other than the strength of Slaughter that Adier has on his body.

strength of Slaughter, this is the first divine force acquired by Adier after coming to this world.

The origin of this divine force is no other, it comes from the sacrifice of a God of Slaughter.

The slaughter sacrifice at that time put a drop of blood from the Slaughter of God of Slaughter into Adier’s within the body. While transforming it into a child of the Slaughter, it also filled his body with the Strength of Slaughter.

It can be said that if it wasn’t for the slaughter sacrifice, Adier would now be impossible on the path now, and most would choose another path to walk.

In front of him, the strength that emerged from the young man was nothing other than the strength of Slaughter in Adier within the body.

Son of slaughter.

The youth in front of him was a son of a slaver who inherited the blood of the slaver, and was the caller of the God of Slaughter.

“This evil Strength … Son of Slaughter …”

In the distance, looking at the young man in front of him, the face of the old man was full of horror: “How about Kaido, how are you treating him?”

“What do you say?”

The young man shrugged, looking at the old man’s face with some playfulness at this moment: “Fall into the hands of a slaver, what do you think will happen to him?”

“You killed him …”

Old man’s complexion ashen, this whole body is shaking.

“It was finally correct.”

The young man shrugged, looking at the old man in front of him, a smile appeared on his face: “But rest assured, you will soon go down with him …”


Old man complexion ashen, the right arm is raised high, the golden Demi-God Artifact in his hand is shining, like a golden sun, at this moment a terrible Strength erupts.

This is an extremely terrifying Strength. In the same place, despite the heavy damage, the Strength of the old man is also not to be underestimated. At the moment of the outbreak, Strength has reached the level of the mythological field, which is an absolute crush for any Legendary. Pressure.

However, to this, Duolong only had a faint smile on his face.

Looking at Dulong’s face, the old man was a little uneasy, but he didn’t understand where the problem was.

The next moment, he complexion greatly changed.

“My Strength!”

His face was horrified, and the strength all over him at this moment completely disappeared.

The divine force that originally belonged to the king of the sun disappeared on his body. At this moment, it looked like an ordinary old man, without any peculiarities.

In his hand, after being urged by the divine force of the King of the Sun, the Demi-God Artifact in his hand also lost its reaction, and the light above it became dim at this moment.

In fact, after the previous battle with Adier, the strength of the Golden Demi-God Artifact has already reached a limit.

The reason why it was able to show its glory before is because the old man maintains the operation of Demi-God Artifact with its own divine force, so that it does not completely fall into silence.

At this moment, after losing the supply of the divine force of the old man within the body, the strength of the Golden Demi-God Artifact suddenly fell into silence.

“Have you felt …”

Looking at the old man in front of him, Doron’s face showed a smile, looking like a gentleman, with a strong appeal.

“Some of the gadgets left by the god of fraud were originally prepared to steal the reincarnated body of the dim god …”

“But now that each of you and everyone has become so weak, then it will be cheaper for me …”

There was a smile on his face, and the smile gradually became bloody.

And around him, with his voice falling, the bloody field around him was gradually unfolding, spreading towards all around.

“Be careful!”

Looking at the spreading bloody field, the old man subconsciously shouted, wanting to let the sacrifices of the sun kings behind him leave quickly.

However, by this time, things were too late.

The sacrificial bodies of those Sun Kings were also made with hands and feet. At the moment, like the old man, the whole divine force was temporarily isolated and could not resist.

Then a horrible scene began to take place.

Under the influence of the slaughter divine force, the sun worshipers in front of them were covered by the slaughter domain, and mutations began to occur on their bodies.

The flesh and blood on their bodies began to gradually disappear, and the flesh and blood of the whole body was completely looted. From the source to the body, they completely disappeared, and only a sensuous bone fell to the ground.

It was just in an instant that their bodies turned into white bones and fell to the ground weakly.

Looking at what happened in front of him, Adier’s face was calm, and he shot at the moment.

A silver long sword broke into the air, chopped through the bloody realm in an instant, and fell towards Duolong in a flash.

The terrifying Strength is roaring, and the mythical realm that belongs exclusively to Adier is spreading, competing with the bloody realm, competing with each other for the immediate area.

However, in an instant, that bloody field is constantly spreading.

In front of Adier’s eyes, the breath of Duolong’s body was constantly rising. In a flash, the original Legendary Peak was promoted into the field of mythology, and even continued to climb upwards. At the moment, the level of Adier was approaching.

This kind of speed-up is almost unreasonable.

However, the son of the slaughter exists as such.

The son of Slaughter inherited from the origin of God of Slaughter, with the rules of the Slaughter, as long as the Slaughter is carried out continuously, its own Strength will be continuously improved.

Its essence is to rob the strength and essence of other life, and to improve itself through the feedback of the slaughter’s blood.

The more slaughter people the slaughter son has, the stronger the slaughter powerhouse, the stronger their own strength.

In front of him, how many people are slaughtered by Doron?

The number may not be many, but each one is extremely powerful.

The sacrifices of these Sun Kings in front of them, no matter which one is taken out, are comparable to the existence of Legendary. Among them, there is a person Legendary Peak, the High Priest with a part of the Divine blood of the Sun King.

So many sacrifices of the prince of the Sun, which are essentially transcendent, were all slaughtered in one breath. With the power of the slaver, the strength that can grow can be imagined.

At this moment under the strength of the blood of the slavet, Duolong’s breath was rapidly rising, and within a short time he was promoted from the original Legendary Peak to the field of myth, and even the breath of his body was still rising.

Even if it were Adier in front of him, it was difficult to press it down in one breath, and he could only barely break through the suppression of the bloody realm, and barely rescued 2 sacrifices that’s all.

“Speaking of which … I want to thank you …”

Seeing 2 a fish that escaped the net rescued by Adier, Doron did n’t care, but just felt his strength at the moment, and some drunken mouth said: “If it ’s not for you, I can only kill a few dim at this time. Sacrifice, it is almost impossible to want to steal the reincarnation of the dim god from the hands of these sun priests. “

“It’s better now …”

“Although the reincarnated body of the dim god has not been stolen, it is also a good harvest to be able to kill the sacrifices of these sun kings …”

“Thanks to you, I can reach this point now and have the strength today …”

He opened his arms and laughed whispered there, looking a little crazy.

“You have lost your mind …”

Adier’s face was calm, looking at Doron in front and said lightly: “God of Slaughter’s divine force will affect your sanity and make your whole person crazy …”

“If you go on like this, I’m afraid it’s not far from madness.”

He spoke softly.

In a way, this is a statement of fact.

The sacrifice of God of Slaughter spreads the blood of the slaughter all over the world, definitely not out of good intentions.

The child of the Slaughter, transformed from the blood of the Slaughter, is to some extent equivalent to an incarnation of God of Slaughter.

The son of slaughter unfolded the slaughter all over the world. The more fierce the killing, the greater the influence of the strength of Slaughter. In the end, even his own True Spirit will gradually be distorted and become another look.

Once it reaches that level, even if it is not a madman, it will not be much difference.

Doron in front of him now looks like this trend.

“so what?”

To Adier’s statement, Doron didn’t seem to care, and some unintentionally said: “I am me, even if it’s crazy, so what?”

“You thought I was crazy, but how do you know that I am not enjoying myself?”

He opened his arms and felt his strength at the moment, a faint fascination appeared on his face.

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