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“Another maniac who thought he was good …”

Adier looked at Doron, who was standing there in front of him, and this thought came to mind.

Crazy people often don’t think they are crazy.

Sometimes you say they are crazy, but they might think they are good.

This Duolong is in front of this trend.

In Adier’s eyes, these all are self-deceiving that’s all.

Some people think that people themselves will have many kinds of states, and under different circumstances, the states they show are also different.

Just like when you get drunk while drunk, this is different from your normal state, but can it show that your Spirit is out of order?

The same goes for so-called madness.

For them, the madness in the eyes of others may be their own nature, and it is nothing.

But for Adier, this is that his True Spirit is gradually being eroded without knowing it.

Every action made by mortal is caused by the joint influence of own soul and fleshy body.

In plain language, rationality and sensibility work together.

The reason why the drunken person would do all kinds of impossible after drunk is because his own fleshy body has been affected and its nature has been changed, which has affected the behavior pattern of the whole person.

However, after all, the influence of alcohol is temporary. After the alcohol evaporates, the state of the fleshy body will recover, and it will return to the previous state again.

For Transcender, its True Spirit is the only factor that determines its own behavior mode.

Only True Spirit is pure and not affected by any Strength, you can call yourself.

Otherwise, it’s just a puppet that’s all controlled by various strengths.

This is the case with Doron in front of him.

In Adier’s view, the True Spirit of the other party has long been influenced by God of Slaughter’s divine force. At this moment, it has been corroded up and down completely, and even his own personality has become crazy, he does not care, and he even enjoys it very much. This state.

They have in fact already become puppets of the strength of Slaughter, but they seem not at all to realize the awfulness of this influence and think that their state is very good.

At least in this state, they will not think much, they will only pursue the Slaughter as much as they want, and pursue the happiness that Slaughter brings to them.

This was brought to them by impossible under normal circumstances.

Thinking of this, Adier slowly hooked the head, no longer saying anything to the other party, but silently raised the silver long sword in his hand and aimed at the other party.

It’s not a lot of speculation, so instead of talking more with a lunatic here, it’s better to do it directly.

Do n’t beep if you can.

“You want to start with me, do you …”

Looking at Adier’s movements, Duolong’s face showed a smile, looking bloody, and weird and excited.

Under the influence of the blood of the body slaughter, the children of the slaughter are all a group of slaughter and fighting.

Doron in front of him would not be surprised. At this moment, he saw a powerhouse waving his sword to himself, and the blood within the body had begun to boil.

“To be honest, I really want to fight you …”

There was a smile on his face, looking at Adier very eagerly: “Unfortunately, I can’t beat you now …”

“I also watched the previous battle, and now I am not your opponent …”

He waved his hand, but he seemed quite self-aware: “So this battle between us, let’s postpone it.”

“When I have a stronger strength, I will come to you again …”

“You within the body’s breath of blood, I believe it will be very attractive …”

He licked his lips, looking for a longing, as if he imagined a beautiful scene, with a look on his face at this moment.


A clear sound rang out in situ.

Adier’s face was calm, and he didn’t talk to Dorondo in front of him. He used one arm to force a silver long sword out of the air.

A slice of silver’s sword energy fell straight down and filled the area in front of me. For a moment, it seemed that the entire space was cut, and the surrounding space was filled with cracks in the space, and it surged forward.

Just the prestige of this sword fully reveals Adier’s own Strength. Once it breaks out, it is absolutely amazing.

The terrifying Strength was roaring, and the majestic Battle Qi condensed in mid-air into a long sword of silver, chopping away toward Dulong in front.

At the same time, a powerful field is unfolding silently. A force of True Spirit is rushing forward. In an instant, it will completely overwhelm the current Doron and suppress him. this.

In this regard, Doron’s face was smiling, and there was no change from beginning to end, always maintaining the same appearance as before.

Faced with the blow in front of him, he didn’t open his mouth, nor did he want to deal with it at all, but silently threw something out of his arms.

It was a very unique mask. It looked like it was cast from bronze, and the image of a clown was carved on it, and it looked a little funny.

Above this mask, a faint divine force reaction came out of it, which surprised everyone present.

“That is……”

Looking at the black mask behind Adier, Kudoni’s face showed a startled look: “Mask of the deceiver !!”

The mask of the deceiver god, this is a very famous Divine Item, which belongs to the legendary deceiver god.

In legend, this mask has a very strange Strength, which can make the wearer do all kinds of incredible strange things.

The next moment, the black mask glowed with faint light.

A little mysterious glory bloomed on it, next moment in the sense of Adier, everything around changed.

The space in front of me began to be reversed, and the up, down, left, and right started to be disordered. All the concepts in front of me were transformed into another look.

Obviously it is the sword energy that was cut forward. The next moment may appear in the rear, up and down, everything is full of a sense of chaos, like anything can happen.

In front of him, it was clearly the silver long sword cut off on Duron, but finally unfathomable mystery cut off on the reincarnated baby in Hilna’s arms.

Suddenly, Adier heart startled, tolerating the boiling of within the body Life Energy, forcibly took back the sword that had been pierced.

The sword that should have been pierced was forcibly withdrawn. In an instant, the blood of Adier within the body began to boil, and various strengths began to chaos within the body.

When Adier reassured the boiling strength within the body again, the silhouette of Doron was completely gone.

Looking like this, it seems to have already left.

“Doron …”

Adier’s face was calm, but at the moment there was some coldness, silently turned to look at Mar on the side, with some queries in his eyes.

Mar instantly understood the meaning of Adier, so silently hook the head: “No …”

“He has the fraud mask on him, and the Divine Item cover, I can’t find his position …”

Her face was pale, apparently she had just tried to trace it back, but in the end she got no results.

So Adier shook the head, gave up the idea, and then looked towards Kudoor on the side.

At the moment, along with the mutation of the battle below, in the void, 2 Divine Items also ended the confrontation.

The Dim Eye and the Sun God came separately, and at the moment they flew into the hands of Kudoni and the two solar sacrifices.

On the 2 Divine Items, the original brilliance has gradually dimmed at this moment, and it seems that it has consumed too much strength, so that it has fallen into silence at this moment.

The silence of the two Divine Item also means the end of the battle.

The Dim Church successfully saved the reincarnated body of the Dim Lord, but on the side of the Supreme Sun Cult meeting, this time was a heavy loss.

In order to seize the reincarnated body of the Lord of Darkness, the Church of the King of the Sun dispatched a dozen or so High Priest close to the Legendary sacrifice, and there is also a person Legendary Peak sacrifice.

But up to now, except for the two sacrifices saved by Adier, the rest of them were killed by Doron.

The development of this situation is obviously beyond everyone’s expectations.

“We have decided to take the reincarnation of my lord and leave to escape elsewhere until my lord grows up smoothly …”

In front of him, Kudoni’s face was serious in the arms of Hilna. At this moment, Adier looked at the solemn and thanked: “I represent the entire dim church and my lord, thank you for your help.”

“If this time were not for you, the entire dim church would be in a desperate situation …”

As his voice fell, behind Kudoni, Hilna and the other calling masters all lowered their bodies and gave Adier one of the most solemn courtesies.

They really should thank Adier.

This time if it were not Adier, a Knight who was close to Peak in the field of myths, they might not be able to stop the sacrifice of the Sun King, let alone the Doron that appeared later.

In a way, Adier ’s shot at this time was considered to save the entire dark church,

There is also the reincarnated body of the Dim Lord.

For the Dim Lord, the meaning is self-evident.

“It’s ok……”

Adier shook the head, said: “I promised to shoot for you, this is something I have promised for decades, but at this moment it is just fulfilling the promise that’s all, can’t be considered what.”

His face was calm, so he said so.

On the opposite side, it seemed that he had heard his words. In Kudoni’s arms, the baby opened his eyes, and a pair of golden eyes looked at Adier in front of him. Nodded to him, he seemed to be thankful.

Although he was just born, as the reincarnated body of the Lord of Darkness, this baby undoubtedly has a strong spirituality. Although he has not fully restored his will to be God at this moment, he also has a strong instinct and is aware of the situation at hand .

“I have a request……”

Kudoni looked at the reincarnated body of the dim Lord in his arms, looked at Adier in front of him and finally took a deep breath and made a decision.

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